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Thursday, April 04, 2013
If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
Mumbai police are probing the leak of an internal circular regarding the women's wing of an Islamic organisation allegedly brainwashing and training girls for Jihad.
The recently issued internal circular by Mumbai police's Special Branch sparked controversy as it said the Girls Islamic Organisation (GIO) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, one of the country's largest Islamic organisations that runs 40 high schools and three junior colleges in Maharashtra, has been operating with the objective of "brainwashing college and school girls and training them for jihad."
the real objective of this organisation is to brainwash school and college girls and train them for jihadThe circular, meant to be for personnel within the police department, got leaked and invited the wrath of Jamaat, with its Maharashtra spokesman Mohammad Aslam Ghazi threatening to sue the department if it does not apologise.
Amid threats of legal action and mounting anger of the outfit, a Special Branch officer said, "It is true that we have received information about anti-national activities by the GIO, but as of now our surveillance has not discovered anything like this in Maharashtra. We did not find any suspicious activity of the GIO in the state".
The circular, issued last month, says, "The group, GIO, is related to Jamaat-e-Islami Hind and it was established in Kerala. The purported aim of this organisation is to make more and more Muslim women aware of their religion and the holy Quran. But the real objective of this organisation is to brainwash school and college girls and train them for jihad".
A delegation of Jamaat, headed by the outfit's Maharashtra presidentJamaat-e-Islami Hind met special branch chief and additional police commissioner Naval Bajaj on Monday, seeking his response on the matter.
A letter from the organisation's office seeking police's response and apology in writing will be sent soon. If the outfit is not satisfied with the reply, then a legal notice will be served to them, the Jamaat claimed.
Meanwhile, Mumbai police have also started an investigation to ascertain as to how the internal circular got leaked to the media.
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