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Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Allah's Apostle said, 'When you hear the crowing of cocks seek blessings, their crowing indicates that they have seen an angel. When you hear the braying of donkeys, seek refuge, for their braying indicates that they have seen Satan.'
Bukhari: V4B54N522
Bukhari: V4B54N522
Arafat's Illustrious Jewish Ancestry
Photographic evidence that Helen Thomas the late Great Jew Hater, Yasser Arafat the late Great Jew Hater and Menachem Levy the Late Great New York Rebbe, were triplets from the Great Katzenellenbogan dynasty.
Their dad was Rabbi Ezekiel Katzenellenbogan, Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. Their mum was Sarah from Minsk.
Yasser and Helen at the Family's Bar Mitzva in Jerusalem |
Yasser and Menachem Exchange Hanukkah Dreidels at Jossie's (Arafat's eldest son) Bar Mitzvah |
Yasser encouraging the Hora Dancers in Yiddish |
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