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Wednesday, June 05, 2013
"We’re in a survival crisis. We all have to work together in order to survive with the euro zone, because if we don’t survive with the euro zone we will not survive with the European Union."

EU President Herman Van Rompuy

EU Gone Bad: Islam, Tribalism & Economic Crisis

It took the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab to correct Cameron in a series of tweets, saying that the gruesome killing wasn't a "betrayal" of Islam, but a "portrayal" of Islam.
It's over bar the shouting. Soon you can visit London to see Buckingham Mosque and Paris to see the Eiffel Minaret.
cbn — Dale Hurd
French historian Dominique Venner shocked France when he walked into Notre Dame Cathedral, put a letter on the altar and shot himself in the head. It was a protest against Islamization and France's new gay marriage law, and he said he hoped his suicide would wake up the nation.

But it looks like Europe has no choice. It's being forced to awaken because parts of Europe are literally on fire.

In Sweden, a few weeks ago predominantly Muslim immigrants set fires for several nights. In Britain, a soldier was butchered on a London street by a Muslim. In France, a recent convert to Islam tried to do the same thing to a French soldier at a Paris metro stop, but only wounded him.

Breeding Grounds for Radicalism
Amidst failing economies Europe is continuing to fracture into ethnic tribes that hate one another. Some European leaders have admitted that multiculturalism has failed.
Amidst failing economies Europe is continuing to fracture into ethnic tribes that hate one another. Some European leaders have admitted that multiculturalism has failed. It has created immigrant ghettos inside European cities that are breeding grounds for radicalism and hostility to mainstream society.

In Paris, CBN News asked Guy Milliere, author of the new book l'islam Radical est une Arme de Destruction Massive, or Radical Islam is a Weapon of Mass Destruction, why the European establishment continues to allow and encourage Islam to spread while suppressing Christianity.

"The connection between radical Muslims and the Left in Europe is that both are totalitarian," he replied. "(The Left) sees something in common between themselves and radical Muslims."

Most European leaders still seem to fear political correctness more than Islamic terrorism.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said, "There is nothing in Islam that justified the beheading of British soldier Lee Rigby by a Muslim," ignoring the many verses in the Quran that command Muslims to behead unbelievers.
It took the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab to correct Cameron in a series of tweets, saying that the gruesome killing wasn't a "betrayal" of Islam, but a "portrayal" of Islam.
Cameron instead called the murder "a betrayal of Islam." It took the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab to correct Cameron in a series of tweets, saying that the gruesome killing wasn't a "betrayal" of Islam, but a "portrayal" of Islam.

Enough is Enough

The Rigby murder caused rioting across Britain. At a demonstration over the killing, the head of the English Defence League Tommy Robinson said, "Our message is, 'Enough's enough.'"

"We have weak leaders, weak police," he charged. "Our police, our leaders tiptoe around this issue. This issue is political Islam. It's political Islam that's spreading across this country."

Across the English Channel in France opponents of the new gay marriage and adoption law now talk openly of revolution. One group even calls itself the "French Spring" ("Printemps Francais"). They view the new law as a tool of the Left to tear down French tradition, and it seems to have galvanized hatred for the leftist government of Francois Hollande.

"I think the main aim of the French government is to destroy traditional families. They speak about rights; they speak about equality. But it's not a question of rights. It's not a question of equality -- it's a question of the destruction of the family," Milliere said.

In Eastern Europe, fascism is on the march. Hungary's Jobbik is the third largest party in parliament.

"Only a show of strength is effective against the unscrupulous Zionist advance," Marton Gyongyosi, one of Jobbik's leaders, said at a recent demonstration.
"Europeans' faith in and belief in the European project--the fact that economic integration should be good for them--they don't believe that any more,"
Jobbik wants a national registry drawn up listing all the Jews in the country. Similar movements are active in Greece, Poland and Slovakia.

European Union a Failure?

Meanwhile, the European Union continues to fail economically, and a recent Pew poll shows that for the first time most EU citizens don't like the idea of the European Union.

"Europeans' faith in and belief in the European project--the fact that economic integration should be good for them--they don't believe that any more," Bruce Stokes, director of Pew's Global Economic Program, said.

"Europe should be written off, not Italy. It's Europe that's not working," according to an Italian taxi driver.

Reports across Europe seemingly substantiate his claims: homeless are squatting in unsold apartment buildings in Spain, and in Greece former members of the middle class find themselves sleeping outdoors.

It's no longer just ghettos that are breeding grounds for radicalism. Today trouble is brewing all across Europe.


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