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Thursday, March 14, 2013
Freedom to speak. Except to criticise Islam.
When you have to go into hiding because you are threatened with death for expressing your horror about the hatred Islam teaches its children, you know that your politicians have failed you.
Cowardly Moderate Muslims and Inter-Faith bleeding hearts; I hear nothing from your miserably worthless lips.
Dutch doctoral student receives death threats after opposing teenage Hitler admirers
Mehmet Sahin, a doctoral student at the centre of a controversial video that circulated on the internet last week, has gone into hiding with his family after receiving death threats
Reports from the Netherlands indicate Mehmet Sahin, a doctoral student at the centre of a controversial video that circulated on the internet last week, has gone into hiding with his family after receiving death threats.
The video (see below), originally broadcast by Nederland 2 TV station, features Sahin interviewing a group of teenage boys who explicitly state their hatred of Jews and widely praise the policies of Adolf Hitler.
One of the boys remarks: “I am satisfied with what Hitler did with the Jews. I am being really honest.”
He later adds: “As far as I am concerned, Hitler should have killed all the Jews.”
Sahin, who works to reeducate Turkish-immigrant youths in Arnhem, is visibly exasperated and distressed by the boys’ views in the short interview.
Shockingly, he has reportedly since been victim of a neighbourhood signature campaign to get him to leave the area.
The Mayor of Arnhem, Pauline Krikke, advised Sahin to go into hiding after the alleged death threats were received.
Meanwhile, Labor Party parliamentarian Ahmed Marcouch announced his intention to ask parliamentary questions about the reported threat:. “It is horrible that someone has to be afraid because he has done something that we all should do – teach children not to hate”, he said.
The municipality’s prosecution is currently investigating the matter.
When you have to go into hiding because you are threatened with death for expressing your horror about the hatred Islam teaches its children, you know that your politicians have failed you.
Cowardly Moderate Muslims and Inter-Faith bleeding hearts; I hear nothing from your miserably worthless lips.
Dutch doctoral student receives death threats after opposing teenage Hitler admirers
Mehmet Sahin, a doctoral student at the centre of a controversial video that circulated on the internet last week, has gone into hiding with his family after receiving death threats
Reports from the Netherlands indicate Mehmet Sahin, a doctoral student at the centre of a controversial video that circulated on the internet last week, has gone into hiding with his family after receiving death threats.
The video (see below), originally broadcast by Nederland 2 TV station, features Sahin interviewing a group of teenage boys who explicitly state their hatred of Jews and widely praise the policies of Adolf Hitler.
One of the boys remarks: “I am satisfied with what Hitler did with the Jews. I am being really honest.”
He later adds: “As far as I am concerned, Hitler should have killed all the Jews.”
Sahin, who works to reeducate Turkish-immigrant youths in Arnhem, is visibly exasperated and distressed by the boys’ views in the short interview.
Shockingly, he has reportedly since been victim of a neighbourhood signature campaign to get him to leave the area.
The Mayor of Arnhem, Pauline Krikke, advised Sahin to go into hiding after the alleged death threats were received.
Meanwhile, Labor Party parliamentarian Ahmed Marcouch announced his intention to ask parliamentary questions about the reported threat:. “It is horrible that someone has to be afraid because he has done something that we all should do – teach children not to hate”, he said.
The municipality’s prosecution is currently investigating the matter.
Tags:Islamic Misogyny,Jewish Issues; Anti-Semitism; Jew- Hatred,War; Terrorism; Brutality; Violence; Bloodshed; Savagery
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