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Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I entered the Mosque, saw Abu, sat beside him and asked about sex. Abu Said said, 'We went out with Allah's Apostle and we received female slaves from among the captives. We desired women and we loved to do coitus interruptus.'

Bukhari: V5B59N459

I dare you to listen and then tell me what could possibly be redeeming about Islam and Muslim men. Yes, I am a very proud racist, bigot, hate-monger and Islamophobe because of these vile and depraved teaching from the Koran.

This is incredible audio from a 11-year-old Yemeni girl who fled her home because her mother was going to force her into marriage. She said she’s never returning home because her mother ruined her life and that she’d rather kill herself before being forced into marriage. Unfortunately, she said, other girls weren’t so lucky and did kill themselves by burning themselves alive and plunging themselves in the river.

She comes across as a very intelligent girl who wants to be educated and to experience her youth, neither of which she said would happen if she’d been forced into marriage.

Marrying off children is a Muhammanoid concept because Muhammad screwed a nine-year-old after marrying her when she was just out of diapers. Muslims think this psychopath and paedophilic madman is a role-model worth emulating. But we civilized people know that only a sub-human would have married a six year old and then masturbated and ejaculated (called "thighing" by those in the know) against her body until she was nine after which he shoehorned his shlong into her to get his rocks off.

Can you even imagine your sister or daughter encountering such depraved abhorrence?

Being masturbated over by foul old men is not an internal ideological Islamic issue, which we should be admonished to respect. This depravity is a universal Human Rights issue. An issue about well being... about basic decent human behaviour... about rights of human beings... especially women and children, whom Muslim men regard merely as their cattle.

Unlike my politicians, I don't buy the barf bags of Koranic vomit that Muslims sell. I will never buy the Greatest Anti–Woman Hate Ideology Ever Conceived: Islam. 


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