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Saturday, August 24, 2013
It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any choice in their affairs when a matter has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. They have no option. If any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a wrong Path.
Koran: 33:36
Koran: 33:36
“An Adelaide Islamic preacher calls for all Buddhists and Hindus to be killed and describes Australian soldiers as "Crusader pigs" in an online video.
His comments were quickly condemned as “ravings” and “hate speech”. Multicultural Affairs Minister Jennifer Rankine said they were “the ravings of someone completely out of touch with the views of South Australians”. “His disgusting words are not representative of our diverse and multicultural community,” she said.
Hey! Naive, idiot, ignorant politician... you know nothing of Islam. These "ravings" you are willing to excuse are exactly what the Koran teaches these Muslims. According to Islam this is NOT hate speech... it's the truth.
So what's new? The only question that needs to be addressed is why this scumbag has not been thrown in jail. Oh, I forgot, Aussies are tolerant and naive and laid back and Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. Inshalah!
There is a headline somewhere in the Aussie press... "The Police Fears For His Safety". Really, they actually give a shit?
There is a headline somewhere in the Aussie press... "The Police Fears For His Safety". Really, they actually give a shit?
Sheikh Sharif Hussein, in a video clip published by the US-based Middle East Media Research Institute, also attacks Jews, former prime minister John Howard, US President Barack Obama, and Australian troops.
“Tens of thousands of women were raped in Iraq, by the American and British crusader troops, aided by the Australian troops,” he says.
“The Australian participation in the Crusaders’ war on Iraq is 6 per cent. This is out of approximately 365,000 Crusader pigs sent to Iraq, during the term of (Mr Howard), Allah’s wrath be upon him.
“Listen, oh Obama, oh enemy of Allah, you who kiss the shoes and feet of the Jews. Listen! The day will come when you are trampled upon by the pure feet of the Muslims.
“Oh Allah, count the Buddhists and the Hindus one by one. Oh Allah, count them and kill them to the very last one.”
The Advertiser has confirmed the translation of Sheikh Hussein’s speech with independent translators.
Sheikh Hussein is known in Adelaide’s Islamic community, used to be connected to the Marion mosque in Park Holme, and has preached at the Islamic Da’wah Centre of SA in Torrensville.
Their website contains clips of other speeches and the disclaimer that “the views expressed in our videos and lectures are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect IDCSA’s management or media policy”.
He could not be contacted for this article.
His comments were quickly condemned as “ravings” and “hate speech”.
Multicultural Affairs Minister Jennifer Rankine said they were “the ravings of someone completely out of touch with the views of South Australians”.
“His disgusting words are not representative of our diverse and multicultural community,” she said.
Liberal South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi slammed the comments as “very disturbing” and called on the Muslim community to denounce them.
“This video and transcript suggest that we can no longer afford to ignore these radical elements within our community and say they don’t exist here because clearly they do,” he said.
“This hate speech has no place in our society and it needs to be publicly condemned by all Australians including members of the Muslim community.”
City councillor and Muslim Houssam Abiad said Muslims owed their allegiance to Australia and Islam was “a religion of peace and tolerance” that taught believers to respect a country’s laws.
“Many have migrated to Australia escaping war and political persecution, unfortunately some people also packed in their bags many ideologies representative of their experiences and brought them with them,” he said.
“As an Australian Muslim … I have survived a war and I recognise that Australia has given me opportunities that will never be equal to any other in the world, and we should owe our allegiance to this country and what it has given us.”
In response to Sheikh Hussein’s comments, the management committee of the Islamic Society of South Australia said it wanted to remind everyone that it was difficult to comment on "edited materials without dates or any other specifics relating to the actual material".
"The Islamic Society of South Australia and the Muslim community of South Australia represent a peaceful multicultural sector contributing to the wonderful and varied fabric of the wider Australian community," it said in a media release.
"It must be noted that Islam’s overwhelming message is that of peace.
"The Islamic Society of South Australia would therefore NOT support any comments made either locally, nationally or internationally, which are not in accordance with this message."
“Tens of thousands of women were raped in Iraq, by the American and British crusader troops, aided by the Australian troops,” he says.
“The Australian participation in the Crusaders’ war on Iraq is 6 per cent. This is out of approximately 365,000 Crusader pigs sent to Iraq, during the term of (Mr Howard), Allah’s wrath be upon him.
“Listen, oh Obama, oh enemy of Allah, you who kiss the shoes and feet of the Jews. Listen! The day will come when you are trampled upon by the pure feet of the Muslims.
“Oh Allah, count the Buddhists and the Hindus one by one. Oh Allah, count them and kill them to the very last one.”
The Advertiser has confirmed the translation of Sheikh Hussein’s speech with independent translators.
Sheikh Hussein is known in Adelaide’s Islamic community, used to be connected to the Marion mosque in Park Holme, and has preached at the Islamic Da’wah Centre of SA in Torrensville.
Their website contains clips of other speeches and the disclaimer that “the views expressed in our videos and lectures are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect IDCSA’s management or media policy”.
He could not be contacted for this article.
His comments were quickly condemned as “ravings” and “hate speech”.
Multicultural Affairs Minister Jennifer Rankine said they were “the ravings of someone completely out of touch with the views of South Australians”.
“His disgusting words are not representative of our diverse and multicultural community,” she said.
Liberal South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi slammed the comments as “very disturbing” and called on the Muslim community to denounce them.
“This video and transcript suggest that we can no longer afford to ignore these radical elements within our community and say they don’t exist here because clearly they do,” he said.
“This hate speech has no place in our society and it needs to be publicly condemned by all Australians including members of the Muslim community.”
City councillor and Muslim Houssam Abiad said Muslims owed their allegiance to Australia and Islam was “a religion of peace and tolerance” that taught believers to respect a country’s laws.
“Many have migrated to Australia escaping war and political persecution, unfortunately some people also packed in their bags many ideologies representative of their experiences and brought them with them,” he said.
“As an Australian Muslim … I have survived a war and I recognise that Australia has given me opportunities that will never be equal to any other in the world, and we should owe our allegiance to this country and what it has given us.”
In response to Sheikh Hussein’s comments, the management committee of the Islamic Society of South Australia said it wanted to remind everyone that it was difficult to comment on "edited materials without dates or any other specifics relating to the actual material".
"The Islamic Society of South Australia and the Muslim community of South Australia represent a peaceful multicultural sector contributing to the wonderful and varied fabric of the wider Australian community," it said in a media release.
"It must be noted that Islam’s overwhelming message is that of peace.
"The Islamic Society of South Australia would therefore NOT support any comments made either locally, nationally or internationally, which are not in accordance with this message."
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