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Monday, August 05, 2013
During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle dogs used to urinate and pass through the mosque. Nevertheless they never used to sprinkle water on it.
Bukhari: V1B4N174
Bukhari: V1B4N174
Why is Youtube censoring the TRUTH?
The videos by that sweet and honest and soft spoken woman in France that spoke what so many millions of people feel inside about France, mass immigration and Islam and in a polite and factual way has been censored by Youtube. I am having difficulty believing it as there is no actual reasonable grounds for doing so. No copyright issue, no vulgarity, no incitement to violence. Just criticism of a retrograde and totalitarian ideology, Islam, and criticism of a government policy which is not only a basic right but actually an obligation in a democracy.
Watch this before it is censored by Youtube.
Oddly, our titled and translated versions are still up on youtube. But perhaps that is because one only has 3000+ views and the other 24,000 views and change while her original ones had hundreds of thousands. So it would appear that, at least at the moment, Youtube may have a policy of free speech providing no one is actually listening. In which case you can say what you want. But the moment that it may have influence, well, better get rid of it right away.
Here are the two we did, which others have downloaded and reposted elsewhere on YT. Back in the day, that used to work on YT and Pat Condell who at one point was also censored had so many mirrors of his videos up that Google gave up and allowed him his channel back. However they now can tell instantly if a mirror of a forbidden video is up. This one is titled so the code is slightly different but once they catch on all mirrors of it will be down and Ill post them to MRCTV.
Here are the two we did, which others have downloaded and reposted elsewhere on YT. Back in the day, that used to work on YT and Pat Condell who at one point was also censored had so many mirrors of his videos up that Google gave up and allowed him his channel back. However they now can tell instantly if a mirror of a forbidden video is up. This one is titled so the code is slightly different but once they catch on all mirrors of it will be down and Ill post them to MRCTV.
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