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Monday, April 15, 2013
The Prophet said, If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.


"They were heading to Australia, as usual", immigration official Muhammad Bakri told AFP

Why don't Islam loving Muslims WANT TO settle in Islamic countries?
Why DON'T Islamic countries WANT to settle them? Why can't they be SENT TO Islamic countries? Why don't we ask Islamic countries why they don't want to settle their Muslim folk, who they claim to care about.

The answer is simple. Despite reeking of oil $billions, the Islamic world is still a hell-hole of uncivilized savagery and inhumanity... no one in their right mind would choose to live in Iran or Iraq or Bangladesh or Pakistan or Afghanistan. Any sane person would rather risk their lives in leaky boats to get to a civilized part of the world like Australia, where women are respected and children are valued and life is a precious thing.

There are no muhommanoid street vendors selling "I Love Pakistan Buttons".
Today's news made by « thenews » 

MAKASSAR, Indonesia: Indonesia’s navy detained 82 asylum seekers including scores of Muslim Rohingya from Myanmar when their boat ran aground as they headed to Australia, an immigration official said on Friday.

The 51 Rohingya, 24 Iranians and seven Somalis had been heading from Sulawesi island, in the east of the country, to East Nusa Tenggara, one of the closest Indonesian provinces to Australia, he said.

An increasing number of Rohingya, described by the UN as one of the world’s most persecuted minorities, have been arriving in Indonesia as they flee Buddhist-Muslim violence which erupted in their home state of Rakhine last year.

“They were heading to Australia, as usual,” immigration official Muhammad Bakri told AFP.

The boat left from southwest Sulawesi but their boat ran aground nearby and they were picked up by a naval patrol, he said.

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