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Friday, July 19, 2013
You may put off whom you please, and you may take to you whomever you desire. You may defer any of them you please, and you may have whomever you desire; there is no blame on you if you invite one who you had set aside. It is no sin.
Koran: 33:51
Koran: 33:51
“The British press euphemistically call them 'grooming gangs." Grooming. Yeah, right„
And so it begins, or should I say, continues. This is the very same Islamic pattern that we have seen in the UK, where hundreds of Muslim men have been arrested (and scores convicted) of gangraping and trafficking in underage non-Muslim girls.
Just last month, a Washington State muslim rapesd a 12-year-old girl he claimed was dressed "provocatively."
This is consistent with Islamic teachings -- the taking of infidel women as sex slaves is in accordance with Islamic law. And considering the sheer volume of rings -- hundreds of Muslim men -- of course the mosque and their religious clerics were involved. Jihad is promoted in the mosque as well. In all cases, the perpetrators were Muslim men and the victims were underage non-Muslim girls.
Investigators said Abdulle made the girls have sex with different men three to seven times a day and drugged them with marijuana, ecstasy and methamphetamine. The victim told police Abdulle would sleep near the door of the apartment with a gun and told her there would be a price to pay if she tried to leave.
UK, Canada, Australia, Europe and into every nook and cranny the sewer of Islam flows, the stench of Muslim Jihadists and rapists emanate. Do you hate Islam yet?
Guns, beatings, the stories are pretty horrific of what happens to these young people to keep them under the control of these monsters. Our biggest efforts have to be in preventing how young people end up in that situation.” The 16-year-old was able to get out of the apartment and went to a local hospital for help.
UK, Canada, Australia, Europe and into every nook and cranny the sewer of Islam flows, the stench of Muslim Jihadists and rapists emanate. Do you hate Islam yet?
"Seattle, Washington: Muslim Man Charged With Kidnapping Girls and Operating Child-Sex Prostitution Ring" By Sharia unveiled, July 16, 2013
Yussuf Abdulle, (32) Kidnapping, beating and prostituting young American girls by, Dana Rebik
WEST SEATTLE — On any given night in Seattle, there are 1,000 young people with no safe place to sleep. It’s estimated that one in three of them will be lured into prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home.
“The next thing you know, they’re in someone’s home who is requiring this of them for a safe place to sleep and from there the dark path begins,” said Melinda Giovengo, Executive Director of YouthCare.
It happened to a 16-year-old girl in West Seattle. She was kicked out of her house and a friend said she could stay with her and 32-year-old Yussuf Abdulle at an apartment in the 8400 block of Delridge Way SW.
Investigators said Abdulle made the girls have sex with different men three to seven times a day and drugged them with marijuana, ecstasy and methamphetamine. The victim told police Abdulle would sleep near the door of the apartment with a gun and told her there would be a price to pay if she tried to leave.
“Guns, beatings, the stories are pretty horrific of what happens to these young people to keep them under the control of these monsters,” Giovengo said. “Our biggest efforts have to be in preventing how young people end up in that situation.” The 16-year-old was able to get out of the apartment and went to a local hospital for help.
Giovengo works to get youth off the streets and helped organize the Safe Place program. A young person between the ages of 12 and 17 in need of help can approach any Metro bus driver, who will then make a call to trigger contact with a youth service provider. Runaways can also call 1-800-422-TEEN to find shelter and/or counseling.
In addition to help from Metro drivers, young people in King County have another option if they need help quickly.
“Text 4 HELP” is a National Safe Place service that uses SMS text technology to offer information about the closest location to access immediate help and safety. By texting the word “SAFE” and their current location to 69866, youth can get help within seconds. In the Seattle area, they will be referred to shelters that will provide the assistance they need.
Yussuf Abdulle has been charged with kidnapping and two counts of promoting commercial sexual abuse of a minor. He is being held at the King County Jail on $200,000 bail and will be arraigned on May 22.
Yussuf Abdulle, (32) Kidnapping, beating and prostituting young American girls by, Dana Rebik
WEST SEATTLE — On any given night in Seattle, there are 1,000 young people with no safe place to sleep. It’s estimated that one in three of them will be lured into prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home.
“The next thing you know, they’re in someone’s home who is requiring this of them for a safe place to sleep and from there the dark path begins,” said Melinda Giovengo, Executive Director of YouthCare.
It happened to a 16-year-old girl in West Seattle. She was kicked out of her house and a friend said she could stay with her and 32-year-old Yussuf Abdulle at an apartment in the 8400 block of Delridge Way SW.
Investigators said Abdulle made the girls have sex with different men three to seven times a day and drugged them with marijuana, ecstasy and methamphetamine. The victim told police Abdulle would sleep near the door of the apartment with a gun and told her there would be a price to pay if she tried to leave.
“Guns, beatings, the stories are pretty horrific of what happens to these young people to keep them under the control of these monsters,” Giovengo said. “Our biggest efforts have to be in preventing how young people end up in that situation.” The 16-year-old was able to get out of the apartment and went to a local hospital for help.
Giovengo works to get youth off the streets and helped organize the Safe Place program. A young person between the ages of 12 and 17 in need of help can approach any Metro bus driver, who will then make a call to trigger contact with a youth service provider. Runaways can also call 1-800-422-TEEN to find shelter and/or counseling.
In addition to help from Metro drivers, young people in King County have another option if they need help quickly.
“Text 4 HELP” is a National Safe Place service that uses SMS text technology to offer information about the closest location to access immediate help and safety. By texting the word “SAFE” and their current location to 69866, youth can get help within seconds. In the Seattle area, they will be referred to shelters that will provide the assistance they need.
Yussuf Abdulle has been charged with kidnapping and two counts of promoting commercial sexual abuse of a minor. He is being held at the King County Jail on $200,000 bail and will be arraigned on May 22.
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