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Friday, July 19, 2013
The Messenger of Allah married fifteen women. He combined eleven at a time and left behind nine.
Tabari IX:126
Tabari IX:126
“Arab women lying on the floor with their butts in the air, grinding each other, shaking that booty like it’s judgement day, simulating sex and humping each other„
What appears to be a frantic group-sex party, but with children present and burkas on, is taking place at this happening wild pah-rty in Arabia! Watch Arab women lying on the floor with their butts in the air, grinding each other, shaking that booty like it’s judgement day, simulating sex and humping each other, pointing their behind in the face of the Arab men – like primates during mating season. And small children are openly watching this lewd conduct.
As you’ve probably noticed by now, wherever there are muslims there seem to be a common and overwhelming addiction to sex and porn. That may explain the rapid population growth as well. Not only are muslims the number one sex browsers on the internet, but they are so deeply addicted to sex (like their mad prophet) that they have to cover the entire body at all times. Even the most miniscule deviance from covering does not go unnoticed and is immediately picked up by sex-addicted muslim eyes.
Pretty boring but better than rioting. Islam seems to be such fun.
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