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Saturday, July 06, 2013
You have in (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one to follow.

Koran: 33:21

 “The “rampant” assaults show the “failure of the government and all political parties to face up to the violence that women in Egypt experience on a daily basis,” according to Human Rights Watch. (Reuters) 

Close to 100 women have been victims of sex attacks in Cairo’s Tahrir Square over the last four days, according to Human Rights Watch.

These are serious crimes that are holding women back from participating fully in the public life of Egypt at a critical point in the country’s development.

SEX, VIOLENCE and ABJECT STUPIDITY are the ingredients. Garnish with a beheading or two and a handful of rapes and pinch of paedophilia. Then sprinkle with Honor Killing and and half-a-dozen suicide bombings and boil up this mess in a cesspit for 1,400 years... and there you have it - Islam.
The “rampant” assaults show the “failure of the government and all political parties to face up to the violence that women in Egypt experience on a daily basis,” said HRW, Sky News reported.

Some of the women were attacked with knives, metal chains, sticks and chairs, according to reports.
It is thought that the perpetrators are thugs taking advantage of the square’s lack of security.

“These are serious crimes that are holding women back from participating fully in the public life of Egypt at a critical point in the country’s development,” said Joe Stork, HRW’s deputy Middle East director, as quoted by Sky News.

HRW called on Egypt’s politicians and leaders to “condemn and take immediate steps to address the horrific levels of sexual violence” in Tahrir Square.


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