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Check the Pulse does not make the news that we report.
It is a project to MAKE KNOWN the TRUTH buried deep in the news by debunking the sweet-talk that our credulous political, corporate, religious and other leaders regurgitate through the biased media for our naive consumption using mesmerising techniques of political correctness, disinformation, misrepresentation, fraud, subterfuge and lies.
Check the Pulse is particularly concerned with FREEDOM. It believes that our freedom is a natural, universal and inalienable right. We inherited our rights and freedom from our courageous ancestors who shed their blood to own them. Now we must fight to keep them.
Check the Pulse believes that INDIFFERENCE is our enemy. We can enjoy our superior and privileged lifestyle only so long as we actually care to defend it by any means.
Western political leaders are voracious vote buyers to the exclusion of common sense, honour or integrity. They use currency from the stolen purse of the people, whom they supposedly represent, to buy these votes. They use your money to sell you out.
There is not a visionary testicle between them, yet they claim to KNOW what is good for you now and for your future. They seek to control what you can say, what you can listen to, what you can read and what you can see. They want to take away your freedom of speech - a basic right of any free citizen.
Those of us not beguiled by our wind filled leaders can see right through vacuous political platitudes that they garnish with multicultural claptrap. Not all of us are useful idiots.
Islam is the pulse that beats for the media and dominates the news, so we will need to focus on that Issue. We don’t apologise for others making headlines and we won’t ignore the news because it is offensive to someone. We will report the good and the bad; the smelly and the fragrant.
We know that the Islamists don’t like us because that is what they tell us.
We are expected to relinquish our rights to express ourselves, while enabling this brainwashed Jihadi to shove his rancid religious ideology in our face.
Neither this enswathed fool nor his western political chums care to know that The Universal Charter of Human Rights says:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Mindless detachment from reality will surely rob the next generation of children and the rest of civilized humanity, of the freedom they now take for granted.
The majority of parents and our leaders are dismissive of these words because their apathy is drip-fed through the veins of purblind complacency and they fail to notice their freedom dribbling away.
Nothing good lasts forever.
How Human Rights and Freedom of Speech, that uniquely Western idea, became a pejorative is easy to understand when you also understand how the myth of Islamophobia slid into our world.
The Wikipedia says that Islamophobia is prejudice against, hatred towards, or irrational fear of Muslims . In 1997, the British Runnymede Trust defined Islamophobia as the "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, [the] fear and dislike of all Muslims," stating that it also refers to the practice of discriminating against Muslims by excluding them from the economic, social, and public life of the nation. The concept also encompasses the opinions that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology religion [4]
Here at Pulse we are a lot more discerning than the Wikipedia mob who appear to be as comatose as our political leaders. We actually take our intellectual pulse and we seem to be alive. Take a cursory look at world affairs today, then cast your mind back a decade or two and you can't fail to notice that an underlying fear has crept into our our cherished lifestyle and it is becoming part of our cultural identity. We do have something to fear; it is the Religion of Peace and it is the Jihadists who sow it. They don't care about freedom or life in general, or women, or little girls.
What news dispatches dominate the broadcast skyline? Is it stuff about extraordinary scientific discoveries or Einsteinian brilliance? What newsy words and catch phrases grate our ears; what barbarity and wickedness penetrates our eyeballs? Is it Christianity or or Jainism or even the Sikhs or the People of the Book or the Amish who keep us awake at night? Maybe the Buddhists or the Rastafari movement is what we need to be concerned about. Is there a -phobia suffix for any of those supernatural belief systems? Would Zoroastria-phobia fund an academic chair?
Bombing, murder, honor killing, beheading, riots, freedom haters, death to …anyone you want to insert here... and on and on, are all associated ideas of a single group. These people have names like Jihad and War and Sword. Are British or Americans or Israelis or the French, the Hawaiians or the Australians strapping explosives to themselves and exchanging the lives of uninvolved innocent citizens for a few dozen celestial virgins? Is any Western country destroying priceless cultural artefacts because their medieval prophet decreed thus?
The Islamophobia myth has bamboozled the media and the politicians. George W. Bush’s asinine assurance to the world that Islam is a Religion of Peace has entrenched that myth. We know that NOT all Muslims are NOT terrorists. So What? It's the ones that ARE that give up sleepless nights.
There are no refugees queuing to immigrate to Iraq or Iran or Syria or Tunisia or any of the caliphate loving countries. They come to our freedom loving and free speaking countries because we let them in and because they are not stupid. We give them free access to our social security and free medical and lots of other free goodies. Then they bring their sick mothers and fathers and a conga-line of inbred siblings to siphon our handouts.
