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Saturday, May 25, 2013
I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.

Koran: 8:12

The Muslim faith does not turn men to terror

Ultra Bullshit Quote from the Media and Muslims: "The two suspects in the Woolwich killing were violating the doctrine of their own holy book"
The journalist idiot who wrote this piece of ignorant apologetic horse shit, clearly has his head up some Imams arse.

He quotes 'Whosoever killeth a human being…” says the Koran, in the 32nd verse of its fifth chapter, “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.”

Yea, idiot, the Koran does say that.
Koranic verses like that and verse 2:256 "Let there be no compulsion in religion" are deceptive verses to mask the TRUE evil teachings of the Koran which are evil and an obscenity to man.

Try this for size from Bill Warner - politicalislam.com "There are 245 such verses, 4,018 words, in the Koran that say something positive about Kafirs. This is about 2.6% of the total Koranic text . However, in every case, the verse is followed by another verse that contradicts the "good" verses. Also, except for 7 verses (58 words), the "good" verse is abrogated later in the same chapter. The other 7 verses are contradicted in later Suras." Therefore ALL verses of the Koran are evil and immoral blasphemy. To understand the process of Abrogation go to: http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-27.htm
The very concept of Abrogation that God would destroy good verses with evil verses is in itself a great blasphemy"

Your type are the worst of traitors to the civilized world for shielding the evil that is Islam from scrutiny because you ARE one of those deluded Muslims who pretend your religion is benign. I regard your type of Muslim as the evil person who entices a small child to cross the road in the face of heavy traffic, with a lollypop.

Your mob cannot to defend the indefensible forever. Nothing remains the same. There will be a backlash and then you will really have something to whine about.

Today's news made by « Mehdi Hasan » 
'Whosoever killeth a human being…” says the Koran, in the 32nd verse of its fifth chapter, “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.”

Thus, the two supposedly Muslim men suspected of killing and mutilating an unarmed, off-duty soldier in the middle of a London street, while shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“God is Great”), were violating the injunction of their own holy book. Perversely, it was the non-Muslim Cub Scout leader who, in trying to save the soldier’s life, and standing up to his alleged attackers, was acting in accordance with Koranic principles. Let’s be clear: Islam doesn’t permit the killing of innocents. Jihad is permissible only in self-defence and if sanctioned by a legitimate government. To quote from our Prime Minister’s pitch-perfect statement outside No 10, Wednesday’s barbarism was “a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country”.

You are either moron or a liar. You Choose. This MUSLIM murderer was acting EXACTLY according to the teachings of your evil god, Allah the KILLER GOD. I could counter your quote with hundreds of murderous replacements that your Koran uses to justify this type of murder.
Here are just two from that psychotic prophet of yours: Koran 8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah." and Koran :2:191 "And kill them wherever you find and catch them. Drive them out from where they have turned you out; for Al-Fitnah (polytheism, disbelief, oppression) is worse than slaughter."

Check out Prophet of Doom to get your gutfull of the evil that IS Islam.

Thankfully, British Muslims no longer have to wait for the much-maligned Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), or self-appointed “community leaders”, to take a public stand, nor do they need to compete with clowns like Anjem Choudary for media attention; they have been empowered by Twitter and Facebook, where in great numbers they have expressed disgust at the invoking of Islam to support such an appalling crime. (Commendably, the MCB has issued a press release “unreservedly” condemning the murder as “a barbaric act that has no basis in Islam”.)

Anjem Choudary is right about Islam. He is the TRUE follower of your Killer Faith.

Yet conventional wisdom still says the religion of Islam is behind violent extremism and radicalisation; that Muslims don’t do enough to denounce terror; that imams and mosques incite hate and holy war. As is so often the case, the conventional wisdom is wrong. I have been a Muslim all my life and visited mosques across Europe, North America and the UK. Never, not once, have I come across an imam preaching violence against the West or justifying the murder of innocents.

You are clearly a genius for knowing so much about conventional wisdom.
Idiot! You have been attending churches - the building with the cross on it. Try going to Mosques if you want to hear Imams preaching violence

Remember: the Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was thrown out of his local mosque after lashing out at the imam for praising Martin Luther King in his Friday sermon. The Muslim father of the “underwear bomber”, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, approached US officials to warn them about his son several months before the latter tried to blow up a US-bound flight in December 2009. And the car bomb planted by Faisal Shahzad in Times Square in 2010 was brought to police attention by a Senegalese Muslim street vendor who spotted smoke coming out of the vehicle.

What the hell? It looks like you're skidding in excuses.

Many of my fellow Muslims want consistency from politicians and the press. When Anders Breivik, self-styled member of an “international Christian military order”, massacred 77 innocent Norwegians, most them children, in July 2011, did we indict Christianity? Sadly, we hold Islam and Muslims to a separate standard – despite the fact that, nowadays, (self-) radicalisation tends to be an online phenomenon; what the experts call the “third wave” of al-Qaeda-inspired extremism has no need for either UK mosques or Pakistani training camps.

Seriously? "(self-) radicalisation tends to be an online phenomenon". And you claim to be a journalist? You have obviously been hiding in the mensroom with the rest of the media.

“Is it even possible to stop two nutjobs going online and radicalising themselves and then going out to kill someone on the street with kitchen knives?” an exasperated official asked me yesterday morning. “How do you prevent that?” Demonising Islam or Muslims won’t help.

Listen to Olivier Roy, one of Europe’s pre-eminent experts on extremism: “The process of violent radicalisation has little to do with religious practice.” Read the classified briefing note prepared by MI5’s Behavioural Science Unit in June 2008. “Far from being religious zealots, a large number of those involved in terrorism do not practise their faith regularly,” reported The Guardian’s Alan Travis, who obtained a copy of the document. “Very few have been brought up in strongly religious households... there is evidence that a well-established religious identity actually protects against violent radicalisation.”
Yet on TV news channels, on newspaper comment pages, on social networks, everyone is either a terrorism expert, an Islam expert, or both. Some cut and paste verses from the Koran out of context; others unthinkingly demand “reform” of Islam. Few want to discuss the role of British foreign policy in helping to radicalise these young, disaffected individuals.

When you quote an expert "The process of violent radicalisation has little to do with religious practice” you should check up on his credentials. This man is just another flat earther.

"The process of violent radicalisation has EVERYTHING to do with religious practice

Meanwhile, former CIA official Marc Sageman says that “11-and-a-half years after 9/11, we still don’t know” what turns young men towards terror.

Of course you're with Cameron. He is one of those politicians who sold out his people for your peoples' vote by selling his people crack multiculturalism and handing over Jiziya social security payment's.

I’ll tell you this, though: it isn’t my faith or the faith of 1.6 billion other Muslims. For once, I’m with David Cameron.


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