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Thursday, May 09, 2013
Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in
return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain

Koran 9.111

The Quran is the most evil of all the evilest book ever written in human history.

Islam seeks to conquer the world for it's God - Allah, destroy all other religions and murder all non-Muslims who refuse to convert to Islam. Those who believe in Islam have lost the very essence of their humanity. They have lost their very souls.
To Muslims, freedom of religion means practicing Islam only. This means, Muslims are obligated by the Quran (2:193, 8:39 etc.) to destroy all other religions – Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Hinduism and others – by whatever means necessary for establishing Islam as the only religion in the whole world.
The Quran is filled with thousands of verses that are not only morally imperfect but a cesspool of immoral criminal acts against both God and man. To claim that The Quran is a holy book of God is an blasphemous obscenity against God.
To record in a Holy Book - the Quran - teachings of extermination, war,rape, slavery, looting, pillaging, hate, terror, etc. is a very great evil.
The Quran is the most evil of all the evilest book ever written in human history. Just declaring that such immoral, evil teachings in the Quran are the eternal, divine word of God is evil incarnate and an obscenity against everything God stands for - a blasphemy and a crime against God any God you happen to believe in.
Verse 9:111 means what it means. It is Jihad suicide. A Muslim who dies while trying to murder kafirs fulfilling teachings 9:5, 9:29 and all the other teachings of murder, rape, terror, torture of kafirs in the Quran ARE GUARANTEED MARTYRDOM AND ACCESSION TO AN EVIL, LEWD, DEPRAVED PARADISE FILLED WITH ETERNAL VIRGINS OF EXQUISITE BEAUTY WHO REGENERATE AS VIRGINS AFTER EACH SEX ACT AND WHOM THESE KILLERS AND MURDERERS OF ISLAM CAN SEXUALLY MOLEST IN ENDLESS COPULATION FOR PERPETUAL ENJOYMENT FOR ALL ETERNITY.

Allah takes away from Muslims all rights and ownership of their life. Muslims will engage Allah's stratagems of wars without any questions asked, and kill and get killed. This is the only mode of actions that will earn them Paradise. Allah is the peerless master of incitement of violence and bloodbath.
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