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Saturday, May 25, 2013
And kill them wherever you find and catch them. Drive them out from where they have turned you out; for Al-Fitnah (polytheism, disbelief, oppression) is worse than slaughter.

Koran: 2:191


The fault lies with the warped mind-set of those who did it and for the sake of the victim and his family the killers need to be brought to justice.
It takes a warped and deluded brain to deny reality in the face of reality.
This extraordinary dhimmitude will result in further bloodshed and jihad in the streets of England.
There will also be a backlash because nothing lasts forever... even stupidity.
Today's news made by « atlasshrugs2000 » 
Despite the jihadists' very explicit calls to jihad and repeated quranic references as the basis for their act of Islamic ritual slaughter (beheading) on the streets of a London suburb, delusional dhimmi Mayor Boris Johnson said that neither "Islam nor UK policy is to blame" for the beheading of a UK soldier wearing a Help for Heroes' t-shirt on the streets of Woolwish yesterday. The UK Muslims who wanted to "start a war in London tonight" said "We are forced by the Qur'an".
neither "Islam nor UK policy is to blame" for the beheading of a UK soldier wearing a Help for Heroes' t-shirt
Boris Johnson has said that the blame for the brutal murder of a soldier in Woolwich lies with the ‘warped mind-set’ of his killers. Johnson sounds like the one with the warped mindset. As one eyewitness who spoke with the jihadists after the slaughter of the soldier observed, “He was not high, he was not on drugs, he was not an alcoholic or drunk, he was just distressed, upset. He was in full control of his decisions and ready to do everything he wanted to do."

It takes a warped and deluded brain to deny reality in the face of reality. A is A.

This extraodinary dhimmitude will result in further bloodshed and jihad in the streets of England.

"Boris Johnson: Neither Islam nor UK foreign policy to blame for Woolwich attack" Metro May 23, 2013 (thanks to Van)
Boris Johnson has said the blame for the brutal murder of a soldier in Woolwich lies with the ‘warped mind-set’ of his killers.
It takes a warped and deluded brain to deny reality in the face of reality.
The London mayor, arriving for a meeting of the government’s emergency Cobra committee chaired by prime minister David Cameron, said it was wrong to blame either Muslims or the presence of UK troops in Afghanistan for the attack.

One of the two suspects in yesterday’s killing made a series of political statements in the wake of the attack, while counterterrorism officers are waiting to question both men in hospital after they were shot by armed police.

‘One obvious point, it is completely wrong to blame this killing on Islam but also wrong to draw a link between this murder and British foreign policy,’ Mr Johnson said on Thursday morning.

The fault lies with the warped mind-set of those who did it and for the sake of the victim and his family the killers need to be brought to justice.’

The mayor also paid tribute to the bravery of the people in Woolwich after several women went to the aid of the victim as he lay prone in the street.
The fault lies with the warped mind-set of those who did it and for the sake of the victim and his family the killers need to be brought to justice.’
Urging Londoners to ‘go about their lives in the normal way’, he added: ‘People should take their cue from the people of Woolwich who showed such natural courage and stood up to those killers.’

Mr Johnson reiterated his call for people living in London to continue their day as usual, suggesting the government is treating the attack on Woolwich as an isolated incident.

After visiting the scene of the murder later, he thanked the police for their ‘excellent work’ and pledged to bring those accountable to justice.

The terrorism threat level in Britain remains ‘substantial’.


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