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Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Allah said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.' Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid.

Tabari I:280

A rape culture exists in Islam because women are nothing more than animals under Islamic Law. Women, according to the Koran, are inferior and are the property of men. As a result, they have no basic human rights, and live under constant threat of death if they dishonor their family.

It is no surprise that Muslim gang rapes infest Muslim countries, and now also in the host countries in Europe where Muslims are growing in numbers.
ISLAM: GREATEST ANTI – WOMAN HATE IDEOLOGY EVER CONCEIVED. Muslim women/children are the property of their man. A Muslim man defines his so called honor by his woman and if she dishonors him - and he defines what this so called dishonor means - he has the FULL right granted to him by God to beat and murder her.
beforeitsnews — Douglas V. Gibbs
Muslim gang-rapes across Europe under-reported in press
Muslim cattle women. Insufferable cruelty.
High profile-gang rapes in India have been in the headlines since December. The phenomenon is growing across Europe too, but tends to be under reported due to the high incidence of Muslim perpetrators which makes it politically incorrect to mention.

A rape culture exists in Islam because women are nothing more than animals under Islamic Law. Women, according to the Koran, are inferior and are the property of men. As a result, they have no basic human rights, and live under constant threat of death if they dishonor their family. Little girls are beheaded for reasons that we can’t even fathom here in the United States.

In Muslim countries innocent young girls are constantly abused, but if you dare criticize it you are considered insensitive, Islamophobic, or a hater.

From forced marriages, kidnappings, rapes, beatings, and murders, it is common for women in Islam, and non-Muslim women (which also is permitted by Islam to be taken as sex slaves), to be treated as sub-human by Muslim men. False-prophet Muhammad had a large number of sex slaves and wives under his control, and advised his male followers to imitate his example.
From forced marriages, kidnappings, rapes, beatings, and murders, it is common for women in Islam, and non-Muslim women (which also is permitted by Islam to be taken as sex slaves), to be treated as sub-human by Muslim men.
Muslims have been taught from birth to be violent, and to think that women are inferior and that females who do not protect their honor by covering up are prostitutes and fair game. Women are not partners, but inferiors, relegated down to a level lower than animals.

It is no surprise that Muslim gang rapes infest Muslim countries, and now also in the host countries in Europe where Muslims are growing in numbers.

The leftist establishment refuses to report these gang rapes, or spend any time reporting on the abuses against women by Islam. . . because of money. Islam pumps money into progressivism, and in return the statists and the liberal media protect Islam – refusing to acknowledge that the ideology that masks as a religion, once strong enough, will work to dominate and destroy the leftists, as well. . . for the non-Muslims of liberalism are even lower than women.


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