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Friday, September 13, 2013
O Believers! Answer Allah and (His) Messenger when he calls you to that which will give you life [martyrdom].... Fear the affliction and trial that awaits those who do not obey. Allah is severe.
Koran: 8:24
Koran: 8:24
Acting in accordance with the precepts laid down by their founder, Mohamed
This is exactly what those of us in the Counterjihad have been talking about, warning against for years, Muslims enforcing sharia upon those not belonging to their ideology, dhimmitude. Non-Muslims under Islam are not equal citizens, they are granted very limited ‘rights’ by the Islamic state, but on condition that they pay extortion taxes and ‘feel subdued’.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood to Coptic Christians: Convert to Islam, or pay ‘jizya’ tax
Muslims are the most useless people on this planet. The only way they can survive is by parasiting on other hard working human beings and sucking up wealth through the desert sand. For the past 1,400 years they have proved incapable of doing anything for themselves. They can only cheat, steal, terrorise, invade, murder and rape their way through.
Besides being exceptionally ugly human beings (see above picture), they are also violent and savage and they hate their female children whom they sexually abuse and rape.
There is not a single character flaw that Muslims don't sport in abundance. There is NOTHING redeeming about Muslim men... not a single thing. They have not, and never will produce anything of value to the human race. Without them soiling our planet, the world would be a better place.
Is that clear. And yes, I am Islamophobic, I am shit scared of these evil maniacs.
Besides being exceptionally ugly human beings (see above picture), they are also violent and savage and they hate their female children whom they sexually abuse and rape.
There is not a single character flaw that Muslims don't sport in abundance. There is NOTHING redeeming about Muslim men... not a single thing. They have not, and never will produce anything of value to the human race. Without them soiling our planet, the world would be a better place.
Is that clear. And yes, I am Islamophobic, I am shit scared of these evil maniacs.
The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have began forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in Egypt to pay a jizya tax as indicated in Koran 9:29, author and translator Raymond Ibrahim reported on Sunday.
Jizya is the money, or tribute, “that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords ‘with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued’ to safeguard their existence,” Mr. Ibrahim explained.
According to Fr. Yunis Shawqi, who spoke yesterday to Dostor reporters in Dalga, all Copts in the village, “without exception,” are being forced to pay the tax.
“[The] value of the tribute and method of payment differ from one place to another in the village, so that, some are being expected to pay 200 Egyptian pounds per day, others 500 Egyptian pounds per day,” Mr. Shawqi said, according to the translator.
In some cases, families not able to pay have been attacked. As many as 40 Christian families have now fled Dalga, Mr. Ibrahim reported.
The taxes are not unique to Egypt either.
Just over the weekend Syrian rebels went into a Christian man’s “shop and gave him three options: become Muslim; pay $70,000 as a tax levied on non-Muslims, known as jizya; or be killed along with his family,” Christian Science Monitor reported.
Jizya is the money, or tribute, “that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords ‘with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued’ to safeguard their existence,” Mr. Ibrahim explained.
According to Fr. Yunis Shawqi, who spoke yesterday to Dostor reporters in Dalga, all Copts in the village, “without exception,” are being forced to pay the tax.
“[The] value of the tribute and method of payment differ from one place to another in the village, so that, some are being expected to pay 200 Egyptian pounds per day, others 500 Egyptian pounds per day,” Mr. Shawqi said, according to the translator.
In some cases, families not able to pay have been attacked. As many as 40 Christian families have now fled Dalga, Mr. Ibrahim reported.
The taxes are not unique to Egypt either.
Just over the weekend Syrian rebels went into a Christian man’s “shop and gave him three options: become Muslim; pay $70,000 as a tax levied on non-Muslims, known as jizya; or be killed along with his family,” Christian Science Monitor reported.
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