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Wednesday, April 03, 2013
They breathe my air yet scorch my earth with their wretchedness; they butcher and cripple and shred flesh and bone of all who get in their way or dare to resist their mindless quest to rule all mankind under the heel of medieval Sharia law and the Islamic Caliphate. Jihad is the brainfart of depraved men and fear is the mechanism they use to exploit the natural gullibility of uneducated and stupid human beings.
<atlasshrugs2000>The Arabic on the flag shown above says, “On Saturday we kill the Jews, and on Sunday we kill the Christians.” It was displayed during the first Palestinian Muslim Intifada
This is confirmed at the google books link, below, from Leila Gilbert’s recent book, Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel Through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner Google books direct page link here.
"It's Saturday, so kill (/ fa-qattil /), i.e. massacre (frequentitive usage of Form II verb), the Jews; on Sunday, massacre the Christians."
"It's Saturday, so massacre the Jews; on Sunday, massacre the Christians."
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