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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
There is no blame for the blind, nor is it a sin for the lame, nor on one ill if he joins not in the fighting. But he who retreats, (Allah) will punish him with a painful doom.
Koran: 48:17
Koran: 48:17
Afghanistan: Taliban attack presidential palace and CIA station trying to attend peace talks.
James Dobbins, arrived in Kabul and met Karzai. He had been due to hold a press roundtable with Afghan reporters.
He told reporters on Monday that Washington was still trying to determine if the Taliban were ready for talks.
Wow. That's a hard one to gauge.
A Reuters reporter at the palace said the attack began soon after 6:30 a.m. (0200 GMT) when at least one man opened fire with an automatic rifle at a gate to the palace in the central Shash Darak district.
Karzai's whereabouts were not immediately known, though he had been due to attend a press event at the palace after 9 a.m. Reporters had been gathering at the palace and took cover when the firing broke out.
Kabul police chief, General Ayoub Salangi, told Reuters all the attackers had been killed. An Afghan official said five assailants had been killed along with two Afghan guards.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks.
The defense ministry and the Ariana Hotel, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's Afghan station, were also targeted.Afghan forces and U.S. servicemen returned fire and explosions resounded in the area. Schoolchildren walking to classes nearby were also caught in the exchanges. It was not immediately clear if any were hurt.
A thick plume of smoke was seen rising from Ariana Hotel at the height of the exchanges.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks.
The assault was launched a day after the U.S. envoy appointed to help the Afghan government and the Taliban pursue peace, James Dobbins, arrived in Kabul and met Karzai. He had been due to hold a press roundtable with Afghan reporters.
He told reporters on Monday that Washington was still trying to determine if the Taliban were ready for talks....
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