Islamophobia is a rational fear of Islam, not an irrational misunderstanding of that self-styled religion of peace. Western culture has so much more merit than that miserable bronze-age doctrine the Islamists seek to chain us to. Without human rights you have nothing. Check the pulse of the hopeless souls on this planet... the downtrodden have no rights... they are mostly uneducated and poor and sadly, women and little girls.
It is a project to MAKE KNOWN the TRUTH buried deep in the news by debunking the sweet-talk that our credulous political, corporate, religious and other leaders regurgitate through the biased media for our naive consumption using mesmerising techniques of political correctness, disinformation, misrepresentation, fraud, subterfuge and lies.
Check the Pulse is particularly concerned with FREEDOM. It believes that our freedom is a natural, universal and inalienable right. We inherited our rights and freedom from our courageous ancestors who shed their blood to own them. Now we must fight to keep them.
Check the Pulse believes that INDIFFERENCE is our enemy. We can enjoy our superior and privileged lifestyle only so long as we actually care to defend it by any means.
Western political leaders are voracious vote buyers to the exclusion of common sense, honour or integrity. They use currency from the stolen purse of the people, whom they supposedly represent, to buy these votes. They use your money to sell you out.
There is not a visionary testicle between them, yet they claim to KNOW what is good for you now and for your future. They seek to control what you can say, what you can listen to, what you can read and what you can see. They want to take away your freedom of speech - a basic right of any free citizen.
Those of us not beguiled by our wind filled leaders can see right through vacuous political platitudes that they garnish with multicultural claptrap. Not all of us are useful idiots.
Islam is the pulse that beats for the media and dominates the news, so we will need to focus on that Issue. We don’t apologise for others making headlines and we won’t ignore the news because it is offensive to someone. We will report the good and the bad; the smelly and the fragrant.
We know that the Islamists don’t like us because that is what they tell us.
We are expected to relinquish our rights to express ourselves, while enabling this brainwashed Jihadi to shove his rancid religious ideology in our face.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Mindless detachment from reality will surely rob the next generation of children and the rest of civilized humanity, of the freedom they now take for granted.
The majority of parents and our leaders are dismissive of these words because their apathy is drip-fed through the veins of purblind complacency and they fail to notice their freedom dribbling away.
Nothing good lasts forever.
How Human Rights and Freedom of Speech, that uniquely Western idea, became a pejorative is easy to understand when you also understand how the myth of Islamophobia slid into our world.
The Wikipedia says that Islamophobia is prejudice against, hatred towards, or irrational fear of Muslims . In 1997, the British Runnymede Trust defined Islamophobia as the "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, [the] fear and dislike of all Muslims," stating that it also refers to the practice of discriminating against Muslims by excluding them from the economic, social, and public life of the nation. The concept also encompasses the opinions that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology religion [4]
Here at Pulse we are a lot more discerning than the Wikipedia mob who appear to be as comatose as our political leaders. We actually take our intellectual pulse and we seem to be alive. Take a cursory look at world affairs today, then cast your mind back a decade or two and you can't fail to notice that an underlying fear has crept into our our cherished lifestyle and it is becoming part of our cultural identity. We do have something to fear; it is the Religion of Peace and it is the Jihadists who sow it. They don't care about freedom or life in general, or women, or little girls.
What news dispatches dominate the broadcast skyline? Is it stuff about extraordinary scientific discoveries or Einsteinian brilliance? What newsy words and catch phrases grate our ears; what barbarity and wickedness penetrates our eyeballs? Is it Christianity or or Jainism or even the Sikhs or the People of the Book or the Amish who keep us awake at night? Maybe the Buddhists or the Rastafari movement is what we need to be concerned about. Is there a -phobia suffix for any of those supernatural belief systems? Would Zoroastria-phobia fund an academic chair?
Bombing, murder, honor killing, beheading, riots, freedom haters, death to …anyone you want to insert here... and on and on, are all associated ideas of a single group. These people have names like Jihad and War and Sword. Are British or Americans or Israelis or the French, the Hawaiians or the Australians strapping explosives to themselves and exchanging the lives of uninvolved innocent citizens for a few dozen celestial virgins? Is any Western country destroying priceless cultural artefacts because their medieval prophet decreed thus?
The Islamophobia myth has bamboozled the media and the politicians. George W. Bush’s asinine assurance to the world that Islam is a Religion of Peace has entrenched that myth. We know that NOT all Muslims are NOT terrorists. So What? It's the ones that ARE that give up sleepless nights.
There are no refugees queuing to immigrate to Iraq or Iran or Syria or Tunisia or any of the caliphate loving countries. They come to our freedom loving and free speaking countries because we let them in and because they are not stupid. We give them free access to our social security and free medical and lots of other free goodies. Then they bring their sick mothers and fathers and a conga-line of inbred siblings to siphon our handouts.
