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Thursday, August 15, 2013
"I participated in a Ghazwa [raid] with the Prophet. I said, 'Apostle, I am a bridegroom.' He asked me whether I had married a virgin or matron. I answered, 'A matron.' He said, 'Why not a virgin who would have played with you? Then you could have played with her.' 'Apostle! My father was martyred and I have some young sisters, so I felt it not proper that I should marry a young girl as young as them.'"
Bukhari: V4B52N211
Bukhari: V4B52N211
Your jelly-spined ignorant politicians want you to embrace these Muslim scumbags.
muslimrapewave — Dedicated to the memory of Charlene Downes.
Muslim Rape Website should make you pause to think about the safety of your wives and daughters and sisters.
To be on the safe side you should instruct your daughters to run a mile when ANY Muslim man or anyone even resembling a Muslim or anyone wearing a burka comes into view. That means UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES avoid contact with EVERY greasy dark skinned bearded or even clean-shaven looking scumbag.
ALL women and children are sitting ducks when Muslim men are frothing at the mouth on the prowl. The world is already overflowing with RAPED and DEAD women and children... the victims of Muslim men. The touchy-feely-naive-useful-idiots are preyed upon because they are easy targets who were not told that sex-crazed Muslim men are evil.
Don't be put off by the lefties who will tell you that you are 'racist'. Your wives and mothers and daughters should embrace 'Muslim Racism' because their very SURVIVAL depends on identifying and steering clear of Muslims.
Muslims men are the scum on the cesspits of humanity because Islam dictates their contemptible behaviour and Mohammed, their murderous paedophile rapist prophet, is their role model.
Sure, Not all Muslim Men are Not Rapists, but when that leering slobbering Muslim schlepps his whopper from the folds his pyjama onesie, it's too late to run.
ALL women and children are sitting ducks when Muslim men are frothing at the mouth on the prowl. The world is already overflowing with RAPED and DEAD women and children... the victims of Muslim men. The touchy-feely-naive-useful-idiots are preyed upon because they are easy targets who were not told that sex-crazed Muslim men are evil.
Don't be put off by the lefties who will tell you that you are 'racist'. Your wives and mothers and daughters should embrace 'Muslim Racism' because their very SURVIVAL depends on identifying and steering clear of Muslims.
Muslims men are the scum on the cesspits of humanity because Islam dictates their contemptible behaviour and Mohammed, their murderous paedophile rapist prophet, is their role model.
Sure, Not all Muslim Men are Not Rapists, but when that leering slobbering Muslim schlepps his whopper from the folds his pyjama onesie, it's too late to run.
Quotes from the Muslim Scum of Humanity who live next door...
- Muslim Anjum Tahir raped an English woman because, in his own words, he “didn’t understand the English way of doing things”. [Source]
- Rotherham Muslim rape-gang member Umar Razaq called his victim a “white bitch” [Source]
- Oxford Muslim rape-gang “exclusively wanted white girls to abuse” [Source]
- Lebanese Muslims led by Bilal Skaf gang-raped white Australian girls, calling them “Aussie Pigs”, telling them “we’re going to fuck you Leb-style”, “you deserve it because you’re Australian”, and asking them if “Leb-cock tastes better than Aussie cock”. [Source]
- Iranian immigrant doctor who groped patients said “Western women open their legs to easily” [Source]
- Muslims led by Ashtiaq Asghar murdered a white girl they were having sex with, calling her a “kuffar bitch” (“kuffar” is a derogatory term for a non-Muslim). Their mother also called her a “dirty white bitch”. [Source]
- Muslim Adil Rashid had sex with 13 year-old girl and said he didn’t know it was wrong because his Muslim upbringing taught him girls were worthless. [Source]
- Muslim paedophile Azad Miah called his victims “White Trash” [Source] and said “In My Country Age Doesn’t Matter” [Source]
- Muslim rapist Abdul Reda Al Shawany raped two women as punishment for reading the Bible, saying “Let Your Jesus Help You”. [Source]
- Muslim rapists the Khan brothers gang-raped girls and said they did it because they weren’t wearing head-scarves and in their culture women can’t say no. [Source]
- “Strict Muslim” Sunny Islam raped multiple girls as punishment for being outside. [Source]
- Muslim Rapist Esmatullah Sharifi said he raped women because of “cultural differences” and he didn’t understand what “consent” was. [Source]
- Muslim gang led by Shamrez Rashid raped girls as part of their Eid celebrations, and the court was packed with vocal Muslim supporters. [Source]
- Rochdale groomer told victim he wasn’t doing anything wrong because “in my country you’re allowed to have sex with people from the age of 11″. [Source]
- Judge concludes “You preyed on these girls because they were not part of your community or religion” [Source]
- Katie Taylor was groomed by Muslims who “said they couldn’t be seen with her because she was white”. [Source]
- Nigerian [50% Muslim] paedophile Opemipo Jaji was “obsessed with little white girls”. [Source]
- Muslim rape-gang in Telford smuggled white girls through the back window of their takeaway because they didn’t want to be seen with white girls [Source] [Source] and told them to “suck my sweet chocolate cock”. [Source]
