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Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Prophet said, 'Nobody who dies and finds Paradise would wish to come back to this life even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to get killed again in Allah's Cause.'

Bukhari: V4B52N53

A man has been hacked to death in broad daylight in Woolwich, south-east London. The two attackers were shot by police responding at the scene. Witnesses reported the two attackers as being of 'Muslim appearance' and shouting "Allahu akbar" (God is great).


The Washington Post’s Anthony Faiola, reporting from London, listened to the ITV video very carefully and came away with a different quote than the one circulating in British media. The first part of the attacker’s quote is difficult to hear because the ITV anchor is speaking over him. It’s not clear where the above version, which is cited in The Guardian and elsewhere, first appeared.

Here’s the quote as heard by Faiola:

There are many, many ayah throughout the Koran [referring to religious verses] that says we must fight them as they fight us, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologize that women had to witness this today but in our land women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you.

Update... more...

“This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly,” the umbrella Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said in a statement obtained by OnIslam.net.
“Our thoughts are with the victim and his family.”

Killing the infidels is a divine duty for Muslims, says the Koran (2:217, 9/111).

The media and our leaders are hiding, or ignoring, the fact that “self-radicalization” doesn’t happen through some unfathomable magical process – it happens thanks to Islam. It is the Koran and the rest of the Islamic Trilogy, that form a manual for terrorism, that radicalizes Muslims and turns them into killing machines.

I repeat for the umpteenth time... ISLAM = EVIL.   No if's no but's.

PM David Cameron, returning to London from Paris tonight in response to what he referred to it as a "terrorist incident"

The dead man was said to have been wearing a T-shirt for the charity Help for Heroes.
He was apparently hit by a car driven by the murderers before the killing.
Brandishing a cleaver and a knife, and with the body of the victim lying yards away, the man said: “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
I repeat for the umpteenth time...ISLAM = EVIL.

Those who do nothing but stand and watch and obligingly internalise our enemies evil motives onto ourselves, are traitors to civilized humanity.

And you know who you are... you are the "indifferent" and you are traitors to your own people and civilized humanity. Our political leaders and Priests and Rabbis Imams and community leaders who won’t speak out, are traitors.

These pathetic jelly-spined traitors keep telling us that we can’t criticise Islam and they point to our own culpability in its rise - the poor palestinians had their land taken away by those awful Israelis... we have every right to be angry on their behalf.... and Islamophobia is the problem, they tell us.

These holy men and politicians project onto others our own cultural openness, ‘how can we ever imagine that those whom we have welcomed into our countries can hate us so much? That’s not possible.’

There is an ugly corner of hell reserved for politicians and inter-faith capitulationists. These viperous backstabbing traitors. They are kapos, snitches and double crossing hypocrites.

These defectors and deceivers, who were once our friends and still pretend to care about us, are complicit in the evil perpetrated against us by Islam and Muslims the world over. The sign on that corner of Hell is Multiculturalism.
Today's news made by « ruvr » 

PM David Cameron, returning to London from Paris tonight in response to what he referred to it as a "terrorist incident".

He commented on the "appalling crime" at a joint news conference alongside President Francois Hollande in Paris.

"We’ve had this kind of attack in our country before and we have never buckled in the face of them," he said, thanking Mr Hollande for his support.

Cameron, don't exagerate... "a terrorist attack" that is so Islamophobic. These are such nice boys.

The police and security forces are "urgently seeking the full facts", he said. He did not confirm that the murdered young man was a soldier, but he confirmed that the men wounded by police at the crime scene are being treated as suspects. The PM also said that he will be chairing the government's emergency Cobra meeting in the morning. Downing Street had called a meeting of the Cobra committee after the incident in John Wilson Street.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson said on his way into the meeting that this was "a sickening and unforgiveable act of violence".

Get your act together Boris! Don't overreact. These were just muhammanoid kids having fun and expressing themselves to impress their Imam and their mates.

Daylight killing

The dead man was said to have been wearing a T-shirt for the charity Help for Heroes.
He was apparently hit by a car driven by the attackers before the killing, which took place close to a primary school shortly after 14:00 BST.
A major police presence is in place at the scene. The two injured men were taken to separate London hospitals. One is said to be in serious condition.

An MP has said that the dead man was a soldier based at a nearby barracks, though this is yet to be confirmed by the Ministry of Defence.

Woolwich Barracks is fairly close to the scene of the murder.

There are reports that the incident was filmed and the attackers made no attempt to flee, indicating that this was a planned assault.

ITV television showed footage of a man with bloodied hands making comments at the scene, such as: "Remove your governments. They don't care about you."

He apologised that women had to witness such a scene, adding, "but our women have to".


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