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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.


As bad as Assad is, he is a secular ruler under whom minorities, Christian and otherwise in Syria, do not live in fear. Women are free to work and dress as they please, and sharia law is nowhere to be found. If Assad falls, Syria will become an Islamofascist state just like all the other so-called ‘Arab Spring’ states.

We in the West don't get it. The calipahate is not crumbling into ruins, it is building an empire from the ruins. Saudi Arabia and Jordan are next in the queue.

The muhammanoids will have no trouble insinuating themselves into the orifices of power left vacant by their murderous spree. In a few years all remnants of Christians and Jews will have been annihilated and there will be only one brand of Shiit to deal with. Please Allah, let the muhammanoids keep on killing each other for a long long time. Inshallah! The religion of peace.
DANIEL PIPES: Keep the (Syrian) war going. Better to have Muslims killing Muslims than al-Qaeda linked Muslim Brotherhood groups running the country
Today's news made by « barenakedislam » 

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