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Wednesday, May 29, 2013
When Allah's Apostle fought the battle of Khaybar, or when he raided any other people, we raised voices crying, 'Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar!'
Bukhari: V5B59N516
Bukhari: V5B59N516
The murder this week of British soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, a working-class district of London, may be one of those incidents that move history.
British resentment of the Muslims extends to the treatment of women, halal slaughter of animals, instances of honour killings and many foiled terrorist plots since the subway bombing of 2005.
If things go really badly, Cameron could be seen in history as the prime minister who lost both Europe and Scotland - or rallied the country and saved the day.
I am pessimistic. Politicians DO NOT have the answer. They are winging it and no one knows where their policies will lead.
I predict Islam will win in the end. In 50 years you will visit London to see the Grand Mosque of Buckingham and in Paris you will visit the Minaret of Eiffel
That doesn't mean I will stop fighting this evil scourge of Islam and its plague ridden Muslims.
I predict Islam will win in the end. In 50 years you will visit London to see the Grand Mosque of Buckingham and in Paris you will visit the Minaret of Eiffel
That doesn't mean I will stop fighting this evil scourge of Islam and its plague ridden Muslims.
Today's news made by « smh »
These things, which were in flux, may now transit to turmoil. And Prime Minister David Cameron's differences with his own Conservative Party could lead to his ousting, unless he can use the murder as a kind of call to order in his rebellious ranks.
There are two big but related issues that have already roiled British politics and now may be forced to a head. The first is immigration. Always a thorny issue for Conservatives, it has been front and centre since a big victory in local elections this month by the upstart United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) led by Nigel Farage.
Farage's platform is anti-immigration, not only from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean but also from the European Union. He calls for Britain to leave the EU and essentially seal Britain's borders against all comers.
Farage's platform is anti-immigration, not only from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean but also from the European Union. He calls for Britain to leave the EU and essentially seal Britain's borders against all comers. UKIP's local government success led backbench Conservatives - more than 100 of them - to seek an immediate referendum on Britain's leaving Europe. They were joined in support by Tory grandees, who had previously supported the Prime Minister.One way or another, things will be harder for immigrants, no matter when their families arrived in Britain. These divide essentially into long-time immigrant groups from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean - and Eastern Europeans, allowed in as a result of EU labour laws.
There is also a sharp division between Muslim immigrants and those who practise other religions. Muslim immigration has grown to the point of domination in some areas - such as Bradford, in the north of England, and Birmingham in the Midlands. Muslim immigrants - now 4.8 per cent of the population, and Islam the second-largest religion after Christianity in Britain - have established states within their adopted state with Islamic education, very visible mosques, and a palpable sense of their homelands being where they came from ancestrally, rather than where they live now.
Muslim community in Britain has prospered far less than the Hindu community, where millionaires and some billionaires abound.
The internet and mobile phones have made this duality easier to practise. Sadly, the Muslim community in Britain has prospered far less than the Hindu community, where millionaires and some billionaires abound.British resentment of the Muslims extends to the treatment of women, halal slaughter of animals, instances of honour killings and many foiled terrorist plots since the subway bombing of 2005.
British resentment of the Muslims extends to the treatment of women, halal slaughter of animals, instances of honour killings and many foiled terrorist plots since the subway bombing of 2005.
In Qatar, I ran into a young English Muslim woman wearing a veil and dressed in traditional Arabic clothing. Hearing her speak, I said: ''Hi, you're English.'' She rounded on me, replying angrily that although she was born and raised in England, that did not make her English.Understandably, this active refusal to assimilate breeds resentment among the Anglos. The trouble is everyone of colour is assumed to be Muslim in the eyes of many of the Anglos, and the working class in particular. Hence the rise of right-wing extremists, such as the skinheads and the fascistic British National Party, and the more seductive UKIP. The Labour and Liberal parties are sidelined for now, without the visceral appeal that the Tories feel they may have ceded to the UKIP.
If things go really badly, Cameron could be seen in history as the prime minister who lost both Europe and Scotland
Meanwhile, there is another shadow on the horizon: Scottish nationalists may push their own referendum on whether to leave the United Kingdom. Their leader, Alex Salmond, sees trouble in the south as opportunity in the north.If things go really badly, Cameron could be seen in history as the prime minister who lost both Europe and Scotland - or rallied the country and saved the day.
The murder in Woolwich, ghastly in its barbarity, will have consequences beyond that place.
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