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Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Prophet said, 'I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with terror.
Bukhari: V9B87N127
Bukhari: V9B87N127
Ten people are dead following clashes between Muslims and Coptic Christians in Egypt. The people have been killed over the past few weeks which have seen spates of violence between Christians defending their churches and homes from angry Muslims. Few Muslim attackers ever face justice.
Muslims still follow the laws of Mohammed, laid down nearly 14 centuries ago - at least as far as violence towards others goes.
Has the new pope died already or is he closeted in interminable meetings with his boss planning the next earthquake to show 'them gays' he means business? Is he prancing around in his splendid regalia admiring the trinkets he inherited? What the hell is he doing to help stop this savagery?
He may as well be dead. He is just a waste of space like all the other Popes were.
He may as well be dead. He is just a waste of space like all the other Popes were.
Today's news made by « catholic »
CAIRO, EGYPT (Catholic Online) - Clashes between Muslims and Christians have claimed 10 live in Egypt where sectarian violence between the groups has been renewed in the face of Mohammed Morsi's administration.
The most recent spate of violence started after children drew crosses on the walls of an Islamic institute in Khosoos, just north of Cairo. That acts of children's vandalism sparked a bloody retaliation from Muslims in which four Christians and a Muslim were killed.
At the Christian funeral, Muslims struck again, this time carrying on until they reached the Coptic cathedral and damaged the structure. More Christians were murdered.
Note that it's Muslims who are attacking Christian funeral processions, not the other way around.
Vandalism committed by children, particularly of a religious nature is unacceptable, however the punishment should not include murder. Nor should Muslims carry on the violence to the funerals of the people they murdered.
Pope Tawadros II, leader of Egypt's Coptic Christians, has openly criticized President Morsi for his failure to stem the violence despite pledges to do so. The Muslim attackers are yet to face any repercussions for their violence.
Unfortunately, the Copts have faced religious intolerance and discrimination, even after the Arab Spring revolution that promised democracy and freedom. Copts have been denied both, having been systematically cut out of the government and with greater restrictions placed on the constructions of churches.
Following this, Christians have done by far, the most bleeding and dying in street battles that are sparked by Muslims at any time they feel a Christian has wronged them. The slightest provocations are used.
This is a common thread through the Islamic world. Conservative, militant Muslims take offense at Christian behavior, often that of children, and convert that into a cause to rally violence against Christians.
These people and their radical beliefs are the problem. They also seek to export these beliefs around the globe. Such extremism cannot be tolerated in any civil society and if Egypt wishes to someday claim to have a civil society, It will first have to deal with these violent extremists and protect all minorities, including Christians.
The most recent spate of violence started after children drew crosses on the walls of an Islamic institute in Khosoos, just north of Cairo. That acts of children's vandalism sparked a bloody retaliation from Muslims in which four Christians and a Muslim were killed.
At the Christian funeral, Muslims struck again, this time carrying on until they reached the Coptic cathedral and damaged the structure. More Christians were murdered.
Note that it's Muslims who are attacking Christian funeral processions, not the other way around.
Vandalism committed by children, particularly of a religious nature is unacceptable, however the punishment should not include murder. Nor should Muslims carry on the violence to the funerals of the people they murdered.
Pope Tawadros II, leader of Egypt's Coptic Christians, has openly criticized President Morsi for his failure to stem the violence despite pledges to do so. The Muslim attackers are yet to face any repercussions for their violence.
Pope Tawadros II, leader of Egypt's Coptic Christians, has openly criticized President Morsi for his failure to stem the violence despite pledges to do so.
Copts make up 10 percent of Egypt's population and have resided there since ancient times, even in the centuries before Mohammed. Unfortunately, the Copts have faced religious intolerance and discrimination, even after the Arab Spring revolution that promised democracy and freedom. Copts have been denied both, having been systematically cut out of the government and with greater restrictions placed on the constructions of churches.
Following this, Christians have done by far, the most bleeding and dying in street battles that are sparked by Muslims at any time they feel a Christian has wronged them. The slightest provocations are used.
This is a common thread through the Islamic world. Conservative, militant Muslims take offense at Christian behavior, often that of children, and convert that into a cause to rally violence against Christians.
Muslims still follow the laws of Mohammed, laid down nearly 14 centuries ago - at least as far as violence towards others goes
Where most of the world lives in tolerance, these militant Muslims still follow the laws of Mohammed, laid down nearly 14 centuries ago - at least as far as violence towards others goes. These people and their radical beliefs are the problem. They also seek to export these beliefs around the globe. Such extremism cannot be tolerated in any civil society and if Egypt wishes to someday claim to have a civil society, It will first have to deal with these violent extremists and protect all minorities, including Christians.
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