- Muslim rape-gang leader Shabir Ahmed said in court “It’s not just them who are racist, we are racist too!”. [Source]
- Girl A in the Rochdale case “was singled out because she was white”. [Source]
- White Australian girls complain of constant racial-sexual harassment by Lebanese men. [Source]
- North African rapist in France “was angry at white people” and “wanted to humiliate white people”. [Source]
- Mufti Shahid Mehdi who said “Women are not entitled to respect when they walk around without a Hijab. They are to blame when they are attacked” rapes a Danish woman, then accuses her of being racist. [Source]
- Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali says women are asking to be raped by not wearing a hijab. [Source]
- Muslim immigrants interviewed in Sweden say “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl”. [Source]
- Pakistani who raped white girl told her “this is how it is in my religion”. [Source]
- “Asian” men in Britain are 5 times more likely to be groomers than white men in Britain. [Source]
- Black rapist in France asked white women their nationality and religion before raping them. [Source] [Source] [Source]
- Saudi Muslim cleric says the 72 virgins in Paradise are white women with wide eyes. [Source]
- Muslim prayer leader from Egypt claims “cultural misunderstanding” made him sexually assault Australian women. [Source]
- Iranian diplomat claims he accidentally molested under-age girls because of “cultural misunderstanding” [Source]
Access Sources here
- Muslim Anjum Tahir raped an English woman because, in his own words, he “didn’t understand the English way of doing things”. [Source]
- Rotherham Muslim rape-gang member Umar Razaq called his victim a “white bitch” [Source]
- Oxford Muslim rape-gang “exclusively wanted white girls to abuse” [Source]
- Lebanese Muslims led by Bilal Skaf gang-raped white Australian girls, calling them “Aussie Pigs”, telling them “we’re going to fuck you Leb-style”, “you deserve it because you’re Australian”, and asking them if “Leb-cock tastes better than Aussie cock”. [Source]
- Iranian immigrant doctor who groped patients said “Western women open their legs to easily” [Source]
- Muslims led by Ashtiaq Asghar murdered a white girl they were having sex with, calling her a “kuffar bitch” (“kuffar” is a derogatory term for a non-Muslim). Their mother also called her a “dirty white bitch”. [Source]
- Muslim Adil Rashid had sex with 13 year-old girl and said he didn’t know it was wrong because his Muslim upbringing taught him girls were worthless. [Source]
- Muslim paedophile Azad Miah called his victims “White Trash” [Source] and said “In My Country Age Doesn’t Matter” [Source]
- Muslim rapist Abdul Reda Al Shawany raped two women as punishment for reading the Bible, saying “Let Your Jesus Help You”. [Source]
- Muslim rapists the Khan brothers gang-raped girls and said they did it because they weren’t wearing head-scarves and in their culture women can’t say no. [Source]
- “Strict Muslim” Sunny Islam raped multiple girls as punishment for being outside. [Source]
- Muslim Rapist Esmatullah Sharifi said he raped women because of “cultural differences” and he didn’t understand what “consent” was. [Source]
- Muslim gang led by Shamrez Rashid raped girls as part of their Eid celebrations, and the court was packed with vocal Muslim supporters. [Source]
- Rochdale groomer told victim he wasn’t doing anything wrong because “in my country you’re allowed to have sex with people from the age of 11″. [Source]
- Judge concludes “You preyed on these girls because they were not part of your community or religion” [Source]
- Katie Taylor was groomed by Muslims who “said they couldn’t be seen with her because she was white”. [Source]
- Nigerian [50% Muslim] paedophile Opemipo Jaji was “obsessed with little white girls”. [Source]
- Muslim rape-gang in Telford smuggled white girls through the back window of their takeaway because they didn’t want to be seen with white girls [Source] [Source] and told them to “suck my sweet chocolate cock”. [Source]
- Muslim rape-gang leader Shabir Ahmed said in court “It’s not just them who are racist, we are racist too!”. [Source]
- Girl A in the Rochdale case “was singled out because she was white”. [Source]
- White Australian girls complain of constant racial-sexual harassment by Lebanese men. [Source]
- North African rapist in France “was angry at white people” and “wanted to humiliate white people”. [Source]
- Mufti Shahid Mehdi who said “Women are not entitled to respect when they walk around without a Hijab. They are to blame when they are attacked” rapes a Danish woman, then accuses her of being racist. [Source]
- Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali says women are asking to be raped by not wearing a hijab. [Source]
- Muslim immigrants interviewed in Sweden say “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl”. [Source]
- Pakistani who raped white girl told her “this is how it is in my religion”. [Source]
- “Asian” men in Britain are 5 times more likely to be groomers than white men in Britain. [Source]
- Black rapist in France asked white women their nationality and religion before raping them. [Source] [Source] [Source]
- Saudi Muslim cleric says the 72 virgins in Paradise are white women with wide eyes. [Source]
- Muslim prayer leader from Egypt claims “cultural misunderstanding” made him sexually assault Australian women. [Source]
- Iranian diplomat claims he accidentally molested under-age girls because of “cultural misunderstanding” [Source]
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