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I have been cut off from my blog numerous times. I have been threatened and abused by muslims.
The longer I publish this blog, the more I hate Islam. Read any of the posts on this blog and you too will come to the conclusion that nothing changes. Islam is, and always will be, evil.
Muslims and lefties are trying to stop me telling you the unvarnished TRUTH about Islam. They are trying to stop me saying that Islam is a despicable religion with a beastly prophet.
Muslims email me incoherent threatening missives every day. Their pitch is an offer to rape, stone or behead me. I don't care what Muslims think of me. Islam is not my religion and Muhammad is not my prophet and I regard Islam as the apotheosis of hate crimes.
There is nothing I can say and nothing I can do that can illustrate the evil incarnate of Islam any better than the vile words of the Koran itself and Muhammad's own words and deeds.
If Islam were invented today, it would be banned as a hateful ideology and all adherents would be jailed for hate crimes against humanity. And its prophet would be institutionalized in a padded cell.
Islam is no religion of peace – it is a savage and brutal ideology, a plague on this planet. And Muslims are the carriers of that plague.
I am shit scared of Islam. That means I am Islamophobic.
Muslims: If you wallow in it - deal with it.
Muslims email me incoherent threatening missives every day. Their pitch is an offer to rape, stone or behead me. I don't care what Muslims think of me. Islam is not my religion and Muhammad is not my prophet and I regard Islam as the apotheosis of hate crimes.
There is nothing I can say and nothing I can do that can illustrate the evil incarnate of Islam any better than the vile words of the Koran itself and Muhammad's own words and deeds.
If Islam were invented today, it would be banned as a hateful ideology and all adherents would be jailed for hate crimes against humanity. And its prophet would be institutionalized in a padded cell.
Islam is no religion of peace – it is a savage and brutal ideology, a plague on this planet. And Muslims are the carriers of that plague.
I am shit scared of Islam. That means I am Islamophobic.
Muslims: If you wallow in it - deal with it.
Your media and your elected politicians wilfully ignore the only conspicuous material issue adversely effecting the whole of Europe... that issue is Islam. That issue will affect you... no matter where you live or what culture you follow.
The nightly news enables you to observe your politicians drooling tolerant platitudes over intolerant Islamists. Should a critical finger be pointed at Islam, muhammanoid apologists flood the media with a tsunami of noise cancelling Islamophobic whining.
Islam proves time and time again that it is a scourge that has fallen upon this earth and that its proponents are dangerous lunatics. All adults who believe in the tooth fairy are irrational, but the tooth fairy that Islamists role-model their lives on, is a rabid psychotic killer.
If I tell the truth about the hourly horrors perpetrated by Muslims, then the media, the Muslims themselves, our treacherous politicians, the inter-faith useful idiots, the indifferent and the useless moderate spectators, automatically label me a far-right, racist, narrow-minded, xenophobic bigot. I get many emails spewing incoherent hate at me for apparently being a 'racist'. If a 'racist' is defined as a concerned citizen who is willing to expose the truth about a dysfunctional death cult... then I am a proud racist.
Our suicidal lefty liberals capitulated to Islam a long time ago. These nescient people don't even realise that they have become their own citizens' worst enemy. These gutless little people are fighting Islam's cultural wars against civilised humanity on behalf of their Muslim masters.
The nightly news enables you to observe your politicians drooling tolerant platitudes over intolerant Islamists. Should a critical finger be pointed at Islam, muhammanoid apologists flood the media with a tsunami of noise cancelling Islamophobic whining.
Islam proves time and time again that it is a scourge that has fallen upon this earth and that its proponents are dangerous lunatics. All adults who believe in the tooth fairy are irrational, but the tooth fairy that Islamists role-model their lives on, is a rabid psychotic killer.
