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Monday, April 29, 2013
The Jews were made to come down, and Allah's Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina, and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men.
Banality of Evil – Banality of Silence
No longer can we allow Muslims to believe in the fantasy world of an Allah of all goodness and his ‘prophet of peace’ Muhammad – while the Quran contains teachings of a hateful, murderous Allah (the Anti-God).
No longer can we allow Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of peace and love etc. – while leaving in the Quran and Islamic texts’ evil teachings calling for the destruction of kafirs.
No longer can we allow Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of peace and love etc. – while leaving in the Quran and Islamic texts’ evil teachings calling for the destruction of kafirs.
If, after reading this, you are still a politically correct moderate or a religious apologists for Islam or a traitor to your culture by still participating interfaith-dialogue, then you cannot be a sentient being from my planet and I want nothing to do with you.
Today's news made by « Jake Neuman »
The Banality of Evil
The “banality of evil” is a phrase coined in 1963 by Hannah Arendt in her work “Eichmann in Jerusalem” which describes the thesis that the great evils in history generally, and the Holocaust in particular, were not executed by fanatics or sociopaths but rather by ordinary people who accepted the premises of their leaders and therefore participated believing that their actions were normal.
The Banality of Evil – German Style
During the Second World War, ordinary everyday Germans woke up in the morning, mothers readied their children for school, packed lunches for their husbands, who after having a breakfast of bratwurst and bread with “ersazt” coffee would head out to their jobs at the local Concentration Camp. Once at the camp, when the trains arrived, he ordered the inhabitants out, went through the throngs separating the able bodied who could work from the infirm, husbands from their families, children from their mothers, any opposition and he would order the offender shot on the spot, women that he judged good looking received special attention for raping and sexual molestation later.
The sickly and unwanted were marched directly into the gas chambers. During the day, our German family man circulated through the camp ensuring the efficient functioning of the facility. Any slave workers who were not pulling their weight were taken out on his orders and sent to the gas chamber. Once he was convinced that everything was in order, our good German returned to his office and did the paper-work.
In the evening he returned home exhausted. His children greeted him yelling “daddy, daddy”. His dog jumped up and licked his face. He hugged and kissed his wife, ate a hearty supper, then retired to read the newspaper or listen to the radio.
He was just doing his job. In his mind, he was not committing evil whatsoever. He was just a normal every day German doing his normal every day duty.
But the Banality of Evil was more than just the concentration camps. The German army was heavily involved with the SS in massacres throughout Europe and Russia. After the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in Prague, Czechslovakia, young German men from SS and army surrounded the Czech villages of Lidice and Lezaky and executed 173 men at Lidice over 16. The women and remaining children were taken away to Ravensbruck Concentration camp. 82 children not considered suitable for ‘Aryanisation‘ were gassed at Chemnitz extermination camp on the orders of Adolf Eichmann At Ležak 33 villagers (both men and women) were shot. Thirteen children were separated from their families. The sisters Jarmila and Marie Šťulík were selected for the ‘Aryanisation’ programme (both were found and returned after the war). The remaining 11 children were sent to the Chełmno extermination camp and in summer 1942 gassed (together with one girl from Lidice).There is a chilling photograph of the young Germans killers dressed in spotless well-pressed uniforms, well combed hair with smiling faces and bottles of wine holding a banquet in the Lidice village center to celebrate their great victory. In the back ground surrounding the central square was the entire village buildings all leveled to the ground. This photograph is the very essence of the Banality of Evil German style. Young men performing, in their eyes, not evil but acts of valour. It is normal to kill these villagers, raze their village and enslave the women and children. Another Banality of Evil holocaust was – The “Holocaust by Bullets,” in which over 2 million Jews were gunned down in towns and villages across Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Their part in the Nazis’ Final Solution has been under researched, their bodies left unidentified in unmarked mass graves. Again all of this horror was committed by young Germans just doing their duty. This is the banality of evil – German style.
The Banality of Evil – Islamic Style
Massacre of Banu Quraiza Jews: Muhammad had all the Jewish men of Banu Quraiza assembled and beheaded between 600 and 900. Muhammad personally beheaded 2 Jewish chieftians. In order to distinguish young Jewish boys from young Jewish men, the prophet ordered his “SS” known as The Companions or “Sahaba” to pull down the pants of the young Jewish boys and inspect their genitals for the slightest trace of pubic hair. Those poor unfortunates with pubic hair were dragged away and beheaded. The good looking Jewish women were separated out to be raped and gang raped after the beheading Islamic festivities. The job was completed. The rest were sold into slavery.
