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Tuesday, May 07, 2013
The Prophet said: 'Whoever cheerfully accepts Allah as his Lord, Islam as his Religion and Muhammad as his Apostle is necessarily entitled to enter Paradise.' Abu wondered at it and said: 'Messenger of Allah, repeat that for me.' He did that and said: 'There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred (higher), and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth.' Abu said: 'What is that act?' He replied: 'Jihad in the Way of Allah! Jihad in Allah's Cause!

Muslim: C31B20N4645

Danish researcher compare religious texts of 10 biggest religions and concludes: Islam is the most violent religion... nice butt eh?

The religious texts in Islam calls upon its followers to commit terror and conflict to a much higher degree than any other religion, concludes Tina Magaard, who graduated from the Sorbonne in Paris as a PhD in Textual Analysis and Intercultural Communication after a three-year research project that compared the basic texts from 10 religions.
The texts in Islam are clearly distinct from the other religious texts as they to a much higher degree calls for violence and aggression against followers of other faiths. There are also direct incitements to terror.

This has long been a taboo in Islam research, but it is a fact we have to acknowledge, says Tina Magaard.
Furthermore, the Qur'an contains hundreds of calls to fight against followers of other faiths.

If it is true that many Muslims view the Qur'an as God's own words that can not be interpreted or rephrased, we have a problem.
Today's news made by « jyllands-posten » 


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