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Wednesday, August 07, 2013
It was We who revealed the Torah. By its standard the prophets judged the Jews, and the prophets bowed (in Islam) to Allah's will, surrendering. For the rabbis and priests: to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's Scripture Book; they were witnesses of it. Therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My revelations for a miserable price.
Koran: 5:44
Koran: 5:44
If you haven't read the powerful book, Night, by Elie Wiesel, you really should.
I am taking a break for a week from today.
The evil that is Islam will persist... every minute of every day, there will be honor murders of wives and siblings and daughters, decrepit old Muslim men will still rape children, maniac jihadis will explode themselves in crowded marketplaces, Muslim men will sell sex-slaves and on on and on.
Muslim depravity will persist on a staggering scale, unimaginable to any civilized man. And we will tolerate that depravity because we are so stupid.
The evil that is Islam will persist... every minute of every day, there will be honor murders of wives and siblings and daughters, decrepit old Muslim men will still rape children, maniac jihadis will explode themselves in crowded marketplaces, Muslim men will sell sex-slaves and on on and on.
Muslim depravity will persist on a staggering scale, unimaginable to any civilized man. And we will tolerate that depravity because we are so stupid.
Anyway, the people I care the most have no regard for this blog so my absence is irrelevant. They don't relate to it because they are very comfortably off and for them, nothing will ever change and their ground will never shift. They consider this blog to be the work of a crank alarmist with too much time on her hands. She paints an awful fantasy that could not possibly happen in their lifetime or their children's lifetime. Nothing like a Holocaust or Rwanda's massacres or Cambodia's Killing Fields or either of the World Wars or Stalin Murderous reign or Mao's Purges could ever happen in the sane world they inhabit. They cannot believe that Islam would dare leave them with a bad hair day, let alone entrap them in unbreakable Sharia chains.
I predict that in 30 years Islam will asphyxiate the entire world. When we sniff the first wisps of evil drifting under the doors of our mansions, it will be too late.
"What do you expect me to do about it?" What do I expect you to do about Global Warming, the Ozone Layer depletion, Air Pollution, The World Financial Crisis, Interest Rates, AIDS, Malaria, Poverty or any of the BIG issues?
Don't buy a house on the beach, slap on a lot of sunscreen, don't drive in polluted traffic with your window open, don't put all your money in Lehman brothers. Invest in some property, use condoms, don't eat roadkill. How about donating food to the hungry, eating fruit and vegetables and exercising regularly.
If you chose to remain ignorant, you will rub fat on a burn as your mother did, stick your finger in an electric socket, run into traffic to retrieve a ball, get your meridians acupunctured as your substitute cancer cure or pray for rain instead of watering your garden.
Asking "What do you expect me to do about it?" and doing nothing, will get you and your loved ones killed one day. And when that happens the natural world won't weep for you.
Try getting knowledgeable. Knowledge is education with experience. Surprise yourself, try the internet.
Elie Wiesel speaking at NYU, April 2011 |
The people in the town were disturbed, of course. It was a sad day. But after a few months, the memory began to fade, and life eventually returned to normal. They felt they were far enough removed from the war that it would end before it ever came to their remote village.
Then one day, one of those foreign Jews found his way back to the village. His name was Moishe. He was an old man, but the young Elie Wiesel had known him fairly well. Moishe had an extraordinary story to tell. He said when the trainload of Jews crossed the border into Polish territory, the Gestapo loaded them into trucks and took all the Jews into a forest where they were forced to dig huge trenches, and then they were all shot! Moishe himself was shot in the leg and left for dead. But he escaped and had been struggling to get back to the little village so he could warn people of what happened. He was urging everyone to flee; to get away before the Germans came.
He went "from one Jewish house to the next," wrote Elie Wiesel, "telling his story..." And he repeatedly and urgently told his story at the synagogue.
But nobody believed him.
They thought he must have lost his mind. Why would the Germans just kill Jews like that? Germany was a modern, industrialized, enlightened country. They wouldn't simply murder people so heartlessly and for no reason. Moishe must have lost his mind.
Moishe was insistent. He begged people to listen to him. He cried. He pleaded. But not one person believed him. They didn't want to believe him, and that's a formidable barrier to communication.
Our message — that what is written in Islamic texts is dangerous to non-Muslims — is also something many people do not want to believe. The implications are too heavy. The people of Elie's village didn't want to contemplate what it would mean if Moishe's story was true. It would mean tragedy and heartache and a loss of faith in humanity. It would mean a drastically different future for everyone. If they believed Moishe, the wise course of action would be to immediately pack up or sell everything they own and move somewhere they'd never been before. They'd have to start over. The journey would be fraught with uncertainty and danger. Most of them had lived their whole lives in that little village.
But they had another option, didn't they? They could explain away Moishe's terrifying story. They could decide there must be some other explanation.
That's what we run into also, isn't it? People are desperately trying to explain it away. If it's true that the doctrines of Islam are dangerous to non-Muslims, we should all drop what we're doing and address it. What's the point of going on about our lives, as they did in Elie's village, if it will all go terribly wrong in a few years? No, there would be no return to normal. If someone truly and fully grasps the real situation, they're in a whole new world, and the "important goals" they were busy trying to accomplish up until now would be abruptly abandoned in order to handle this new (and far more pressing) reality.
But they have another option, don't they? They can decide there must be some other explanation. You must not understand it correctly. You must be taking the Koranic passages out of context. Muslims who believe in Islamic doctrines must be a very small minority. There must be some other explanation.
I invite you to read Night and think about this: What would you have done if you were in Moishe's situation? Do you think you could have gotten someone to believe you? How would you get through to people? Or would you have given up, as Moishe did, and leave them all to their fate?
In 1944, the German Army arrived at Elie's village and immediately initiated new policies to limit freedoms for Jews. The noose closed in tighter and tighter, one policy at a time, until one day all the Jews of the village were imprisoned in a ghetto and ordered to board the transport trains. People were terrified. What did this mean? They were busy in Elie's house frantically packing up food for the trip when Moishe came up to the front door and shouted, "I warned you!" Then he turned and left without waiting for anyone to respond.
It was too late to do anything about it. They were transported to Auschwitz, and all of them suffered terrible, unbelievable physical and psychological torment. Most of them ended up dead.
If Moishe had been able to make people believe him, everyone in the village would have had plenty of time to flee.
Let's not repeat the same mistake. Let's get through. Not with force. Not with crying or pleading or intensity. Let's find out what allows our message to penetrate, and let's use it with ever-growing skill. If you need help, it is available here: Tools.
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