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Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Allah's Apostle said, 'Some eloquent speech is as effective as magic.'
Bukhari: V6B60N662
xena Bukhari: V6B60N662
“Anti "Islamophobia" advertisements due to screen on major free-to-air channels from today rely on a fabricated quote from Irish playwright and avowed atheist George Bernard Shaw, from a book that does not exist, according to the International Shaw Society.„
The 30-second ads have been funded by the Sydney-based Mypeace organisation, which says it hopes to "build bridges" between Muslims and other Australians.
** Jeez, these numbnuts don't even know how to use Google let alone build a bridge. **But International Shaw Society treasurer Richard F Dietrich said he had compiled a complete list of Shaw's works, which did not include the book. In his writings, Shaw described the religion of Islam in a 1933 letter to Rev Ensor Walters as "ferociously intolerant".
I think 'The Genuine Islam' is bogus.
A word of advice to these idiots: If you are too dumb to use Google then try HalalGoogle. It's a kosher search engine for Muslim underachievers... it's easy to use and filters controversial stuff. Best of all you don't need to think. Inshalah!
Bullshit. Never Said By Shaw. |
Animated with voiceovers and with quotations displayed on the screen, they feature major historical figures including Mahatma Gandhi and Shaw praising the prophet Mohammed.
In his writings, Shaw described the religion in a 1933 letter to Rev Ensor Walters as "ferociously intolerant".
'Mahomet rose up at the risk of his life and insulted the stones (that the Arabs worshipped) shockingly, declaring that there is only one God, Allah, the glorious and the great . . . And there was to be no nonsense about toleration,' Shaw wrote.
'You accepted Allah or you had your throat cut by someone who did accept him, and who went to Paradise for having sent you to Hell.'
'You accepted Allah or you had your throat cut by someone who did accept him, and who went to Paradise for having sent you to Hell.'
The suggestion that Shaw may have written a book entitled The Genuine Islam has its origins in an interview between Shaw and Muslim propagandist Maulana Mohammed Abdul Aleem Siddiqui published in a Muslim periodical in January 1936.
The interview took place in Mombasa, Kenya, some time between April 10 and 20, 1935, and copies of the periodical remain.
It contains a quotation which describes Mohammed as the "saviour of humanity" and Islam as having "wonderful vitality" and "the chance to rule of Britain, nay Europe, in the next hundred years", but these are not recorded as the words of Shaw.
The quotation appears in a separate quotation box without attribution, and not in the main body of the interview.
However, the main body of the interview does feature Shaw challenging Siddiqui from a rationalist perspective.
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