After Muhammad invaded and took over Khaybar, he ordered a fire set on the Jewish chieftain’s chest torturing him to reveal the whereabouts of the City’s treasure. When he refused despite unimaginable suffering, the chieftain was taken and beheaded. Muhammad raped this leader’s 17 year old wife that night.
On orders from Muhammad, Muslim women were buried to their chests and stoned to death.
On orders from Muhammad, Muslims who were judged by Muhammad to be deficient in their faith were burnt alive in their homes.
Muhammad, through his phony Allah, created an immoral frame-work of depravity whereby murder, rape, torture etc were “divine acts for Allah”. All this evil was sanctioned by Allah.
Look at the picture above of Muhammad, Ali and the Sahaba at the beheading of the Banu Quraiza Jews. This picture by a Muslim artist shows the very ESSENCE OF THE BANALITY OF EVIL – Islamic Style.
- – - – -
What was the difference between the massacres of Lidice and Khaybar?
The German murderers carried out their massacres in the name of “The Third Reich” – the highest (secular) power to which they owned allegiance. The Muslim murderers went one better – they carried out their massacres in the name of their god. The massacre of the Banu Quraiza was done by the ‘prophet of Allah’ with the total support of ‘angel Gabriel’ and ‘Allah’. Indeed angel Gabriel and his merry band of jihadi angels fought the Jewish defenders with great valor. Angel Gabriel and prophet Muhammad were the FIRST MUSLIM “HOLY WARRIORS”, aka jihadi terrorists.
For Muslims the example of Mohammed is normative. It is normal to kill and torture kafirs.
What Muhammad did in his massacres was okay, the great acts of a ‘great prophet’ of a great god. All the mosques in the US, Europe and worldwide are teaching the Quran. When Muslim children go to an Islamic school (Madrassa), they are taught these teaching, and it is all just normal. In the Muslim mind, what we regard as evil, they regard as good, pious, divine and normal.
Blowing up the kafir London subway system was just a normal act fulfilling the teachings of Allah.
Smashing jets into the twin towers and blowing up the Boston Marathon was Allah’s will to punish the kafir for not submitting to Islam.
And to “prove” that these things are holy, divine and pious acts, Islam promises the good, moral, normal, pious Muslim kafir-killers a Paradise filled with virgin sex-slaves.
The Islamic banality of evil and the normality of evil reach its true climax when Muslims defend the Quran, Allah, Muhammad and Islam.
Draw a cartoon of Muhammad and you get mass protests in the streets. Kill thousands of kafirs and masses pour into the streets cheering their god for having such brave, moral, pious souls carrying out his commands and shouting “ALLAH AKBAR!”
Why? Because the death of Kafirs proves that their “god is greater”.
Where are the protesters chanting “not in our name” or “not in the name of Islam”?
Nowhere. The reason is because killing kafirs is not murder but the holy acts of good, moral, normal, pious Muslims fulfilling the will of Allah.
In the Islamic view Tamerlan Tsarnaev – the brother who was killed – is now in Paradise molesting his 72 promised virgins. His seriously wounded brother Dzhokhar will join him when he dies. The 3 murdered kafirs are in hell and damnation – their great criminal act was to be born kafirs and it was an act of piety for the Brothers Tsarnaev to kill them. This is the VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANALITY OF EVIL – ISLAMIC STYLE.
The Boston Massacre and the American evil of banality
After the Boston Massacre, the American media and political elites were falling all over themselves making excuses for the Brothers Tsarnaev. How could such wonderful boys from such a wonderful family have committed such horrific acts? Whatever caused these wonderful young boys to self-radicalise? What did we do to upset them and make them attack us?
The question is often asked: “How is it possible that the Germans committed such acts?”
Hitler had power handed to him by the political, intellectual, media and industrial elites. Once he became Chancellor anyone who opposed him was taken away and shot or hanged – often after vicious torture, and with the silencing of all criticism and opposition, Hitler’s views became normative in Nazi Germany. The constant bombardment of Nazi propaganda – without any dissenting opinion – made what good, moral, honest Germans would once have considered unthinkable seem entirely rational. Hence our Concentration Camp guard and the picture of nice, smartly dressed young Germans celebrating their massacre of the innocent.
The parallels with Mohammed and his Sahaba are almost too chilling.
In America today, the attitudes of orthodox Islam are becoming “main stream” and its evil of blowing up kafirs, honor killing, the inferiority of women, raping, sex slaves etc. are becoming normalised. Like our attackers we blame US, the victims, for the attack. Our attackers externalise their motives onto us and we, obligingly, internalise them onto ourselves. Thus we have accepted the narrative of our killers as the truth – without question. THIS IS THE EVIL OF BANALITY – AMERICAN STYLE.
