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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
By Muhammad's order we beguiled them.
Ishaq: 442
Ishaq: 442
What are the defining characteristics, what is the essence, of "colonialism"? It consists in the movement of one people,into the land of another, in order to economically exploit that land, either its natural resources, or the the wealth to be found among the indigenous inhabitants that might, in various ways, be appropriated.
Muslims, having no historic claim on the lands of Western Europe,have managed to move in by the millions.
And there they settle, and by aggressive, cunning, and often fraudulent exploitation of every possible benefit offered by the non-Muslim indigenes, in those welfare states where free education, free health care at the Western (not the Muslim) level, free or nearly free housing, along with all kinds of family subsidies and other benefits, offer those coming from wretched (made wretched, and permanently, by Islam) societies and states a fantastic cornucopia of expensive benefits.
Outside the confines of their own hell-holes, Muslims parasites scurry around Australia, Canada, Norway and every other place on earth that coughs-up Islamic jizya/social security paycheck.
They are suffused with an ideology that teaches them that they are superior to all those who are not like them, that is who are not Muslims, and nothing, no objective observations about the political, economic, social, intellectual, and moral failures of Muslims have been brought home to them, forced them to rethink.
They live battening on those they despise, but whom for now they must continue to endure and to prevent from looking too deeply into the texts and tenets of Islam, and find ways to explain away the attitudes and atmospherics of Islam, so obviously dangerous for non-Muslims.
That is today's colonialism, the colonizing of non-Muslim lands by Muslims, which over the past 1400 years has been the largest and most successful colonialism in modern history. And it goes on, it doesn't stop.
It should be properly identified. The Muslims who enter Europe are not coming to integrate into European society., to embrace the Enlightenment and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man. Nor are they coming to contribute -- with a very few exceptions -- to the economic or any other kind of wellbeing of the lands within Dar al-Islam.
They come to get what they have heard, what they know, is available so generously for their taking.
They take it as by right, as the Jizyah they deserve but at present, cannot exact since Muslims do not yet rule.
This is not a strange and fantastical description but, rather, sober and measured. What will you do about it?
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