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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Fight against those People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not follow what Allah and His Messenge acknowledge as the true religion (Islam), nor accept Our law, until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission.

Koran: 9:29

Turks in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Bulgaria play a major role in organising fraudulent benefit claims in the Netherlands.

The Turks organise “social tourism” and are often also involved in prostitution
"Social tourism" is such a nice way of saying this is Islamic prostitution as approved by Allah and his murderous pedophile sidekick, Mohammad.

Dumb Europeans are being sucked dry by these Islamic parasites.
Today's news made by « presseurop » 

Not to mention the exploitation of illiterate Bulgarians. Bulgaria has quite a large Turkish-speaking minority. It comprises ethnic Turks and Roma, who began calling themselves Turkish after 1989. Their shared language and religion enable them to easily befriend the large Turkish communities in western Europe.

The networks comprise three levels. The “lieutenants” who are responsible for recruiting people in Bulgaria, are generally slightly better educated and speak more languages that the average citizen. They maintain contact with the person who organises accommodation and registration in the country of destination. And then there are the “big bosses”, ‘people who offer protection. They know how to resolve problems with the police and the law, and have the right contacts to achieve this.

Prof. Petkov bases his conclusions partly on interviews held with Roma people in Brussels. “Belgium is facing the same problem of ‘social tourism’ as the Netherlands,” he insists. One of the reasons that a large portion of Roma in Bulgaria has opted to become Muslim and speak Turkish during the past two decades, is that it renders the Turkish communities more accessible to them. “These communities help them to take up residence, but not to integrate.”

In practice, the first and second generation Turks become the bosses and employers of the Bulgarian newcomers. The same networks which organise “social tourism” are often also involved in prostitution and organising human trafficking for poorly paid illegal jobs through subcontractors in the agricultural sector. “They exploit them.”


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