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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Allah's Apostle was asked, 'What is the best deed?' He replied, 'To believe in Allah and His Apostle Muhammad.' The questioner then asked, 'What is the next best in goodness?' He replied, 'To participate in Jihad, religious fighting in Allah's Cause.'
Bukhari: V1B2N25
Bukhari: V1B2N25
The Muslim Brotherhood plan to compromise America’s Christian leaders is progressing nicely. A “Common Word” document, establishing mutual cooperation between Islam and Christianity, has been signed by 300 church leaders, including kingpins Rick Warren and Bill Hybels. This type of gullibility places our country in danger, yet interfaith leaders work day and night to make it reality.
Michael Coffman and Kate Mathieson are brave people. In an era of great peril, brought upon all of us by a sinister worldview originating in ancient Arabia, they are willing to say things in print that need to be said. For example:
Exactly. That’s why a new book by Coffman and Mathieson, Radical IslamAt the Door In the House, is so compelling. A slim volume—on the lean side at that—the book can be read, for example, while one sits in a doctor’s waiting room (as I did). Indeed, only 85 pages of text are so jammed with information on America being overtaken by Islamic jihad there is no excuse for it not being read widely.
This isn’t reading for the faint-of-heart, but it is one of the most extraordinary books of 2013, and will especially be accessible and relevant for Christian audiences in America. Coffman and Mathieson have done their homework, and then some.
Of particular interest is a rhetorical question they ask repeatedly: Why is the Obama administration mainstreaming the Muslim Brotherhood? The answer is chilling, but those who choose to face reality rather than the bottom of a sand hole just might look back one day and see that a clear-headed assessment of Islam’s plans for America saved many lives.
During an election speech in Cairo, in May 2012, Brotherhood leader Muhammad Morsi stated clearly, “The Qur’an is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal.”
Is this the kind of person an American government should prop-up? Of course not, but the question comes back to us again and again, like an ominous echo: Why is Barack Obama determined to support the Muslim Brotherhood and elsewhere aid jihadists?
Everywhere in Radical IslamAt the Door In the House, we learn how deeply radical Islam has penetrated not only the White House, but educational institutions, interfaith religious bodies, and with the introduction of Al-Jazeera, even media. It is a grim picture that Coffman and Mathieson paint, yet there is still time to turn back this threat to liberty.
The authors note that jihadists like Morsi have learned a great deal about America. Morsi himself earned a Ph.D and taught for three years at California State University, Northridge. Shrewd in the extreme, the now-deposed president of Egypt has implemented every strategy the MB is using to overthrow the U.S., including meeting with evangelical leaders such as Bob Roberts, Jr.
Americans are trusting, and accommodating, and the jihadists exploit this to the full. As pointed out in Radical IslamAt the Door In the House, our Muslim enemies in 2006 demanded:
It’s this kind of outrageous demand that goes to the heart of the jihadists’ strategy: turn Americans into dhimmis, a concept in Islam which demands total submission by non-Muslims to the agenda of their rulers. Although such a reality is difficult for most Americans to believe is possible, it is not only possible for Muhammad’s followers, but well within their reach.
As has been pointed out, the Muslim Brotherhood plan to compromise America’s Christian leaders is progressing nicely. A “Common Word” document, establishing mutual cooperation between Islam and Christianity, has been signed by 300 church leaders, including kingpins Rick Warren and Bill Hybels. This type of gullibility places our country in danger, yet interfaith leaders work day and night to make it reality.
The authors point out that Obama isn’t the only U.S. president to behave strangely when it comes to confronting jihadists. In the days after 9/11, President George W. Bush allowed scores of Saudi nationals to leave the U.S., though air travel was shut down for Americans. Among those leaving was Prince Turki bin Faisal, “the widely feared head of the Saudi Intelligence Agency.” In November 2013, Faisal will be a featured speaker at Pastor Roberts’ “Global Faith Forum” at Northwood Church in Texas.
The authors also point out a whole host of facts that most Americans are not aware of, such as:
• Islamists have donated money to many American schools, including $20 million to the University of Arkansas and $5 million to Berkeley “from 2 Saudi Sheiks linked to al Qaeda.”