If I tell the truth about the hourly horrors perpetrated by Muslims, then the media, the Muslims themselves, our treacherous politicians, the inter-faith useful idiots, the indifferent and the useless moderate spectators, automatically label me a far-right, racist, narrow-minded, xenophobic bigot. I get many emails spewing incoherent hate at me for apparently being a 'racist'. If a 'racist' is defined as a concerned citizen who is willing to expose the truth about a dysfunctional death cult... then I am a proud racist.
Our suicidal lefty liberals capitulated to Islam a long time ago. These nescient people don't even realise that they have become their own citizens' worst enemy. These gutless little people are fighting Islam's cultural wars against civilised humanity on behalf of their Muslim masters.
The only question you need to ask yourself is this:
No sane God could have come up with a religion that is so diabolically evil unless that God was the devil himself.
If Muslims take the Koran and Sunna seriously as the word of their God,how could these Muslims not act on these words
The purveyor of the greatest anti-women and anti-child hate ideology ever conceived was a 7th century murderous killer, misogynist and pedophile who claimed he could channel messages from God. He could only have been a madman who thought he was a prophet of god, or a psychopathic shyster who was well aware that simple minded peasants, who still today, believe the earth is flat and drink camel piss as a medicinal, would believe anything.No sane God could have come up with a religion that is so diabolically evil unless that God was the devil himself.
My mother told me that if lots of people think the same way about anything, then it must be true... like the flat earth and gods who love you yet choose to kill you with plague or a tsunami or earthquakes.
Lots of people tell me that I am a racist. So that must be true even though I never thought of myself as a racist. Actually, the entire spectrum from the political left to the right, tell me I’m a racist. Conservatives and liberals and democrats and labor people tell me I’m a racist. My friends and family tell me I’m a racist. Email I get from Moslems and their apologists, tell me I’m a racist. Most people also supplement their offensive remarks by telling me that I am a bigot, xenophobe, maniac, a prejudiced nutter an Islamophobe, and all manner of 'ist and 'obe things... but for now lets focus on my racism because realising that I am a racist is quite liberating. Only my dog Fabio thinks differently and what would he know.
In reality, I am ambivalent towards other cultures and foreigners and people with different skin colors and genders, just as Fabio is ambivalent to bicycles and garden gnomes.
But when my culture is threatened, I turn rabidly defensive and I will attack... just as Fabio attacks when a cat slinks into his territory. Fabio and I are, I reckon, both racists who want to keep our own culture flourishing in the face of those who seek to pee on our porch. Fabio would be furious with me, were I to insist that a herd of multicultural cats take up residency in his territory, to share his snacks and his favourite mat in his particular zone of sunshine.
With furious intensity, Fabio defends his territory and his doggy culture, his historical sniffing route, his peeing trunks and posts... yet I don’t consider Fabio is a racist pooch. Fabio is a Catophobe and I am an Islamophobe. I call him a catophobe when he looks at cats suspiciously.
Now that that’s out the way and we have determined that I am definitely a racist, we can look at ... TRUTHS or ... NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS...
My mother told me that if lots of people think the same way about anything, then it must be true... like the flat earth and gods who love you yet choose to kill you with plague or a tsunami or earthquakes.
Lots of people tell me that I am a racist. So that must be true even though I never thought of myself as a racist. Actually, the entire spectrum from the political left to the right, tell me I’m a racist. Conservatives and liberals and democrats and labor people tell me I’m a racist. My friends and family tell me I’m a racist. Email I get from Moslems and their apologists, tell me I’m a racist. Most people also supplement their offensive remarks by telling me that I am a bigot, xenophobe, maniac, a prejudiced nutter an Islamophobe, and all manner of 'ist and 'obe things... but for now lets focus on my racism because realising that I am a racist is quite liberating. Only my dog Fabio thinks differently and what would he know.
In reality, I am ambivalent towards other cultures and foreigners and people with different skin colors and genders, just as Fabio is ambivalent to bicycles and garden gnomes.
