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Monday, June 10, 2013
I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them.

( #xenaphobia #xenaphilia )

The police have discovered a gang that smuggled people out of Iran illegally to the Tirol. To help them get asylum the Muslims were offered courses in the Catholic faith. After that, the smuggled people could de facto no longer be deported.

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

A note on Taqiyya and Kitman: This comes under the heading of Islamic deceit as mandated in the Koran and further elucidated in the Hadiths. Under this tenet, Moslems may use ANY form of deceit (this includes lying, bearing false witness, swearing a false oath, taking on un-Islamic customs, apparel or conduct --- eating pork, drinking alcohol, etc --- AND also, appearing to adopt the trappings of another religion, even 'denying "allah", if in doing so, the Moslem needs to protect himself when living amongst those hostile to Islam or if the Moslem is dwelling in a non-Islamic land (the entire Western world) OR to advance the goals and cause of Islam, so long as he remains true to Islam, 'allah' and its 'prophet' in his heart.

Clearly, this is a problem for Western officials dealing with 'asylum' seekers/'refugees' --- that concept in itself is long past its use-by date. The West should not be a refuge point for anyone. This aspect of mandated deceit illustrates perfectly two issues: the West should refuse all 'emigration' by Moslems in whatever circumstances they present themselves. And, it underlines the psychotic and disturbed nature of Moslems, for whom deceit and distortion of reality is a central point of their warped ideology.
The police have discovered a gang that smuggled people out of Iran illegally to the Tirol. To help them get asylum the Muslims were offered courses in the Catholic faith. After that, the smuggled people could de facto no longer be deported.

After months of investigations, the criminal police apprehended 6 men and women, most of whom have confessed. They are Iranian citizens and Austrians of Iranian descent. According to the police, the mastermind is a 36-year-old woman who was found with around 30,000 euros in cash or savings books - she was taken into custody. All of them live in the Tirol.

Since 2011 the organisation illegally smuggled at least 60 Iranian citizens to Austria and helped them get a [favourable] asylum judgement using an "ingenious method", according to Christoph Hundertpfund, deputy director of the regional crime office. A sudden conversion to Christianity enabled the smuggled Iranians to secure permanent legal residence in Austria.
on Easter Eve 2013 alone, between 30 and 40 people converted to Catholicism from Islam via baptism
According to the criminal police, the smugglers ring organised "courses in the Catholic faith". These courses are offered by the Church, culminating with baptism. So, for example, on Easter Eve 2013 alone, between 30 and 40 people converted to Catholicism from Islam via baptism. Iran imposes the death penalty for defection from Islam and conversion to another religion. Religious persecution is a ground for claiming asylum.

The course allowed the smuggled people to acquire enough knowledge to make their new religious affiliation credible when examined by the authorities, according to Hundertpfund. In all cases asylum was sought because of religious persecution. In many cases either a positive decision was issued or the procedure has still not concluded.

Taqiyya and kitman or 'holy hypocrisy' has been diffused throughout Arabic culture for over fourteen hundred years since it was developed by Shiites as a means of defence and concealment of beliefs against Sunni unbelievers. As the Prophet said: 'he who keeps secrets shall soon attain his objectives.'

The skilful use of taqiyya and kitman was often a matter of life and death against enemies; it is also a matter of life and death to many contemporary Islamic terrorists. As so often in the history of Islam, a theological doctrine became operational.
According to Christian ethics lying is a sin; In Islamic jurisprudence and theology, the use of taqiyya against the unbelievers is regarded as a virtue and a religious duty.
During the Spanish inquisition, Sunni Moriscos attended mass and returned home to wash their hands of the 'holy water'. In operational terms, taqiyya and kitman allowed the 'mujahadeen ' to assume whatever identity was necessary to fulfill their mission; they had doctrinal and theological and later jurisprudential sanction to pretend to be Jews or Christians to gain access to Christian and Jewish targets: 'the mujahadeen can take the shape of the enemy'.

According to Christian ethics lying is a sin; In Islamic jurisprudence and theology, the use of taqiyya against the unbelievers is regarded as a virtue and a religious duty.

Like many Islamic concepts taqiyya and kitman were formed within the context of the Arab-Islamic matrix of tribalism, expansionary warfare and conflict. Taqiyya has been used by Muslims since the 7th century to confuse and split 'the enemy'. A favored tactic was 'deceptive triangulation'; to persuade the enemy that jihad was not aimed at them but at another enemy. Another tactic was to deny that there was jihad at all. The fate for such faulty assessments by the target was death. Daniel Pipes.


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