By retaining these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Quran, Muslims are in effect saying that these teachings are normal and morally acceptable. They are acquiescing to evil. Once you accommodate evil, you lose your moral center and become, willingly or unwillingly, an accomplice to evil. You cannot call yourself a good person and refuse to condemn the violence of the Quran and demand that evil be expunged from this very evil book.
No longer can we allow Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of peace and love etc. – while leaving in the Quran and Islamic texts’ evil teachings calling for the destruction of kafirs.
No longer can we allow Muslims to believe in the fantasy world of an Allah of all goodness and his ‘prophet of peace’ Muhammad – while the Quran contains teachings of a hateful, murderous Allah (the Anti-God).
We must call on Muslims to prove that they are truly peace loving – by renouncing these evil teachings, condemning their evil founder Muhammad and his fake Allah and leaving Islam. This will be their moment of catharsis and the moment they save their immortal souls.
The “banality of evil” is a phrase coined in 1963 by Hannah Arendt in her work “Eichmann in Jerusalem” which describes the thesis that the great evils in history generally, and the Holocaust in particular, were not executed by fanatics or sociopaths but rather by ordinary people who accepted the premises of their leaders and therefore participated believing that their actions were normal.
The Banality of Evil – German Style
Lidice Massacre: 173 Men executed by the Germans plus 82 children gassed at the Chelmno Extermination Camp. |
The sickly and unwanted were marched directly into the gas chambers. During the day, our German family man circulated through the camp ensuring the efficient functioning of the facility. Any slave workers who were not pulling their weight were taken out on his orders and sent to the gas chamber. Once he was convinced that everything was in order, our good German returned to his office and did the paper-work.
In the evening he returned home exhausted. His children greeted him yelling “daddy, daddy”. His dog jumped up and licked his face. He hugged and kissed his wife, ate a hearty supper, then retired to read the newspaper or listen to the radio.
He was just doing his job. In his mind, he was not committing evil whatsoever. He was just a normal every day German doing his normal every day duty.
But the Banality of Evil was more than just the concentration camps. The German army was heavily involved with the SS in massacres throughout Europe and Russia. After the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in Prague, Czechslovakia, young German men from SS and army surrounded the Czech villages of Lidice and Lezaky and executed 173 men at Lidice over 16. The women and remaining children were taken away to Ravensbruck Concentration camp. 82 children not considered suitable for ‘Aryanisation‘ were gassed at Chemnitz extermination camp on the orders of Adolf Eichmann At Ležak 33 villagers (both men and women) were shot. Thirteen children were separated from their families. The sisters Jarmila and Marie Šťulík were selected for the ‘Aryanisation’ programme (both were found and returned after the war). The remaining 11 children were sent to the Chełmno extermination camp and in summer 1942 gassed (together with one girl from Lidice).There is a chilling photograph of the young Germans killers dressed in spotless well-pressed uniforms, well combed hair with smiling faces and bottles of wine holding a banquet in the Lidice village center to celebrate their great victory. In the back ground surrounding the central square was the entire village buildings all leveled to the ground. This photograph is the very essence of the Banality of Evil German style. Young men performing, in their eyes, not evil but acts of valour. It is normal to kill these villagers, raze their village and enslave the women and children. Another Banality of Evil holocaust was – The “Holocaust by Bullets,” in which over 2 million Jews were gunned down in towns and villages across Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Their part in the Nazis’ Final Solution has been under researched, their bodies left unidentified in unmarked mass graves. Again all of this horror was committed by young Germans just doing their duty. This is the banality of evil – German style.
The Banality of Evil – Islamic Style
Massacre of Banu Quraiza Jews: Muhammad had all the Jewish men of Banu Quraiza assembled and beheaded between 600 and 900. Muhammad personally beheaded 2 Jewish chieftians. In order to distinguish young Jewish boys from young Jewish men, the prophet ordered his “SS” known as The Companions or “Sahaba” to pull down the pants of the young Jewish boys and inspect their genitals for the slightest trace of pubic hair. Those poor unfortunates with pubic hair were dragged away and beheaded. The good looking Jewish women were separated out to be raped and gang raped after the beheading Islamic festivities. The job was completed. The rest were sold into slavery.
‘Prophet’ Muhammad and Child Wife Aisha Watching the Beheading of 600/900 Jews At Massacre of Banu Qurayza |
Muhammad, through his phony Allah, created an immoral frame-work of depravity whereby murder, rape, torture etc were “divine acts for Allah”.
