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Saturday, June 08, 2013
Allah said, 'Do not turn away from Muhammad when he is speaking to you. Do not contradict his orders. And do not be a hypocrite, one who pretends to be obedient to him and then disobeys him. Those who do so will receive My vengeance. You must respond to the Apostle when he summons you to war.
Islam 101: The more devout a Muslim is, the more committed to the teachings of the Koran and Hadith and the example of Muhammad — the more motivated the Muslim will be to kill non-Muslims because it's the only way to guarantee passage to Paradise.
As a Muslim, you owe it to yourself and your family to fully understand the immorality and irrationality of this dangerous ideology called Islam. If you have any self respect you will pick another God, from the thousands available, or simply become an atheist... which is my recommendation.
The reason I am anonymous, Ahmed, is because I am shit-scared of your fellow Muslims. They threaten to cut my head off and rape me... and they don't mention their preferred sequence in any of their emails.
And thanks for your offer to be my friend. I don't want Muslim friends. Your Muslims friends, those who are hell bent on attaining paradise, don't illuminate themselves with flashing neon Martyr signs when they do Allah's bloodthirsty work for him. So have a nice day, Ahmed, and consider jettisoning your murderous paedophile prophet, he is too great a burden for someone who can rub a few neurons together and create a spark of intellect.
Well Ahmed, let me introduce you to Islam, a short primer for Muslims about their own religion.
The more orthodox the Muslim — that is, the more devout, the more committed to the teachings of the Koran and Hadith and the example of Muhammad — the more motivated the Muslim will be to kill non-Muslims. Why?
There are several reasons. The selfish one is because it's the only way to guarantee passage to Paradise. A Muslim can be devout, pray five times a day, make the pilgrimage to Mecca, etc., and still have to face judgment (with a chance of not making it to Paradise). But if he or she dies while killing non-Muslims, there is no judgment. The Muslim who dies in jihad goes straight to Paradise.
Another (less selfish) reason is that any Muslim who dies in jihad gets to intercede with Allah on behalf of seventy of his relatives. That's a big motivation for a would-be Muslim martyr. He will be able to help his mother, father, brothers, cousins, etc., get into Paradise. This also at least partly explains the assistance jihadis get from their less-courageous relatives.
The goal of orthodox Islam is to bring the whole world under the rule of the law of Allah, by peaceful means if possible, but by war if necessary. The Islamic system of law is so abhorrent to anyone not raised with it, it has become clear down through the centuries that war is necessary for the goal to be accomplished.
By blowing up non-Muslim civilians, the jihadi has created a double-bind. It is a no-lose situation for an orthodox Muslim — some non-Muslims were killed and that's a good thing, and if the jihadi dies doing it, that's fine too. If the non-Muslims don't do anything in response, it will encourage other Muslims to become jihadis because no consequences followed. If the non-Muslims make a strong response, at least some other Muslims will see this as "war against Islam" and will take up arms to join their brothers in the fight.
With all this in its favor, why not blow people up?
#xenaphobia #Islam
There are several reasons. The selfish one is because it's the only way to guarantee passage to Paradise. A Muslim can be devout, pray five times a day, make the pilgrimage to Mecca, etc., and still have to face judgment (with a chance of not making it to Paradise). But if he or she dies while killing non-Muslims, there is no judgment. The Muslim who dies in jihad goes straight to Paradise.
Another (less selfish) reason is that any Muslim who dies in jihad gets to intercede with Allah on behalf of seventy of his relatives. That's a big motivation for a would-be Muslim martyr. He will be able to help his mother, father, brothers, cousins, etc., get into Paradise. This also at least partly explains the assistance jihadis get from their less-courageous relatives.
The goal of orthodox Islam is to bring the whole world under the rule of the law of Allah, by peaceful means if possible, but by war if necessary. The Islamic system of law is so abhorrent to anyone not raised with it, it has become clear down through the centuries that war is necessary for the goal to be accomplished.
By blowing up non-Muslim civilians, the jihadi has created a double-bind. It is a no-lose situation for an orthodox Muslim — some non-Muslims were killed and that's a good thing, and if the jihadi dies doing it, that's fine too. If the non-Muslims don't do anything in response, it will encourage other Muslims to become jihadis because no consequences followed. If the non-Muslims make a strong response, at least some other Muslims will see this as "war against Islam" and will take up arms to join their brothers in the fight.
With all this in its favor, why not blow people up?
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