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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them.

Ishaq: 323

 Egyptian imam Mahmoud al-Masri is teaching children how to lie, on children’s TV. In the second video al-Mehri, a specialist on lies and deceit apparently, teaches Muslims how they should lie about Islam to infidels and jews in particular to make it appear sweeter than it actually is (at least he is aware that only lies would attract people to it).

"If you hate your wife and want to kill her, what should you do? LIE to her! And lie to her that you love her even if you don’t."

"And lie to your enemies. And to people around you. In fact, you can just lie about most of your intentions and actions, as long as it is lies from the heart. Learn how to lie – Islam style."

Muslims can magically transform blatant Lies into Truths and Truths into blatant LIES using only Islamic Sharia as a prop.

This smarmy piece of crap should be dunked head first into a cesspit of camel dung. These muhammanoids are seriously deranged and they must be encouraged to interbreed and kill each other as they are doing in Syria and Egypt and the other hell holes.


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