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Sunday, April 07, 2013
Preserve their chastity except with their wives and the slave girls they possess - for which there is no blame.

Koran 70:28

Saudis don’t seem to think Assassinating a U.S. President or owning Slaves is a crime

One viral video in the Middle East sent out by Saudi Arabia calls for President “Barack Hussein Obama” to release a Saudi national named Homaidan Al-Turki (yes, that’s the same Al-Turki whose request for release to Saudi Arabia was denied by Tom Clements – the head of Colorado’s state Department of Corrections who was murdered one week after that denial).
It appears that muhammanoids have heard of the US Constitution in which the founding fathers spoke of  love and forgiveness. What a strange concept for Islam.


And while the Saudi government appeals to one president to release Al-Turki, there is no denunciation of another one of their countrymen, who had the gall to plan the assassination of another U.S. president, George W. Bush!
The stories of demands that Saudi terrorists and criminals be released from U.S. custody by the Saudi royals should at least spark an interest in the level of arrogance coming from the Saudi government – media as well as the populace in general.
The man Saudis want released, Homaidan Al-Turki, a Saudi national who was found guilty and sentenced for 28 years for holding an Indonesian woman identified as “Z.A.” as a “sex slave” while living in Colorado is “innocent” according to the king of Saudi Arabia and the general public there. Z.A. was ultimately arrested for failing to renew her passport, which helped lead to Al-Turki’s arrest.
would go to her room in the basement at night and sexually molest her, including digitally penetrating her and forcing her to perform oral sex on him
Al-Turki, according to court records in the United States…
…would go to her room in the basement at night and sexually molest her, including digitally penetrating her and forcing her to perform oral sex on him (Record 19:21- 22, 26, 65, 97, 99, 102; 21:41)… During the last incident of sexual abuse, which occurred approximately two weeks before Z.A.’s arrest, Mr. Al-Turki, for the first time, had sexual intercourse with Z.A., who was still a virgin (Record 21:44-46).”
Read more at shoebat

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