Islamophobia is a rational fear of Islam, not an irrational misunderstanding of that self-styled religion of peace. Western culture has so much more merit than that miserable bronze-age doctrine the Islamists seek to chain us to. Without human rights you have nothing. Check the pulse of the hopeless souls on this planet... the downtrodden have no rights... they are mostly uneducated and poor and sadly, women and little girls.
..except when you're talking about Islam. Because Muslims can magically transform TRUTHS into blatant LIES using only Islamic Sharia as a prop. The reverse is also true, Muslims can transform blatant Lies into Truths using only Sharia.
Civilized people, like us, think that slander is a malicious lie told with the intent to harm another person.
Under Islamic Sharia law 'slander' is: 'to mention of your brother that which he would dislike.'
In other words, Islamic 'slander' is the revealing of anything or divulging a confidential secret, whose disclosure is resented.
The Penalty for Islamic 'slander' is death.
You try convincing a bronze age Imam that you are telling the Truth as he weighs the measure of resentment caused by your Truth. And then consider this: In Islam, it matters not whether a TRUTH or a LIE is declared because either way if you are a kafir (and I am) and you unsettle the Muslims and cause them to 'resent' you, you will lose your head.
Muslims are so so touchy and edgy and nervy and easily rattled because they have nothing going for them except that raging goggle-eyed stare and their frenzied hysterical tantrums. They know their religion is crazy and they know they can never justify the evil savage barbaric acts perpetrated in the name of their religion... and that is very frustrating to them.
So, even though the statement: 'Muhammad is a pedophile who had sex with a nine year old child' is a TRUTH statement about Muhammad, and even though the definition of a pedophile is 'someone who has sex with a (nine year old) child', merely making such a statement of TRUTH is considered by Muslims and Islamic apologists to be ‘slander’ and therefore according to Islam, it cannot be a statement of 'Truth'.
In other word, TRUTH is what Muslims say is True, even if it is a blatant lie... and in Islam under Sharia Law, 'slander' takes place when you say something... anything... that is considered to be 'slanderous'. And it is the Muslims themselves who decide what is 'slanderous'. That in a nutshell is Islam’s typically duplicitous doctrine. But there’s more Islamic snakeoil to sell... wait till you encounter Taqiyya and Kitman, and then you will learn how telling blatant lies for Allah, is not only permissible, it is obligatory.
If, as a kafir, you say anything at all that is resented by a Muslim or does not benefit him, then you have 'slandered' Islam under Sharia law. It doesn’t matter if what you say is true or false, but only whether it makes Muslims look bad.
Muslims look like witless numbnuts every time the story of Muhammad and Aisha is told to non-Muslims. This is one of Islam’s dirty little secrets that must never be told to infidels. Its telling is resented by Muslims; therefore, those who tell it have 'slandered' Islam.
In a brief vitriolic email exchange, a Muslim admitted to me that Muhammad married a nine-year-old and admitted she was child... yet simultaneously vehemently denied Muhammad was a paedophile. It sounded like the conversation Humpty-Dumpty had with Alice, 'When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'
Under Sharia Law, the penalty for slandering Islam is death. Only the courageous like Aayan Hirsi Ali, are prepared to tell the Truth about Islam because Islam, like the Black Plague, spreads the fear of death over anyone who comes into contact with it. These 'death threats' are the justification behind those infamous signs that read 'Death to those who insult the prophet of Islam'.
I will keep telling the 'Truth' about Islam. I don’t care if Muslims consider me to be 'hostile' or 'inciting hatred' and 'denigration their religious beliefs' because the essence of my blog is TRUTH. I don’t give a damn whether Muslims feel bad or do not benefit from that Truth.
I will not play with Muslim’s psychopathic toys, because unlike Muslims, I have no need for brutal barbaric, misogynistic, twisted and illogical mind games to justify my behaviour.
Only a culture that is so embarrassed by its diabolically evil 7th century murderous killer uber-prophet, would come up with lies to justify the greatest anti-women and anti-child hate ideology ever conceived.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said 'The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it, and a lie is still a lie, even if everybody believes it.'
Under Islamic Sharia law 'slander' is: 'to mention of your brother that which he would dislike.'
In other words, Islamic 'slander' is the revealing of anything or divulging a confidential secret, whose disclosure is resented.
The Penalty for Islamic 'slander' is death.
Finally. We don't care if you think we are racists or bigots for focussing our attention on Islam. Islam is not a race... it is not even a religion. Islam is a way of life (or as they like to say.. a way of death) for its adherents. We will criticise anyone's way-of-life or death-cult if it endangers the existence of decent life-loving people. And Islam certainly does that.
Pulse moderates your comments because we can.
Pulse will deny freedom of speech to the uncultured, the cretinous and the witless. Conspiracy theorists, scam artists (like alternative medicine proponents and anti-vaxers) don't even get a chance.
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