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Thursday, June 13, 2013
They can have no Faith, until they make you (Muhammad) judge in all disputes, and find in their souls no resistance against Your decisions, accepting them with complete submission.

Koran: 4:65

Muslims in a province of Burma have been ordered not to have more than two children in an attempt by the government to stop Buddhist attacks on Muslims.

It is good to see a country acknowledging the role that demographics plays in the surfeit of Muslim violence; and taking steps to limit it. This is the birthrate jihad.
Of course, European societies, still constrained by the dogmas of the Equality Cult that first emerged in the latter half of the 18th century, are unable to acknowledge these obvious truths.
State officials said the two-child limit in the state of Rakhine would ease tensions between Buddhists and their Muslim Rohingya neighbours.
Why can't we talk about this? This is people pollution on a plague scale.
These people can't feed themselves. They rely on aid from... you guessed it... the West.
Arab Oil revenue is never allocated to the Muslim poor because the naive West will always cough up. Oil money is for gold studded Mercedes and tall buildings... and for the dictators of the Islamic world to utilise as their personal piggy bank. (Can I say piggy?)
Local officials said the new measure was part of a policy that will also ban polygamy in two Rakhine townships that border Bangladesh and have the highest Muslim populations. The townships, Buthidaung and Maundaw, are about 95% Muslim.

The measure was enacted a week ago after a government-appointed commission investigating the violence issued proposals to ease tensions, which included family planning programs to stem population growth among minority Muslims, said Rakhine state spokesman Win Myaing. The commission also recommended doubling the number of security forces in the volatile region.

"The population growth of Rohingya Muslims is 10 times higher than that of the Rakhine (Buddhists)," Win Myaing said. "Overpopulation is one of the causes of tension."

Source: Guardian
The US made it clear on Tuesday that it stood against what it called "birth limitation policies" currently being proposed for Muslims in Myanmar.

State Department Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki said the US was "deeply concerned about reports that some officials in Burma plan to enforce or have said they plan to enforce a two-child limit for Rohingya Muslims.

"The United States, of course, opposes coercive and discriminatory birth limitation policies, and we have pressed senior Burmese government officials to abolish this local order," she added.

Myanmar's Immigration Minister, Khin Yi, expressed support for the two-child policy according to media reports, saying it benefits the minority Rohingya Muslims who live in the northwestern Rakhine State.

Both the United Nations and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi have condemned the policy, calling it racist. Health workers in Myanmar have also said that such a law would result in unsafe abortions, as Muslim families tend to have many children.

The minister's comments come amidst international concern regarding the treatment of Rohingya Muslims by Buddhist monks over the past year. Violence between the two parties has resulted in hundreds of deaths and homelessness among Muslims.

"We urge the government of Burma to eliminate all such policies without delay, and we will continue to express our concerns," said Psaki.


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