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Monday, June 17, 2013
O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion to judge between right and wrong, or a way to overlook your evil thoughts and deeds.
Koran: 8:29
Koran: 8:29
Rohani will taqiyya us to death while pursuing weapons of mass death.
A cleric in charge of a nuclear arsenal. What could go wrong?
He was Iran's top nuclear negotiator while the mullahs continued to deceive the world and build a nuclear arsenal.
He was Iran's top nuclear negotiator while the mullahs continued to deceive the world and build a nuclear arsenal.
So he'll taqiyya us to death while pursuing weapons of mass death.
Rohani - the only cleric in the six-candidate presidential field - started religious studies at a teenager. He soon established himself as an outspoken opponent of the Western-backed shah, traveling frequently for anti-monarchy speeches and sermons that caught the attention of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the eventual leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. (source: YNET)
ABC says: Iran: moderate candidate Hasan Rowhani wins presidential vote
NPR: Moderate Cleric Wins Iran's Presidency
Iran's interior minister says Hasan Rowhani has beat five hard-line rivals, capturing about 53 percent of the vote and forestalling a run-off election.
Rowhani is no moderate.Iran's interior minister says Hasan Rowhani has beat five hard-line rivals, capturing about 53 percent of the vote and forestalling a run-off election.
He is a disciple of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late fanatical tyrant of Tehran. He was a senior national security advisor to Khomeini during the brutal war with Iraq that left a million people dead. He served as a top national security advisor to the regime in the 1990s, as well. He was Iran’s nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005 and is both a loyal defender of Iran’s nuclear program and a shrewd and experienced diplomat.
But here’s the one fact you need to know that will help you understand Rowhani — he was endorsed by the only prominent Iranian politician who has ever publicly called for Israel to be destroyed with nuclear weapons.
“Iran’s former moderate president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani on Tuesday endorsed ally Hassan Rowhani in the June 14 election, saying the candidate is ‘more suitable’ than others for presidency,” reported Agence France Presse. “‘I will vote for Dr. Rowhani, who entered the race after consulting me,’ Rafsanjani said. ’I consider him to be more suitable (than other candidates) to steer the executive branch,’ he said referring to the slate of five other hopefuls, most of whom are conservatives.”
But here’s the one fact you need to know that will help you understand Rowhani — he was endorsed by the only prominent Iranian politician who has ever publicly called for Israel to be destroyed with nuclear weapons.
“Iran’s former moderate president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani on Tuesday endorsed ally Hassan Rowhani in the June 14 election, saying the candidate is ‘more suitable’ than others for presidency,” reported Agence France Presse. “‘I will vote for Dr. Rowhani, who entered the race after consulting me,’ Rafsanjani said. ’I consider him to be more suitable (than other candidates) to steer the executive branch,’ he said referring to the slate of five other hopefuls, most of whom are conservatives.”
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