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Thursday, April 04, 2013
Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it
"The nuclear bomb has been declared as haram, and we won’t use our nuclear power for anything else apart from peace"...
... if you believe that you will also believe that Islam is the "Religion of Peace" and you will be certified as officially delusional. If you know anything about Taqiyya in Islam, then you will know that Islamists are Liars.
That is my fatwa. What's yours?
<newindianexpress>That is my fatwa. What's yours?
Despite growing international pressure, and sanctions against Iran to expand its nuclear programme, the Islamic country has come up with its own indigenous fuel in response to the opposition and unavailability of uranium to run its nuclear reactors, said consulate general, of the Islamic Republic of Iran, HE Hassan Nourain, here on Monday.
Delivering a lecture on ‘Iran’s Islamic revolution: ideals and achievements’, on the occasion of the nation’s 34 republic day, at the Centre of Ocean Studies in Osmania University (OU), Nourain stated that after the international sanctions against his country it had become difficult to get fuel for the nuclear reactors.
“Now our own young scientists in Iran have produced it,” he proudly said.
a fatwa has been issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, the religious head of the country, against using nuclear bomb as it is against the tenents of Islam.He also mentioned a fatwa has been issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, the religious head of the country, against using nuclear bomb as it is against the tenents of Islam.
“The nuclear bomb has been declared as haram, and we won’t use our nuclear power for anything else apart from peace,” Nourain mentioned. He also said that since the revolution in 1979, it has become imperative to keep away from foreign influence. “All the sanctions and news by the western media is just to create a negative image of Iran. Before asking us to stop our nuclear programme, why don’t they ask Israel on why it is using the same thing for its own purposes,” he replied to a question from one of the delegates at the lecture.
He also questioned the motive behind America’s war against Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Every day US drones kill innocent people in Afghanistan, but nobody questions that. They said that they wanted to eradicate drug peddling in the country, but that has only grown ever since they stepped into the country,” he said.
Tags:Islam Evil,Islamic Claptrap; Dhimmitude; Taqiyya; Tabarruj etc,War; Terrorism; Brutality; Violence; Bloodshed; Savagery
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