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Monday, July 29, 2013
During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle dogs used to urinate and pass through the mosque. Nevertheless they never used to sprinkle water on it.
Bukhari: V1B4N174
Bukhari: V1B4N174
It is not possible for the EU to grovel any lower?
The ‘military wing’ of Hezbollah is part and parcel of the same entity, there are no separate autonomous institutions within Hezbollah (and the Hamas terror organization), anymore than there were separate autonomous units within the Al Capone mob in Chicago. The bribing of officials and social services to communities in the areas of the mob’s influence stemmed from the same office that ordered acts of violence.
The EU's designation of Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organisation was hailed by the US and Israel as a step towards isolating the organisation, Lebanon's most powerful political group.
"A government without Hezbollah will never be formed," Nasrallah said. "Just as a joke, I propose that our ministers in the next government be from the military wing of Hezbollah."
Translated: "European politicians are brain dead cowardly scumbags. Lets dump a load of camel dung on their heads"
"A government without Hezbollah will never be formed," Nasrallah said. "Just as a joke, I propose that our ministers in the next government be from the military wing of Hezbollah."
Translated: "European politicians are brain dead cowardly scumbags. Lets dump a load of camel dung on their heads"
In a televised speech, Sheikh Nasrallah also mocked the EU's careful distinction between Hezbollah's military and political wings, both of which he leads.
''A government without Hezbollah will never be formed,'' he said. ''Just as a joke, I propose that our ministers in the next government be from the military wing of Hezbollah.''
Lebanon has a caretaker government after the resignation earlier this year of prime minister Najib Miqati. Another Lebanese politician, Tammam Salam, has been designated prime minister and is trying to form a new cabinet.
The EU's designation of Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organisation was hailed by the US and Israel as a step towards isolating the organisation, Lebanon's most powerful political group.
Under the European action on Monday, EU diplomats are prohibited from talking to officials from Hezbollah's military wing, and the group is prohibited from maintaining offices and raising funds in Europe.
The decision came after heavy pressure from the US and Israel in the wake of last year's bombing of an Israeli tour group in Bulgaria that both Israeli and Bulgarian authorities have blamed on Hezbollah terrorists.
But with several EU members having troops in southern Lebanon as part of a United Nations peacekeeping force, no EU member appears willing to cut off communication with the group completely.
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