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Wednesday, April 03, 2013
New York Times asks: Can reflective and honest intellectuals actually believe in Islam's teachings? <jihadwatch>
Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason, it’s the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals. It’s our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated.
At Jihad Watch they ask if the New York Times would ever substitute the World Islam for say, Catholicism, in any of their articles.Hitchens
The answer is a resounding NO! The few of us who are not that easily fooled by the capitulation of the likes of the Times and other lefties and moderates, will not provide means for the Islamists to distance themselves from their own uncivilized doctrines and their Sharia. These Islamic apologists (like CAIR and the Times) are slimy two-faced frauds who set out to deliberately deceive, misinform and distort vile anti-human Islamic propaganda by attenuating the harm and savagery of say: female genital mutilation, Sharia sanctioned peadophilia, beheaddings, acid attacks on women, base misogynism, honor killing and an ongoing refrain of depravity and abomination against humanity in general. These organisations and the media and the moderates and their counterparts around the world are dangerous and deluded and civilized people need to fear them far more than the forthright Jihadist savage who wrenches your head back and butchers it off your shoulders because Allah told him to. At least with him, you know where you stand... alongside your head.
The Times Article is actually about how any thinking person can believe in the Catholic Church anymore. That is a perfectly valid question, and I have no objection to anyone asking it. And nothing in particular will happen as a result of the Times's having done so.
But don't worry: none of this will happen, because the Times would never dare to be so "Islamophobic" as to ask such a question about Islam.Just imagine the outcry, however, if the Times had run a piece asking "Can reflective and honest intellectuals actually believe in Islam's teachings?" There would have been outraged complaints about "Islamophobia" at the Times; claims that the Times was fostering a climate of suspicion and violence against innocent American Muslims; indignant, arrogant and self-righteous pieces in Salon and the Huffington Post written by young Muslims who assured the Times and the world that they were perfectly reflective, honest, and intellectual, and that the Times was "racist" for even suggesting that reflective and honest intellectuals might have a problem with Islamic teaching, combined with weary charges that the Times, like most non-Muslims, harbored bigoted "misconceptions" about Islam. Chris Matthews would mutter darkly about right-wing forces at the Times, and Jon Stewart would mock the Times for its hidden racism and bigotry. Reza Aslan would appear on Stephen Colbert's show to joke about how the Times thinks all Muslims are ignorant savages, and blame Pamela Geller for the whole thing.
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