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Monday, May 13, 2013
And those of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the 'Iddah (prescribed divorce period), if you have doubts (about their periods), is three months, and for those who have no courses (i.e. they are still immature) their 'Iddah (prescribed period) is three months likewise, except in case of death]. And for those who are pregnant (whether they are divorced or their husbands are dead), their 'Iddah (prescribed period) is until they deliver (their burdens) (give birth) and whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him.

Koran 65:4

Syria’s Red Light Traffic

“The men are usually between 50 and 80, and they ask for girls who have white skin and blue or green eyes. They want them very young, no older than 16,”
In the Koran, the word of Allah, gives sanction to Muslims to practice Islam's evil violent and abhorrent teachings of murder, violence, subjugation of women and pedophilia... as if these teachings can be normal and morally acceptable. Muslims that accommodate this evil, lose their moral center and become, willingly or unwillingly, an accomplice to evil.

The Koranic Quote 65:4 (on the right) prescribes the period for divorced women to wait (iddah) before they can remarry. And amongst those divorced women are little girls, who have not yet reached the age of menstruation. Allah also commands Muslims to attack non-Muslims and enslave their women and children and use them as sex-slaves. Since Muslims believe the teachings and commandments of the Quran are for eternal application, it is clear that the Islamic God Allah is a patronizer of pedophilia for eternity.
And when you thought it couldn't get worse... it does... it really does...
Listen to this wicked, evil, sick, morally, depraved abomination of a religion... not from the bronze-age 1,400 years ago but from our own times.
Have you heard of "thighing"? Only if you are a Muslim man or a Muslim mother of a small child, would be aware of this horror that could only be thought up by the devil himself. The devil in this case is Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iranian Islamic revolution and the Shia Grand Ayatollah (1979-89), may he rot in the cesspit of hell.

On "thighing" upon little girls to satiate sexual lust and enjoyment for inbred Muslim men, Khomeini’s "Tahrirolvasyleh" (Vol. 4, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990) says: "It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning. He sanctions the followers of Islam, the stinking brain-impaired Muslim men, to place his erect penis between the small child's thighs, and to kiss and fondle her. Not enough, that these depraved lunatics can have many wives, can marry children, can have any number of whores on this earth and dozens in the afterlife and can own sex slaves. These are well-reasoned Islamic edicts from the greatest Shia scholar of our time. Islam is a bottomless well of moral depravity.

We in the civilised West, make maximum efforts at raising our children with the innocence of mind and free of any kind of abuse. And we recognize and condemn pedophilia as the worst form of child abuse. So, teaching Islam, which overtly sanctions the practice of pedophilia with divine commandments, to children in schools is a horrible crime and blasphemy against everything any God stands for. THERE ARE NO WORDS THAT CAN DESCRIBE SUCH PURE EVIL.This type of thinking can only occur when species interbreed with their cousins, like the Muslims to produce brain-defective muhammanoids.
Seriously. If you are a Muslim reading this and you still haven't left your religion in the dust, you are complicit in this evil.
Today's news made by « theconversation » 

These days we tend to think of Syria as a land of civil war, civilian atrocities and a repressive government, a country slowly but surely sliding into a full-scale meltdown. But now the US State Department has added another black mark to Syria’s list: Slavery.

In a report released this week, Syria is noted as “a destination country for women and children subjected to forced labor or sex traficking.” Acting as a regional transit point and brokerage, thousands of women flow through Syria on the promise of the old ‘domestic servant’ scam, only to find themselves trapped into sexual or menial slavery. Most of these women are from southeast Asia or the Horn of Africa, and so prolific is the problem that Ethiopia even has a ban on its citizens accepting job offers in Syria.

The massive population of refugees from Iraq over the years also represents a population vulnerable to forced labour. Criminal gangs, both Syrian and Iraqi, prey upon these displaced people. The report notes that “victims were sent to work in nightclubs, placed into temporary “marriages” to men for the sole purpose of prostitution, or sold to pimps who rent them out for longer periods of time.”
thousands of women flow through Syria on the promise of the old ‘domestic servant’ scam, only to find themselves trapped into sexual or menial slavery
The border between the two countries is porous, and the epicentre of trafficking. The sheer volume of dislocated humanity in this part of the world is hard to comprehend. At peak rates during the Iraq conflict, a week on the Syrian border was equivalent to the total arrivals at Christmas Island for the entire year. And desperate people seek desperate solutions.

“Some Iraqi parents reportedly abandoned their daughters at the Iraqi side of the border with Syria with the expectation that trafickers would provide forged documents for them to enter Syria and work in a nightclub.”

Can you imagine being so despairing that handing over your teenage daughter to dubious strangers with the hope that she would be taken to work in a Syrian ‘gentlemen’s club’ offered the chance of a better life?

And the racket continues on from there. Since prostitution is illegal in Syria, there are periodic round-ups and prosecutions. The Iraqis will then be bounced back to limbo on the border, probably without any papers, making them easy prey for….criminal gangs. At this stage there might be bribes and commissions to be paid to obtain another ‘work placement’, leaving the woman in a situation of indebtedness to the slaver. No prize for guessing how she has to work this off.

From Syria, some of these women apparently end up as sex workers in Europe, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon.
At this stage there might be bribes and commissions to be paid to obtain another ‘work placement’, leaving the woman in a situation of indebtedness to the slaver. No prize for guessing how she has to work this off.
But there is a silver lining to this cloud; a bitter-sweet absurdity so redolent of the chaos of the region. According to the report, due to the Syrian civil war – the death, the anarchy and interruption to normal life – many of these slaves have been able to flee their servitude, moving onwards to refugee camps and destinations unknown.

One would like to think that their lives will improve, but it seems only too apparent that merchants of other nationalities will be waiting to sweep them up at the next border.

Signing off on this column I almost feel like I’ve just added one more twig onto the bonfire of misery that is Syria and the region around it. Most people will have never even read this far, so inured are we to the paradigms of human depravity and evil that flow from such long-running conflicts. But as Helen Ware wrote on The Conversation recently, refugee movements are a global problem. What happens in Syria has a knock-on effect. And with our politicians of all stripes shrilly thumping the tub about “Stopping the Boats!”, I believe it’s important to look more deeply at the reasons people flee, and why a leaky Indonesian rust-bucket can look like heaven compared to the other options on the table.

Especially if you’ve got daughters.


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