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Tuesday, June 11, 2013
I heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks.... Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom." [9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'
Ishaq: 243
Ishaq: 243
An Australian school boy who wanted to joke with his 10-year-old Saudi class mate in Australia called him “Osama bin Laden” but had to apologise later.
It quoted the boy as saying in his letter:”I am sorry to have called you this name…I did not mean to upset you.”
Yea, dickhead, in Nigeria for instance, 7 out of 10 babies were given the name Osama after 9/11. Because?
No doubt this dumbass Muslim will apologise to the Christians, Buddhists and Jews on behalf of his God Allah the Most Touchy, for slandering them in the Koran.
In their daily prayers, all Muslims have to repeat the following from the Koran multiple times (Surah 1, Fatihah): “Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, Not of those who have incurred your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.” In other words, Muslims are Allah's favored, while Christians, Jews and everyone else has gone astray.
And their Friday prayers are even more hateful and racist, because Muslims also have to recite Surah 62 (The Friday Congregation) and Surah 63 (The Hypocrites). Surah 62 specifically condemns Gentiles as being "in gross error", and Jews are compared to "a donkey laden with books”. Surah 63 condemns "hypocrites", namely those who have renounced their Muslim faith as: "They are the enemy. Guard yourself against them."
And what about this tidbit from the same article:
“When they caught him, he confessed to having approached men but he said that he learned homosexuality while on a scholarship abroad,”
Yea, the west has Madrases devoted to the teachings of Homosexuality.
Muslims rush to get a certification in same gender fondling and decorating.
No doubt this dumbass Muslim will apologise to the Christians, Buddhists and Jews on behalf of his God Allah the Most Touchy, for slandering them in the Koran.
And their Friday prayers are even more hateful and racist, because Muslims also have to recite Surah 62 (The Friday Congregation) and Surah 63 (The Hypocrites). Surah 62 specifically condemns Gentiles as being "in gross error", and Jews are compared to "a donkey laden with books”. Surah 63 condemns "hypocrites", namely those who have renounced their Muslim faith as: "They are the enemy. Guard yourself against them."
And what about this tidbit from the same article:
“When they caught him, he confessed to having approached men but he said that he learned homosexuality while on a scholarship abroad,”
Yea, the west has Madrases devoted to the teachings of Homosexuality.
Muslims rush to get a certification in same gender fondling and decorating.
The Saudi boy who is studying at Redcliffe school in Western Australia did not argue with his colleague but went straight to his father at home and told him.
“The father went to the school manager and told him about what happened…the manager made the Australian student write an apology to his Saudi colleague,” the Saudi Arabic language daily Sabq said.
It quoted the boy as saying in his letter:”I am sorry to have called you this name…I did not mean to upset you.”
“I learned to be homosexual abroad”…Saudi tells police
A Saudi man arrested by the Gulf Kingdom’s feared religious police for stalking other men to have sex with him claimed he learned this habit while studying abroad.
Members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice arrested the man after receiving reports from some men at a coffee shop that he regularly visits the place and distributes “obscene” pictures of himself, Aloula newspaper said.
It said the man had also given his phone number to many customers at the café in the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah and invited some of them to his apartment.
“When they caught him, he confessed to having approached men but he said that he learned homosexuality while on a scholarship abroad,” the paper said.
“The father went to the school manager and told him about what happened…the manager made the Australian student write an apology to his Saudi colleague,” the Saudi Arabic language daily Sabq said.
It quoted the boy as saying in his letter:”I am sorry to have called you this name…I did not mean to upset you.”
“I learned to be homosexual abroad”…Saudi tells police
A Saudi man arrested by the Gulf Kingdom’s feared religious police for stalking other men to have sex with him claimed he learned this habit while studying abroad.
Members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice arrested the man after receiving reports from some men at a coffee shop that he regularly visits the place and distributes “obscene” pictures of himself, Aloula newspaper said.
It said the man had also given his phone number to many customers at the café in the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah and invited some of them to his apartment.
“When they caught him, he confessed to having approached men but he said that he learned homosexuality while on a scholarship abroad,” the paper said.
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