But when my culture is threatened, I turn rabidly defensive and I will attack... just as Fabio attacks when a cat slinks into his territory. Fabio and I are, I reckon, both racists who want to keep our own culture flourishing in the face of those who seek to pee on our porch. Fabio would be furious with me, were I to insist that a herd of multicultural cats take up residency in his territory, to share his snacks and his favourite mat in his particular zone of sunshine.
With furious intensity, Fabio defends his territory and his doggy culture, his historical sniffing route, his peeing trunks and posts... yet I don’t consider Fabio is a racist pooch. Fabio is a Catophobe and I am an Islamophobe. I call him a catophobe when he looks at cats suspiciously.
Now that that’s out the way and we have determined that I am definitely a racist, we can look at ... TRUTHS or ... NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali said "Tolerance of the intolerant is cowardice."
The people I care about ask me 'So What do you expect me to do about it?'
Really, you're asking me, yet you claim to be above average intelligence? Do exactly what you are doing about Global Warming. Do something or do nothing; the choice to get involved is yours alone.
You say you can't do anything because you're always "busy and tired" Then, at the very least, have the balls to bear your share of responsibility for the planet you helped mess up. So when your children recite your eulogy you can crack a grimace at the tribute they engraved into your headstone "She was busy and tired" which they punctuate with ironic gratitude for the hell-hole you bequeathed them.
What can you do? Write a blog. Talk to your friends. Have serious conversations about serious issues. Maybe even involve yourself in global moral issues by starting a blog. Donate to women's causes, donate or support other's blogs that expose injustice and tyranny. Supplement the bullshit espoused by your dhimmi politicians and your lefty media with honest truthful information from the real world... get information from as many sources as you can.
How about getting your mates together and banging pots and pans outside the Vatican and other Western Churches, to shame Christians into helping their sisters in the hell-Holes of the middle east where they are being exterminated by Muslims. If you are Jewish, need I remind you of the meaning of 'extermination'? The time has come to help others. Expose your moral profile by participating in worldly things to reclaim lost credibility and moral high ground cast off by the rest of humanity.
The time has come to take a deep breath, puff out your chest and do what is right.
At the very least, warn your children about the evils of Islam. Warn your daughters to stay a football field length away from Muslims. Or you can continue doing nothing and bear the consequences.
Really, you're asking me, yet you claim to be above average intelligence? Do exactly what you are doing about Global Warming. Do something or do nothing; the choice to get involved is yours alone.
You say you can't do anything because you're always "busy and tired" Then, at the very least, have the balls to bear your share of responsibility for the planet you helped mess up. So when your children recite your eulogy you can crack a grimace at the tribute they engraved into your headstone "She was busy and tired" which they punctuate with ironic gratitude for the hell-hole you bequeathed them.
What can you do? Write a blog. Talk to your friends. Have serious conversations about serious issues. Maybe even involve yourself in global moral issues by starting a blog. Donate to women's causes, donate or support other's blogs that expose injustice and tyranny. Supplement the bullshit espoused by your dhimmi politicians and your lefty media with honest truthful information from the real world... get information from as many sources as you can.
How about getting your mates together and banging pots and pans outside the Vatican and other Western Churches, to shame Christians into helping their sisters in the hell-Holes of the middle east where they are being exterminated by Muslims. If you are Jewish, need I remind you of the meaning of 'extermination'? The time has come to help others. Expose your moral profile by participating in worldly things to reclaim lost credibility and moral high ground cast off by the rest of humanity.
The time has come to take a deep breath, puff out your chest and do what is right.
At the very least, warn your children about the evils of Islam. Warn your daughters to stay a football field length away from Muslims. Or you can continue doing nothing and bear the consequences.
And if you can't be bothered to bookmark some important bloggers because you claim you don't have ten minutes a day to set aside, then you truly deserve to be screwed by your politicians, alternative healer quacks and everyone else who wants to screw you. And I won't give a damn.
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