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Wednesday, June 19, 2013
My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was then brought in while the Messenger was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. Then the men and women got up and left. The Prophet consummated his marriage with me in my house when I was nine years old.

Tabari IX:131

Afghanistan's parliament has rejected a measure that would have barred men from marrying girls younger than 16, saying the proposal ran counter to Islamic ideology.

The measure also would have banned “baad, [the] traditional practice of buying or selling women to settle disputes,” and outlawed criminal charges being imposed on rape victims. Rape victims in Afghanistan often are charged with fornication or adultery.

The only question you need to ask yourself is this:
If Muslims take the Koran and Sunna seriously as the word of their God, how could these Muslims not act on his words?

The purveyor of the greatest anti-women and anti-child hate ideology ever conceived was a 7th century murderous killer, misogynist and paedophile who claimed he could channel messages from God. He could only have been a madman who thought he was a prophet of god or a psychopathic shyster who was well aware that simple minded peasants, who still today, believe the earth is flat and drink camel piss as a medicinal, would believe anything.

No sane God could have come up with a religion that is so diabolically evil unless that God was the devil himself.

Being an atheist I believe neither in the existence of Allah nor in any devil god, but I do believe an evil manipulative psychopath named Muhammad lived 1,400 years ago. That madman incited these ignorant and backward Muslims into a perpetual war and conquest against all those who are not Muslims. In other words, he wasn't prepared to keep his evil empire confined only to those subscribing to his death cult, he elected to spread his toxic ideas to everyone on our lovely planet. And then Islam's Ideological Black Plague infected the entire human race.

Let's make it even simpler, for those Muslims who still think there is some merit in Muhammad's teachings, by using only one example out of hundreds of examples of his damnable behaviour and wicked rulings, that could only have come from the mind of a madman.

This week, the Afghan Parliament upheld a law to grant stinking old Afghan men the right to marry children of any age. That ruling was upheld because Islam's Paedophile Misogynist Prophet, Mohammad, did just that 1,400 years ago. And stinking ignorant randy paedophile Afghan men say that if was good enough for that maniac then it is good enough for them.

1,400 years ago, Muhammad, a Muslim pervert role model, married a six year old child and then continually masturbated and ejaculated (called "thighing" by those in the know) against her body until she was nine. When she was nine he "married" her. In a civilised world that behaviour goes by the name of paedophilia and the perpetrator is jailed for that activity, sometimes for life.

Can you even imagine such abhorrence: Your sister or daughter being masturbated over by a stinking old man from the age of six until she is nine years old. Then losing her virginity to him at the age of nine.

Being masturbated over by foul old men is not an internal ideological Afghani issue; which we are told to respect. This is a Universal Human Rights issue about wellbeing... about basic decent human behaviour... about rights of human beings... and the wellbeing of humanity... especially women and children, whom Muslim men regard as their cattle.

Muslims email me incoherent threatening missives every day offering to rape or behead me because I don't believe in any god and dare to tell the unvarnished TRUTH about their despicable religion and the beastly prophet they choose as a role-model. Their arrogance blinds them to the fact that Islam is not my religion and Muhammad is not my prophet and I regard Islam as the apotheosis of hate crimes.

There is nothing I can say and nothing I can do that could express the evil incarnate in Islam any better than the Koran itself and Muhammad's own words and deeds.

If Islam were invented today it would be banned as a hateful ideology and all adherents would be jailed for hate crimes against humanity.

This is your cesspit. If you wallow in it - deal with it.
*On "thighing" upon little girls to satiate sexual lust and enjoyment for inbred Muslim men, Khomeini’s "Tahrirolvasyleh" (Vol. 4, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990) says: "It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning.*
** Volume 1, Book 4, Number 231: Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar:
I asked 'Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible. "**

The measure also would have banned “baad, [the] traditional practice of buying or selling women to settle disputes,” and outlawed criminal charges being imposed on rape victims, Breitbart reported. Rape victims in Afghanistan often are charged with fornication or adultery.

President Hamid Karzai reportedly supported the measures, but opponents said they “violate[d] Islamic principles,” Breitbart reported.

The failure of parliament to act in accordance with Mr. Karzai highlights a deep rift among the nation’s politicians. And it comes at a time when elections are set for April 2014 for a new president.
There is “a rift between conservative and more secular members of the community,”


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