• A 2010 broadcast from Nile TV in Egypt reveals Barack Obama’s true nature regarding Islam.
• Muslims are taught to intentionally lie to “the enemy,” which means non-Muslims.
Radical Islam At the Door In the House outlines so much of the jihadists’ agenda for America that readers will be truly shocked. No longer will we have the excuse that other treatments of this subject are too much to digest, too scholarly, etc. This book is meant for the masses, and it is literally vital that it gains the widest readership possible.
It’s that good, and that scary.
Evil is permeating America like never before. The penetration of our society by Islam is but one of the attacks on this great nation. Volumes have been written on the subject, but few Americans have read them.
Exactly. That’s why a new book by Coffman and Mathieson, Radical Islam
This isn’t reading for the faint-of-heart, but it is one of the most extraordinary books of 2013, and will especially be accessible and relevant for Christian audiences in America. Coffman and Mathieson have done their homework, and then some.
Of particular interest is a rhetorical question they ask repeatedly: Why is the Obama administration mainstreaming the Muslim Brotherhood? The answer is chilling, but those who choose to face reality rather than the bottom of a sand hole just might look back one day and see that a clear-headed assessment of Islam’s plans for America saved many lives.
During an election speech in Cairo, in May 2012, Brotherhood leader Muhammad Morsi stated clearly, “The Qur’an is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal.”
Is this the kind of person an American government should prop-up? Of course not, but the question comes back to us again and again, like an ominous echo: Why is Barack Obama determined to support the Muslim Brotherhood and elsewhere aid jihadists?
Everywhere in Radical Islam
The authors note that jihadists like Morsi have learned a great deal about America. Morsi himself earned a Ph.D and taught for three years at California State University, Northridge. Shrewd in the extreme, the now-deposed president of Egypt has implemented every strategy the MB is using to overthrow the U.S., including meeting with evangelical leaders such as Bob Roberts, Jr.
Americans are trusting, and accommodating, and the jihadists exploit this to the full. As pointed out in Radical Islam
Metropolitan Airport Authority, Minneapolis-St. Paul: a cab driver can refuse to service the blind because of their dogs which are seen by many Muslims as unclean.
It’s this kind of outrageous demand that goes to the heart of the jihadists’ strategy: turn Americans into dhimmis, a concept in Islam which demands total submission by non-Muslims to the agenda of their rulers. Although such a reality is difficult for most Americans to believe is possible, it is not only possible for Muhammad’s followers, but well within their reach.
As has been pointed out, the Muslim Brotherhood plan to compromise America’s Christian leaders is progressing nicely. A “Common Word” document, establishing mutual cooperation between Islam and Christianity, has been signed by 300 church leaders, including kingpins Rick Warren and Bill Hybels. This type of gullibility places our country in danger, yet interfaith leaders work day and night to make it reality.
The authors point out that Obama isn’t the only U.S. president to behave strangely when it comes to confronting jihadists. In the days after 9/11, President George W. Bush allowed scores of Saudi nationals to leave the U.S., though air travel was shut down for Americans. Among those leaving was Prince Turki bin Faisal, “the widely feared head of the Saudi Intelligence Agency.” In November 2013, Faisal will be a featured speaker at Pastor Roberts’ “Global Faith Forum” at Northwood Church in Texas.
The authors also point out a whole host of facts that most Americans are not aware of, such as:
• Islamists have donated money to many American schools, including $20 million to the University of Arkansas and $5 million to Berkeley “from 2 Saudi Sheiks linked to al Qaeda.”
• A 2010 broadcast from Nile TV in Egypt reveals Barack Obama’s true nature regarding Islam.
• Muslims are taught to intentionally lie to “the enemy,” which means non-Muslims.
Radical Islam At the Door In the House outlines so much of the jihadists’ agenda for America that readers will be truly shocked. No longer will we have the excuse that other treatments of this subject are too much to digest, too scholarly, etc. This book is meant for the masses, and it is literally vital that it gains the widest readership possible.
It’s that good, and that scary.
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