Assassination and murder: On orders from Muhammad, the Muslim Companions assassinated many of his opponents.On orders from Muhammad, Muslim women were buried to their chests and stoned to death.
On orders from Muhammad, Muslims who were judged by Muhammad to be deficient in their faith were burnt alive in their homes.
Muhammad, through his phony Allah, created an immoral frame-work of depravity whereby murder, rape, torture etc were “divine acts for Allah”. All this evil was sanctioned by Allah.
Look at the picture above of Muhammad, Ali and the Sahaba at the beheading of the Banu Quraiza Jews. This picture by a Muslim artist shows the very ESSENCE OF THE BANALITY OF EVIL – Islamic Style.
- – - – -
What was the difference between the massacres of Lidice and Khaybar?
The German murderers carried out their massacres in the name of “The Third Reich” – the highest (secular) power to which they owned allegiance. The Muslim murderers went one better – they carried out their massacres in the name of their god. The massacre of the Banu Quraiza was done by the ‘prophet of Allah’ with the total support of ‘angel Gabriel’ and ‘Allah’. Indeed angel Gabriel and his merry band of jihadi angels fought the Jewish defenders with great valor. Angel Gabriel and prophet Muhammad were the FIRST MUSLIM “HOLY WARRIORS”, aka jihadi terrorists.
The Muslim murderers went one better – they carried out their massacres in the name of their god.
There is a second difference too: Nazi attitudes in Germany (largely) died with the Nazis. Today Germans would not calmly massacre the innocent in the Nazi manner – such an action would once again be unthinkable. Mohammed’s attitudes did not die with Mohammed, instead they have continued throughout 1400 years of bloody history and are still taught today.For Muslims the example of Mohammed is normative. It is normal to kill and torture kafirs.
What Muhammad did in his massacres was okay, the great acts of a ‘great prophet’ of a great god. All the mosques in the US, Europe and worldwide are teaching the Quran. When Muslim children go to an Islamic school (Madrassa), they are taught these teaching, and it is all just normal. In the Muslim mind, what we regard as evil, they regard as good, pious, divine and normal.
In the Muslim mind, what we regard as evil, they regard as good, pious, divine and normal.
Pulling down the pants of young Jewish boys to determine life or death was a normal act by good, moral, normal Muslims “doing their duty” just as our good, moral, normal German did his duty in the concentration camp.Blowing up the kafir London subway system was just a normal act fulfilling the teachings of Allah.
Smashing jets into the twin towers and blowing up the Boston Marathon was Allah’s will to punish the kafir for not submitting to Islam.
And to “prove” that these things are holy, divine and pious acts, Islam promises the good, moral, normal, pious Muslim kafir-killers a Paradise filled with virgin sex-slaves.
Burning Muslims alive in their homes for missing prayer, stoning Muslim women to death for adultery, cutting off the hands of thiefs, killing apostates are all just normal behavior.
Burning Muslims alive in their homes for missing prayer, stoning Muslim women to death for adultery, cutting off the hands of thiefs, killing apostates are all just normal behavior.The Islamic banality of evil and the normality of evil reach its true climax when Muslims defend the Quran, Allah, Muhammad and Islam.
Draw a cartoon of Muhammad and you get mass protests in the streets. Kill thousands of kafirs and masses pour into the streets cheering their god for having such brave, moral, pious souls carrying out his commands and shouting “ALLAH AKBAR!”
Why? Because the death of Kafirs proves that their “god is greater”.
Where are the protesters chanting “not in our name” or “not in the name of Islam”?
Nowhere. The reason is because killing kafirs is not murder but the holy acts of good, moral, normal, pious Muslims fulfilling the will of Allah.
killing kafirs is not murder but the holy acts of good, moral, normal, pious Muslims fulfilling the will of Allah.
Killing the infidels is a divine duty for Muslims, says the Quran (2:217, 9/111). The Brothers Tsarnaev read this and the thousands of teachings from the Quran and Sunna (hadith and Sirat) of Allah ordering Muslims to murder, terrorize and slaughter kafirs – and being genuinely good, pious Muslims they duly went out and killed, murdered, and slaughtered kafirs.In the Islamic view Tamerlan Tsarnaev – the brother who was killed – is now in Paradise molesting his 72 promised virgins. His seriously wounded brother Dzhokhar will join him when he dies. The 3 murdered kafirs are in hell and damnation – their great criminal act was to be born kafirs and it was an act of piety for the Brothers Tsarnaev to kill them. This is the VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANALITY OF EVIL – ISLAMIC STYLE.
