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Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Have you not seen those to whom it was said: Withhold your hands from fighting, perform the prayer and pay the zakat. But when orders for fighting were issued, a party of them feared men as they ought to have feared Allah. They say: 'Our Lord, why have You ordained fighting for us, why have You made war compulsory?'

Koran: 4:77

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary in fresh vile rant: 'Lee Rigby will burn in hellfire because he was not a Muslim... but accused Adebolajo is a nice man'

Raising his arm into a Usain Bolt pose, Michael Adebolajo kisses a copy of the Koran with his eyes closed
  • Radical preacher still not arrested despite his attempts to stir up hatred
  • Anjem Choudary filmed saying that Lee Rigby deserves no sympathy
  • Rubbishes Help for Heroes and says British soldiers kill Afghan children
  • Extremist calls murder suspect Michael Adebolajo a 'nice man'
  • Choudary later denied that his comments on Lee Rigby were 'incendiary'
The extremist maintains that despite being executed in barbaric circumstances the 25-year-old father of one deserves no sympathy because he is a 'non-Muslim' and called one suspect a 'nice man'.
Cameron is responsible for this. His blatant capitulation to Islam and the blatant lies he broadcasts to the stupid citizens that elected such a loser, enable the Choudaryies of Britain to poke a finger of defiance into the eye of the British people. My father-in-law was a WW2 British soldier and I have no doubt he will be gyrating furiously in his grave at the treachery of the leadership.

Tolerating the intolerant is cowardice said Aayan Hirsi Ali. Cameron and the rest of his cohorts are those chicken-hearted cowards who have sold their citizens out for a handful of evil blood-soaked votes.
dailymail — Martin Robinson
In court: Raising his arm into a Usain Bolt pose, Michael Adebolajo kisses a copy of the Koran with his eyes closedMurdered soldier Lee Rigby will 'burn in hellfire' and those who killed him should be considered martyrs, hate preacher Anjem Choudary has said in another poisonous rant on film.
The extremist maintains that despite being executed in barbaric circumstances the 25-year-old father of one deserves no sympathy because he is a 'non-Muslim' and called one suspect a 'nice man'.
It is yet another vile outburst by Choudary, who insists on using Drummer Rigby's murder to stir up hatred, but police will still not arrest him.
He has persistently refused to condemn the murder in Woolwich almost a fortnight ago and blames 'war monger' David Cameron for radicalising young British Muslims to the extent they carry out acts.

It is yet another vile outburst by Choudary, who insists on using Drummer Rigby's murder to stir up hatred, but police will still not arrest him.
A video uncovered by The Sun, shows the preacher, who claims £25,000 a year in benefits, saying that the people who murdered Drummer Rigby will go to 'Paradise'.
Two men have been charged with the murder and Choudary knew at least one of them, and today called one of the suspects, Michael Adebolajo, 28, a 'nice man'.
Filmed in an office near his mosque in north-east London, he would not denounce the soldier's death.
'So as an adult non-Muslim, whether he is part of the Army or not part of the Army, if he dies in a state of disbelief then he is going to go to the hellfire. That’s what I believe so I’m not going to feel sorry for non-Muslims.'
Choudary went on that the British Government is to blame for Drummer Rigby's death, which is a 'drop in the ocean'.
'I think you need to blame the people who are inciting and who are radicalising these youths, which is really the British government.
'You need to take into account the hundreds of thousands of incidents of people slaughtered, of weddings bombed, of Muslims tortured, of innocent people kept in prison for over ten years.'
'So as an adult non-Muslim, whether he is part of the Army or not part of the Army, if he dies in a state of disbelief then he is going to go to the hellfire. That’s what I believe so I’m not going to feel sorry for non-Muslims.'
He also attacked the charity Help for Heroes, which helps care for injured British soldiers, saying they cannot be heroes because they 'shoot children in Afghanistan'.
Later extremist Choudary insisted he had not 'said anything incendiary' and claims he does not fear being arrested.
'It was an hour long interview, and a couple of clips have been taken out of context,' he said.
'All I was saying is I don't believe he (Lee) will go to paradise. It is not a hate crime. I was not inciting anyone, or doing anything illegal.
'Most religions around the world are based on the same thing, if you do not believe you will go to hell.
'What is a hate crime, anyway? I don't think there is such a law. You cannot arrest someone for what they think.'
'What is a hate crime, anyway? I don't think there is such a law. You cannot arrest someone for what they think.'
Yesterday the two men accused of killing Drummer Rigby made separate appearances in court charged with his murder and other offences.
Michael Adebolajo, 28, of Romford, Essex, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court, and raised his arm into a Usain Bolt pose, and kissed a copy of the Koran with his eyes closed.
In an animated hearing he also stooped in the dock with a large bandage on his left arm, refused to stand and the 28-year-old also demanded to be called ‘Abu Hamza’.
Meanwhile Michael Adebowale, 22, of Greenwich, south-east London, appeared at the Old Bailey


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