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Tuesday, May 28, 2013
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'The example of a Mujahid [Muslim fighter] in Allah's Cause - and Allah knows best who really strives in His Cause - is like a person who fasts and prays without ever stopping. Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid in His Cause into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty.
Bukhari: V4B52N46
Bukhari: V4B52N46
Police are hunting for a man in his 30s as officials say the stabbing of a soldier in Paris bears the hallmarks of Islamic terror.
UPDATE: Police in Paris have obtained video footage of a bearded man "praying" shortly before he stabbed a French soldier in the neck, fuelling suspicions it was an Islamist terror attack.
The video appears to suggest that the Paris attack could be inspired by the Islamist murder of a British serviceman in London.
Anti-terrorism investigators now say they have "high quality images" of a "tall, athletic bearded man" aged about 30, possibly of North African origin, praying near the spot where he attacked the 23-year-old soldier from behind with a knife or a box-cutter on Saturday. He then fled into a crowded train station and is still at large.
The video appears to suggest that the Paris attack could be inspired by the Islamist murder of a British serviceman in London.
Anti-terrorism investigators now say they have "high quality images" of a "tall, athletic bearded man" aged about 30, possibly of North African origin, praying near the spot where he attacked the 23-year-old soldier from behind with a knife or a box-cutter on Saturday. He then fled into a crowded train station and is still at large.
"There are indeed elements that lead us to believe it could be an act of terrorism," Interior Minister Manuel Valls
Really? You don't want to go jumping to conclusions. The "person of interest" could turn out to be Jewish or Amish. These dumb French need to use "Google Translate" to figure this one out.
Ask a Frenchman "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's probably...? "Pâté", he would answer.
Ask a Frenchman "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's probably...? "Pâté", he would answer.
Today's news made by « sky »
French Police Require Actual Head as Evidence |
Police are on the hunt for a bearded man aged about 35, possibly of North African origin, who fled into a crowded train station after attacking the soldier from behind.
"There are indeed elements that lead us to believe it could be an act of terrorism," Interior Minister Manuel Valls told France 5 television. He declined further comment citing the investigation.
The 23-year-old soldier survived the attack, carried out only days after Drummer Lee Rigby was hacked to death by two suspected Islamic extremists.
"There are indeed elements that lead us to believe it could be an act of terrorism,"
A spokesman for police union UNSA, Christophe Crepin, said there were similarities with the Woolwich attack."I think this person wanted to imitate what happened in London," he said.
His comment echoed remarks by the defence minister that the French soldier had been targeted because of his uniform.
President Francois Hollande and Mr Valls have both warned against jumping to conclusions about the attack.
The soldier was with two colleagues patrolling the business area of La Defense as part of France's Vigipirate anti-terrorist surveillance strategy when he was approached from behind and attacked with a sharp metal object.
However, Mr Valls did say that France faced a growing threat from an "enemy within", made up of Islamist radicals.He said many of these radicals wanted to punish the country for sending troops to Mali to help drive back an offensive by Islamist rebels.
The soldier was with two colleagues patrolling the business area of La Defense as part of France's Vigipirate anti-terrorist surveillance strategy when he was approached from behind and attacked with a sharp metal object.
Earlier this month, Mr Hollande said France was taking seriously a call by al Qaeda's North African wing for Muslims worldwide to launch attacks against the country's interests over its military operation in Mali.
Last year, three French paratroopers were killed by a man police described as a French-born Islamic extremist who then went on to strike a Jewish school in the south of France, killing four more people.
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