The Boston Massacre and the American evil of banality
Boston Massacre – courtesy of Islam |
“self-radicalization”doesn’t happen through some unfathomable magical process – it happens thanks to Islam
The media is hiding, or ignoring, the fact that “self-radicalization”doesn’t happen through some unfathomable magical process – it happens thanks to Islam. It is the Quran and the rest of the Islamic Trilogy, that form a manual for terrorism, that radicalizes Muslims and turns them into killing machines.The question is often asked: “How is it possible that the Germans committed such acts?”
Hitler had power handed to him by the political, intellectual, media and industrial elites. Once he became Chancellor anyone who opposed him was taken away and shot or hanged – often after vicious torture, and with the silencing of all criticism and opposition, Hitler’s views became normative in Nazi Germany. The constant bombardment of Nazi propaganda – without any dissenting opinion – made what good, moral, honest Germans would once have considered unthinkable seem entirely rational. Hence our Concentration Camp guard and the picture of nice, smartly dressed young Germans celebrating their massacre of the innocent.
The parallels with Mohammed and his Sahaba are almost too chilling.
For Muslims, this requires expunging from the Muslim mind the Quran and Sunna with its thousands of evil teachings of terror, murder, torture and subordination of women.
Americans claim that what happened in Germany under Hitler could never happen here. “We are Americans” they proclaim. “We would stand against any dictatorship. We will never surrender our democracy and freedom.” In many ways, we Americans are far worse than the Germans. Whilst there is no one in government with the power to put us in front of a firing squad (at least not yet) most Americans are accepting the Islamization of the US without a whimper of protest. The evil of Islam is now normal. Every effort is made to condemn – not Islam – but those few who refuse to accept the erosion of our hard-won freedoms and liberties by fighting against the creep of Sharia Law, the Quran and Sunna into our society.In America today, the attitudes of orthodox Islam are becoming “main stream” and its evil of blowing up kafirs, honor killing, the inferiority of women, raping, sex slaves etc. are becoming normalised. Like our attackers we blame US, the victims, for the attack. Our attackers externalise their motives onto us and we, obligingly, internalise them onto ourselves. Thus we have accepted the narrative of our killers as the truth – without question. THIS IS THE EVIL OF BANALITY – AMERICAN STYLE.
The evil of Islam is now normal. Every effort is made to condemn – not Islam – but those few who refuse to accept the erosion of our hard-won freedoms and liberties by fighting against the creep of Sharia Law, the Quran and Sunna into our society.
The test of true goodness is when you confront evil head on and expunge it from your heart and soul. This sounds easy but it is not. It means reaching into the very core of your being and pulling out all your mental insides, everything you have ever been taught from childhood, washing it out with the soap of truth. For Muslims, this requires expunging from the Muslim mind the Quran and Sunna with its thousands of evil teachings of terror, murder, torture and subordination of women.WHY THESE TEACHINGS OF EVIL, TERROR, MURDER, VIOLENCE AND SUBJUGATION OF WOMEN MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE QURAN AND ISLAM ABANDONED.
By retaining these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Quran, Muslims are in effect saying that these teachings are normal and morally acceptable. They are acquiescing to evil. Once you accommodate evil, you lose your moral center and become, willingly or unwillingly, an accomplice to evil. You cannot call yourself a good person and refuse to condemn the violence of the Quran and demand that evil be expunged from this very evil book.
By retaining these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Quran, Muslims are in effect saying that these teachings are normal and morally acceptable. Once you accommodate evil, you lose your moral center and become, willingly or unwillingly, an accomplice to evil. You cannot call yourself a good person and refuse to condemn the violence of the Quran and demand that evil be expunged from this very evil book.
By not fighting against the evil in the Quran and abandoning Islam, Muslims become accomplices in all the acts of terrorist carnage and in many respects just as evil as the Muslim men actually committing these acts of slaughter.THEY ALSO SERVE WHO ONLY STAND AND WATCH.
No longer can we allow Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of peace and love etc. – while leaving in the Quran and Islamic texts’ evil teachings calling for the destruction of kafirs.
No longer can we allow Muslims to believe in the fantasy world of an Allah of all goodness and his ‘prophet of peace’ Muhammad – while the Quran contains teachings of a hateful, murderous Allah (the Anti-God).
We must call on Muslims to prove that they are truly peace loving – by renouncing these evil teachings, condemning their evil founder Muhammad and his fake Allah and leaving Islam. This will be their moment of catharsis and the moment they save their immortal souls.
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