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Saturday, September 14, 2013
The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them.
Koran: 8:59
Koran: 8:59
“We’re here for 9-11. We are going to have a peaceful ride... But there are people who are sick and tired of their rights and liberties being taken away.„ — national ride coordinator Belinda Bee
They claim to have invented Algebra but they still have a long way to go to master simple Arithmetic.

The Million Muslim March. Not so march. I heard only five Muslim supremacists showed up. But that is not surprising. They have no popular support. They work the politicians and the media. The people mean little, the power means everything.
What is appalling is that the five Muslim march got all the media but the bikers got little to none. The enemedia strikes again on 911.
“We’re here for 9-11,” said national ride coordinator Belinda Bee. “We are going to have a peaceful ride. … But there are people who are sick and tired of their rights and liberties being taken away.”
The National Park Service has denied any political motivation for refusing the permit, which ride organizers sought last month. The Park Service earlier this year granted a permit to a Muslim group planning a rally Wednesday to call attention to social justice issues.
The American Muslim Political Action Committee has scheduled a rally to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Ms. Bee said the ride was originally set up to counter the rally and show respect for the victims of that day.
Dan O’Brien, 54, of Mansfield, Ohio, said he had been “looking for a ride like this” to honor the Sept. 11 victims, but the rally also spurred him to join.
“This is very disgraceful,” he said. “They picked a day precious to the United States and its citizens.”
While we were gathering at Ground Zero in NYC, close to a million bikers roared into DC to show their love of country on 911.
The Million Muslim March. Not so march. I heard only five Muslim supremacists showed up. But that is not surprising. They have no popular support. They work the politicians and the media. The people mean little, the power means everything.
What is appalling is that the five Muslim march got all the media but the bikers got little to none. The enemedia strikes again on 911.
“We’re here for 9-11,” said national ride coordinator Belinda Bee. “We are going to have a peaceful ride. … But there are people who are sick and tired of their rights and liberties being taken away.”
The National Park Service has denied any political motivation for refusing the permit, which ride organizers sought last month. The Park Service earlier this year granted a permit to a Muslim group planning a rally Wednesday to call attention to social justice issues.
The American Muslim Political Action Committee has scheduled a rally to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Ms. Bee said the ride was originally set up to counter the rally and show respect for the victims of that day.
Dan O’Brien, 54, of Mansfield, Ohio, said he had been “looking for a ride like this” to honor the Sept. 11 victims, but the rally also spurred him to join.
“This is very disgraceful,” he said. “They picked a day precious to the United States and its citizens.”
“We’re here for Sept. 11, and we plan on every year for Sept. 11,” said Belinda Bee, national coordinator for the event.
While falling short of 2 million strong, the number of participants was impressive for the hastily arranged ride that was organized in part to protest the pro-Muslim rally that many said was inappropriate for such a solemn day in U.S. history. A swath of shining chrome and steel bikes stretched about a third of a mile from the starting point at the Harley-Davidson of Washington store just outside the District in Fort Washington.
Waiting for the call to put up his kickstand, 68-year-old Jim Hearley said he rode his bike about 650 miles from Ellijay, Ga., to show his support.
“I had to do it. It was the patriot thing to do,” the former Marine and Vietnam veteran said, adding that the Muslim rally was what originally drew him to the ride.
“Any other day it probably wouldn’t have been as big as it is, but it pissed off a lot of veterans and a lot of Americans.”
The American Muslim Political Action Committee scheduled the rally to draw attention to what it said is an unfair and ongoing fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The noon rally took place between 13th and 14th streets in Northwest
Speakers — among them author and Princeton University professor Cornel West — mostly struck mainstream themes, calling for social justice for Muslims while promoting peace and condemning violence.
Ruby Sous, from Kansas City, Mo., stressed that Muslims and American Muslims “stand with America against terrorism.”
“We want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,” she said.
Among the bikers, however, the rally was considered an insult to the nearly 3,000 people who died on Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists hijacked three commercial jets and crashed them into the World Trade Center buildings in New York and the Pentagon in Arlington. Another hijacked plane headed for the District crashed near Shanksville, Pa.
