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Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Aisha [who was 9] said, 'I used to wash semen off the Prophet's [who was 53] clothes. When he went for prayers I used to notice one or more spots on them.'
Bukhari: V1B4N1229-33
Bukhari: V1B4N1229-33
“You spend thousands of thaka [national currency, ed] to send her to school, high school, college. Allow her to study until the fourth grade. This is all she needs to keep the household accounts after she gets married.„ — Ahmad Shah Shafi
You women should sit in the house of your husband, take care of his things and raise his children. This is your job. Why should you leave the house?. Why send your daughters to work in textile factories? - They leave home at 7 am and do not come back before midnight. You do not know what men they are with, you do not know how many zina [unlawful sexual activity, ed] are involved in
Islam is overflowing with paranoid, depraved, misogynistic, paedophiles. Yet there are many western women converting to Islam. Clearly these fools have no idea they are to be merely kitchen hands and sex toys churning out males for the rest of their miserable lives.
The first alarm bells to sound were the famous "13 points" presented in one of the more violent hartal (strikes) in recent months, which took place on May 5 last and cost the lives of dozens of people. Among the requests, a constitution based on Sharia law, the death penalty for anyone who defames Allah, Muhammad or Islam; the separation between the sexes at every level of society.
As if that were not enough, during Ramadan controversial and discriminatory statements were made which many analysts considered an insult and unsuited to the sacredness of the period, considered one of the most important moments in the Islamic religion. In particular, in July a video posted to Youtube and Facebook caused quite a stir. The movie shows Sheikh ul-Islam Allama Shah Ahmad Shafi, the 93 leader of Hefajat-e-Islam, discrediting women and explaining the need to deprive them of their freedom, an education and a job.
"You women - he says - should sit in the house of your husband, take care of his things and raise his children. This is your job. Why should you leave the house?". "Why send your daughters to work in textile factories? - He asks his audience - They leave home at 7 am and do not come back before midnight. You do not know what men they are with, you do not know how many zina [unlawful sexual activity, ed] are involved in".
He adds: "You spend thousands of thaka [national currency, ed] to send her to school, high school, college. Allow her to study until the fourth grade. This is all she needs to keep the household accounts after she gets married."
It is unclear when Ahmad Shah Shafi's statements were recorded. According to some even it was filmed last winter, if not sooner. But it is significant that it was put online - and, specifically, on platforms widely used by young people like Youtube and Facebook - in July, during Ramadan and in the midst of a period of political instability in Bangladesh, a few months before the general election.
Some commentators note that a victory of the Nationalist Party (Bangladesh Nationalist Party, now in opposition) is highly likely in these elections and - most importantly - its strongest ally: the Jamaat-e-Islami, which was excluded from the electoral race, because deemed "undemocratic."
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