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Thursday, July 25, 2013
O my People! I fear a Day when there will be mutual wailing. No one shall defend you against Allah. Any whom Allah causes to err, there is no guide. That is how Allah leads the skeptic astray.

Koran: 40:32

Senior Iranian Cleric Calls on Muslims to Keep Vigilant against West's Divisive Plots

The western countries are doing their best to sow seeds of discords among Muslim countries, Ayatollah Sobhani said while addressing a group of theological students in Central city of Qom.

In Syria which is the only Arab state resisting usurper Zionists, they try to defame Islam, the high-ranking Iranian cleric added.

Syria? Really? A role model state?
Senior Iranian Cleric Calls on Muslims to Keep Vigilant against West's Divisive Plots
Confused Imam Sees Unicorn
The West is now afraid of scientific progress of Muslim countries and thus it has decided to create obstacles to their success, he said.

Like what? A Sword. The camel saddle? The garbage Burka? Multipurpose pyjamas?
Early in June, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with Iranian officials and ambassadors of Muslim countries in Tehran on the occasion of Mab'ath, the anniversary of the appointment of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to prophethood, said, "Hegemonic powers intend to sow discord among Muslims in order to distract them from their main issues and making the necessary progress."

WTF are their main issues? Misogyny? Beheading? Suicide bombings? Sex? Paedophilia?
The Supreme Leader noted that the most important duty of Muslim nations under the present conditions is to remain vigilant against the enemy plots in a bid to be able to take appropriate measures and avoid mistakes.

Avoid mistakes? Islam IS A MISTAKE. You can't avoid it.
"The enemy's main scheme is to create rifts and conflict among Muslims. So, unity, solidarity and cooperation are the most pressing needs of the Muslim world," Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

Jeez! Your mob of muhammanoid misfits has no problem creating "rifts and conflict among Muslims" without any outside help.
He said that the enemies seek to drive a wedge between Muslims to deflect their attention from their main enemies which are corrupt capitalism and the Zionist regime of Israel.

Corrupt capitalism, hey? Your mob would still be inventing bronze age egg-timers if it weren't for corrupt capitalism.


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