“They picked the wrong day to do it,” said Kelly Volb, a 42-year-old Pennsylvania woman who attended the ride. “This is to remember everyone who perished on 9/11, out of respect to them.”
Counterdemonstrators at the Muslim rally shouted similar words during the speeches. Some held signs that read “One nation under God” or disparaging Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
U.S. Park Police gathered in force for the event, with officers deployed around and among the groups to keep them separate.
The National Park Service has denied any political motivation for refusing the permit, which ride organizers sought last month. The Park Service earlier this year granted a permit to a Muslim group planning a rally Wednesday to call attention to social justice issues.
The American Muslim Political Action Committee has scheduled a rally to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Ms. Bee said the ride was originally set up to counter the rally and show respect for the victims of that day.
Dan O’Brien, 54, of Mansfield, Ohio, said he had been “looking for a ride like this” to honor the Sept. 11 victims, but the rally also spurred him to join.
“This is very disgraceful,” he said. “They picked a day precious to the United States and its citizens.”
While we were gathering at Ground Zero in NYC, close to a million bikers roared into DC to show their love of country on 911.
The Million Muslim March. Not so march. I heard only five Muslim supremacists showed up. But that is not surprising. They have no popular support. They work the politicians and the media. The people mean little, the power means everything.
What is appalling is that the five Muslim march got all the media but the bikers got little to none. The enemedia strikes again on 911.
“We’re here for 9-11,” said national ride coordinator Belinda Bee. “We are going to have a peaceful ride. … But there are people who are sick and tired of their rights and liberties being taken away.”
The National Park Service has denied any political motivation for refusing the permit, which ride organizers sought last month. The Park Service earlier this year granted a permit to a Muslim group planning a rally Wednesday to call attention to social justice issues.
The American Muslim Political Action Committee has scheduled a rally to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Ms. Bee said the ride was originally set up to counter the rally and show respect for the victims of that day.
Dan O’Brien, 54, of Mansfield, Ohio, said he had been “looking for a ride like this” to honor the Sept. 11 victims, but the rally also spurred him to join.
“This is very disgraceful,” he said. “They picked a day precious to the United States and its citizens.”
“We’re here for Sept. 11, and we plan on every year for Sept. 11,” said Belinda Bee, national coordinator for the event.
While falling short of 2 million strong, the number of participants was impressive for the hastily arranged ride that was organized in part to protest the pro-Muslim rally that many said was inappropriate for such a solemn day in U.S. history. A swath of shining chrome and steel bikes stretched about a third of a mile from the starting point at the Harley-Davidson of Washington store just outside the District in Fort Washington.
Waiting for the call to put up his kickstand, 68-year-old Jim Hearley said he rode his bike about 650 miles from Ellijay, Ga., to show his support.
“I had to do it. It was the patriot thing to do,” the former Marine and Vietnam veteran said, adding that the Muslim rally was what originally drew him to the ride.
“Any other day it probably wouldn’t have been as big as it is, but it pissed off a lot of veterans and a lot of Americans.”
The American Muslim Political Action Committee scheduled the rally to draw attention to what it said is an unfair and ongoing fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The noon rally took place between 13th and 14th streets in Northwest
Speakers — among them author and Princeton University professor Cornel West — mostly struck mainstream themes, calling for social justice for Muslims while promoting peace and condemning violence.
Ruby Sous, from Kansas City, Mo., stressed that Muslims and American Muslims “stand with America against terrorism.”
“We want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,” she said.
Among the bikers, however, the rally was considered an insult to the nearly 3,000 people who died on Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists hijacked three commercial jets and crashed them into the World Trade Center buildings in New York and the Pentagon in Arlington. Another hijacked plane headed for the District crashed near Shanksville, Pa.
“They picked the wrong day to do it,” said Kelly Volb, a 42-year-old Pennsylvania woman who attended the ride. “This is to remember everyone who perished on 9/11, out of respect to them.”
Counterdemonstrators at the Muslim rally shouted similar words during the speeches. Some held signs that read “One nation under God” or disparaging Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
U.S. Park Police gathered in force for the event, with officers deployed around and among the groups to keep them separate.
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