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Thursday, July 11, 2013
Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.
Koran: 9:3
xena Koran: 9:3
The Muslim Brotherhood isn't the only entity to see its popular support bottom out in Egypt. Al Jazeera, the Qatari-financed international news network, has become a pariah in Cairo, triggering cheers among other journalists when its correspondents were booted from a news conference Monday.
Other reporters expressed agreement with the demand and chanted "Out! Out!" as the Al Jazeera crew left the room.
And that disenchantment infected the network's own people, as 22 staff members quit Al Jazeera Monday in protest of its "biased coverage" of Egypt's massive public backlash against the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.
Outgoing anchor Karem Mahmoud said favorable coverage for the Muslim Brotherhood was a formal network policy. "[T]here are instructions to us to telecast certain news," he said.
here are instructions to us to telecast certain news
Remember the softsell Al Gore peddled about Al Jizz so he could sell off his failed network to entities like this Muslim Brotherhood affiliate and rake terrorist moolah into his personal account. Well Al, seems like the inconvenient truth bites you in the bum, again.
Essentially, being booted out of Egypt, proves beyond any doubt, that Al Jizz is simply a terrorist support network. Inshalah!
Essentially, being booted out of Egypt, proves beyond any doubt, that Al Jizz is simply a terrorist support network. Inshalah!
The Muslim Brotherhood isn't the only entity to see its popular support bottom out in Egypt. Al Jazeera, the Qatari-financed international news network, has become a pariah in Cairo, triggering cheers among other journalists when its correspondents were booted from a news conference Monday.
Qatar, which finances Al Jazeera, is a strong supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and ousted President Mohamed Morsi, and critics believe the network provided the Egyptian government with sympathetic coverage. According to a Russia Today report, a journalist demanded Al Jazeera's crew be kicked out of the news conference, called to discuss Monday's violence that left more than 50 Morsi supporters dead.
And that disenchantment infected the network's own people, as 22 staff members quit Al Jazeera Monday in protest of its "biased coverage" of Egypt's massive public backlash against the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi. Outgoing anchor Karem Mahmoud said favorable coverage for the Muslim Brotherhood was a formal network policy. "[T]here are instructions to us to telecast certain news," he said.
This comes as the network prepares an ambitious plan to expand its audience in the United States, having bought out former Vice President Al Gore's Current TV network, and expanding its reach to about 50 million American homes, the Washington Post reports.
The article cites Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Executive Director Steven Stalinsky, who has observed a definite pro-Morsi spin on Al Jazeera. Pro-Morsi voices dominate among network pundits. And Al Jazeera officials and correspondents have Muslim Brotherhood ties, Stalinsky notes, and Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi hosts a popular talk show despite a long record showing he is "anti-Western, anti-Semitic and anti-American."
Qatar, which finances Al Jazeera, is a strong supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and ousted President Mohamed Morsi, and critics believe the network provided the Egyptian government with sympathetic coverage. According to a Russia Today report, a journalist demanded Al Jazeera's crew be kicked out of the news conference, called to discuss Monday's violence that left more than 50 Morsi supporters dead.
Other reporters expressed agreement with the demand and chanted "Out! Out!" as the Al Jazeera crew left the room.
Other reporters expressed agreement with the demand and chanted "Out! Out!" as the Al Jazeera crew left the room.And that disenchantment infected the network's own people, as 22 staff members quit Al Jazeera Monday in protest of its "biased coverage" of Egypt's massive public backlash against the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi. Outgoing anchor Karem Mahmoud said favorable coverage for the Muslim Brotherhood was a formal network policy. "[T]here are instructions to us to telecast certain news," he said.
"The management in Doha provokes sedition among the Egyptian people and has an agenda against Egypt and other Arab countries,"
"The management in Doha provokes sedition among the Egyptian people and has an agenda against Egypt and other Arab countries," Mahmoud said.This comes as the network prepares an ambitious plan to expand its audience in the United States, having bought out former Vice President Al Gore's Current TV network, and expanding its reach to about 50 million American homes, the Washington Post reports.
The article cites Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Executive Director Steven Stalinsky, who has observed a definite pro-Morsi spin on Al Jazeera. Pro-Morsi voices dominate among network pundits. And Al Jazeera officials and correspondents have Muslim Brotherhood ties, Stalinsky notes, and Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi hosts a popular talk show despite a long record showing he is "anti-Western, anti-Semitic and anti-American."
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